Final Flashcards
Ablation Till
- Till laid down by melting ice, usually ice that has become stagnant.
- combination of englacial and supraglacial flow tills
- Thick, sandy and bouldary melt-out till
- Like basal till, but fewer fines, more gravelly, more angular, less dense, no fabric.
May have some stratification or lenses of water-borne sediments.
• NOTE: tills can easily be mixed up with colluvium!
Ablation Zone
*The lower part of the glacier.
*Zone of an active glacier where more snow and ice is lost in summer than is gained in winter.
• Snow melts seasonally here → net deficit of ice.
*Distinguished from the accumulation zone.
*Loss of snow and ice due to melting in temperate regions, but also evaporation, calving, wind and river erosion, and sublimation.
• Negative mass balance: continuously shrinking, but fed by flow of ice from above.
(• Equilibrium line: separates accumulation and ablation zones.)
-transfer of mass from the accumulation and ablation zones maintains a constant or equilibrium surface gradient.
Abrasion (Aeolian)
- Most probable mechanisms for dust generation in deserts
- The grinding or wearing action of sand and other material carried by the wind against rock surfaces
- Limited to the ability of the wind to lift abrasive sand in saltation
Abrasion (Glacial)
• Scouring of rock by glacial ice and embedded sediment (clasts)
- As clasts are move in traction, their edges and corners cut striations, while the finer abrasives polish the underlying rock surface.
- meltwater is responsible for transporting abrasive materials (along with going along with the glacier itself)
- Rates of abration may be greatest with low debris concentrations.
Rates of abration depend on frequency of contract between abrasic materials and bedrock, hardness of abrasives relative to bed, and the downward force exerted on the abrasives.
-Big angular clasts are most effective
• Rates of up to 5 mm/yr have been determined.
- Highest pressure in front of the slope, and lowest behind it.
- Cold based ice does not allow for much abrasion - and even protects the bed (because abrasion requires the presence of water) - Warm based ice is much more effective..
Abrasion (Rock Coasts)
Rock fragments and sand are swept, rolled, dragged over or thrown against rock surfaces
-Cylindrical depressions (potholes) develop where large clasts are rotated by swirling water inthe surf or breaker zones.
Accumulation Zone
*The upper part of an active, moving glacier.
• Positive mass balance: surplus of snow and ice here force the glacier to move downhill.
*snowfall accumulates and exceeds the losses from ablation
• Firn survives the summer.
(- Continental Glaciers grow outward from accumulation zones)
Aeolian Erosion processes
Aeolian Transport
- To build up the floor or slope of a river by deposition. Slopes built up in this way are described as aggradational
- Increasing amounts of sediment cause single channels to widen and aggrade, promoting braiding
Alluvial Fans
• Sloping, fan-shaped deposits built upon the floodplain of a larger river.
• Stream often splits into multiple distributary channels.
• Typically occur where streams leave steep mountain valleys and enter a larger, main river valley.
*upper fan is the youngest
*consists of sand and gravel
*Cone shaped,
Fluvial sediments: Valleys often have a fill of this stuff: a combination of bar and floodplain deposits
-Sediment deposited by rivers and consisting largely of sand, silt and clay
Alpine Erosional Landforms
**FIGURE 7.8 & 7.9 IN TEXT
- Cirques
- Gacial troughs
- Hanging valleys
- Truncated spurs
- Fjords
- Aretes
- Horn
Alpine Glaciers
- Long and narrow mountain glaciers which fill / carve valleys or ‘troughs’.
- Begin as “pocket glaciers” in high alpine bowls.
- Flow together like streams.
- Coalesce into piedmont glaciers when they leave the mountains.
(May feed continental glaciers, if fringes are mountainous)
(landforms are similar for both alpine glaciers and ice caps/sheets, though dimensions will differ..)
PAGE 229 for picture.. coooool.
*Shaking levels at a site may be increased, or amplified, by focusing of seismic energy caused by the geometry of the sediment velocity structure, such as basin subsurface topography, or by surface topography.
