Final Flashcards
macro level, overall historical process by which reality is increasingly mastered by calculation, scientific knowledge, and rational action.
capacity of social action by the individual actor.
4 types of rationalization
Formal Rationality, Substantive Rationality, Practical Rationality, and Theoretical Rationality.
Formal Rationality
people think in ways that are quantitative
Substantive Rationality
choices based on values alone (sex before marriage, protest instead of going to class)
Practical Rationality
function or utility (study for test because function works).
Theoretical Rationality
imposed order based on prior knowledge.
a conscious denial of worldly pleasure with the aim of reaching a valued goal and higher moral state
Calvinism - Calvalnist Doctrine - Predestination
“fate” where God chooses one’s path.
Rational Capitalism
influenced by the Protestant Ethic because it is read by smaller continued profit.
Value Free
to look at sociology historically and comparatively.
Methodological approaches
Marx’s approach is through the dialectical method (through the kinds of oppositions that exist), Durkehim’s approach is through social facts, and Weber’s approach is through comparison using the tool of the ideal type.
Social Action - Weber - “Inner States” -
Understanding → walking to the car as a woman
Interpretive understanding → a woman that is alone
Subjective meaning → woman has experienced violence before
Social action → crossing the street
Four Types of Social Action -
Traditional Action, Affectual Action, Value Rational Action, Instrumentally Rational Action
Rational Legal Domination
think of citizenship and democracies, leaders we see as legitimate because they went through rules processes to become elected. We may not agree with what they stand for but we respect them going through the election process. Does not have absolute power, an individual is in a position. Our allegiance is to that position, not the individual.
Iron Cage
people feel trapped in bureaucracies and lost, solution is democracy in bureaucracies.
Traditional Action
orientation to fixed traditional beliefs (behavior in an elevator).
Affectual Action
motivated by an emotional response
Value Rational Action:
orientation to an absolute value (I’m going to do this because it is important to me, see peaceful protestant joining)
Instrumentally Rational Action
means/ends rationality and rational efficacy.