*Two important local geologic factors that affect the level of shaking experienced in earthquakes are (1) the softness of the surface rocks and (2) the thickness of surface sediments.
- Multiple, stable, low-sinuosity channels.
- Well developed levees, many vegetated islands.
- Floodplain relatively distinct
*consists of two or more fairly deep and narrow interconnected sand or gravel channels that enclose floodplain areas
*Similar to braided rivers, except these are separated by prominant natural levees, wetlands, ponds and vetegated semi-permanent islands. Also the islands are much larger than the channels, where in braided, they are similar to the size of the channel.
Angle of Repose (or internal friction)
The steepest surface gradient of loose sediment. The mass angle of repose ranges from about 32-35 degrees, generally increasing with diminishing grain size and decreasing sphericity. Individual grains, however, can have much higher angles of repose.
• Sharp-crested ridges acting as the divide between two glaciated areas.
Barchan dunes
- crescent-shaped features, horns point downwind.
- ~1 m to 100’s of m from horn to horn.
- unidirectional winds.
- Indicates that strong, competent, frequent winds
- form where sand supply is limited, and they are the fastest migrating form
*Little vegetation in the area
*Aeolian transport is more rapid across and around the sides of patches or mounds of sand than across the centres, where sand is the thickest.
Barchanoid ridges
- Barchans frequently occur in coalesced forms called barchanoid ridges
- oriented perpendicular to the wind direction.
Barrier islands
Coastal landscape
- Depositional landform
- vulernable to subsidence, erosion and rising sea levels
*Long narrow beach forms completely separated or detached from the mainland
-Enclose estuaries, emayments or narrow lagoons that are connected to the open sea through cannels or tidal inlets between the islands
*Some shift landward and some along the shore (due to longshore transport)
Basal Till (lodgement till)
Glacial sediemtn deposit
*Till that has been carried or depoisited a the bottom of the ice
*Dense and overconsolidated, often dominantly fine-grained, and with clasts that have rounded edges and sometimes striated or faceted surfaces.
*Have distinct till fabric, sometimes with stone dipping gently upglacier, in accordance with the direction of maximum stress.
Baymouth barriers
Coastal Landscape
-Depositional feature as a result of longshore drift.
*A spit that completely closes access to a bay, sealing it off from the main body of water.
*usually consist of accumulated gravel and sand carried by the current of longshore drift and deposited at a less turbulent part of the current.
commonly occur across artificial bay and river entrances due to the loss of kinetic energy in the current after wave refraction.
Bedload transport
Fluvial sedimentary process (transport)
– Almost entirely function of flow volume, velocity and turbulence
– Sand and coarse particles roll, slide and saltate (jump) at constant rate unless obstructed
– Increase in flow strength causes entrainment and a fall in velocity causes deposition
*Much slower than the flow velocity
*Sediment becomes finer downriver because size sorting in bed load and, to a lesser extent, because of abrasion and particle breakdown. Because of this, bed load becomes increasingly secondary to suspended load down the course of the river
River Channel Pattern
• Typical conditions:
o Erratic (flashy) discharge.
o Steep slope, low sinuosity.
o Relatively coarse bed material (> sand)
o High sediment load.
*Most common in high latitudes
*Very common at glacier outwash deposits
• Some characteristics:
o Multiple small, shallow channels.
o Many bars.
o Highly unstable.
*One or more channels are usually dominant in large braided rivers
Where ice breaks off glaciers in big chunks
Chemical weathering
carbonates are not usually the end products of weathering, but their formation represents an important step in the breakdown of feldspars and some other minerals
• Solution of minerals in carbonic acid (water + CO2).
*CO2 from atmosphere, decaying organic matter.
- Example: solution of calcite.
- Formation of carbonic acid: H2O + CO2 → H2CO3
- Solution of calcite: CaCO3 + H2CO3 → Ca2+ + 2HCO3-
• Prevalent in limestone bedrock (almost pure CaCO3).
Cascade Pool
Small Channel
• Low discharge (typically 3rd-order or less).
• Steep (S between 2º and 20º)
o Usually found in headwaters of a watershed.
• Usually coarse bed material.
• Common channel patterns:
o Both low sinuosity.
o Low sediment transport.
*closely spaced pools
-continuous, turbulent flow
(Swiftness of movement)
(wave property)
Channel Bed Characteristics
*many local variables
o Grain size decreases and clast rounding increases progressively downstream
o Bedforms include pool-riffles, potholes, bars, dunes, ripples, etc. armoured beds
o Large woody debris important
Drainage Patterns controlled by:
o Bedrock structure (e.g. joints, faults)
o Bedrock lithology
o Sediment grain size
Channel Gradation
o Most of BC’s river valleys have been through a cycle of channel gradation since the end of last Ice Age:
i. Aggradation of glaciofluvial sediment. ii. Degradation as sediment supply dwindles.
o This has produced multiple terraces in many valleys.
Graded streams
Channel Sands
Sand deposited in a stream bed or other channel that has been eroded
Chemical Weathering
Solution (leaching)
Chevron Crevasse
- develop because of drag with the valley walls, open at right angles to the max tension. Run 45 degrees downstream to the valley sides.
- High alpine bowl where glaciers begin.
- Often occupied by small lakes called tarns.
Coastal foredunes
*Wind flow accelerates around hard objects, causing sand grains to bounce further and higher.
• Wind direction can vary as flows from a variety of incident angles are steered shoreward by changing roughness and surface slope at the back of a beach
*Saltation across the upper portion of many beaches can be enhanced by the presence of shells etc
*Dunes begin to develop above the high tidal level, where the wind is deflected around vegetation and other obstacles
*Vegetation grows (light), and encourages more accumulation of sand
- Along the coast, there is typically a foredune complex (linear, shore-parallel, vegetated dunes backing a sandy beach)
- Blowouts occur when strong onshore winds erode a gap in a coastal foredune, sweeping sand from the beach and dune inland
- These typically grade into parabolic dune
- Coastal dunes buffer against storm surges & sea-level rise
A force that is involved in slope stability
Low pass in arete
Sediment deposited by mass wasting, other hillslope processes.
• unstratified or weakly stratified.
*Loose, unsorted, weathered
Map Symbol: C
Active status of formative process
Can easily be mixed up with till.
Continental Erosional Landorms
**FIGURE 7.7
Rock Drumlins
Rock Basins
Continental Glaciers
- Dome shaped glacier which buries the landscape.
- Grow outward from central accumulation zone.
- May be fed by high alpine glaciers, or have alpine ‘outlet glaciers’ if fringes are mountainous.
- May spread onto ocean → ice shelves.
- Ice caps < 50 000 km2.
- e.g. Pemberton Icefield, Columbia Icefield.
- Ice sheets > 50 000 km2.
- e.g. Antarctica, Greenland “Ice Cap.”
Convergent plate
Where tectonic plates collide → intense geological activity.
• Subduction of one plate beneath another.
• Earthquakes.
• Chain of volcanoes.
• Folding and faulting.
• Joining of continents.
Coppice dunes
- Coppice dunes are vegetated sand mounds that are commonly scattered throughout sand plains in semiarid regions where shrubs and blowing sand are abundant
- They can be incipient forms of parabolic dunes because the vegetation anchors them
- Common in coastal areas
Coulomb Equation
S = c + (σ – μ) tanΦ
S = shear strength
c = cohesion
σ = effective normal stress (=mg cosβ)
μ = pore pressure due to water
Φ = angle of internal friction (angle of respose)
Crag and Tails
Form from ice push, abrasion and plucking
can be considered a special type of drumlin in which a tail of sediment extends downstream from a projecting rock knob.
*Cavaties on the lee side of the rock obstructions can fill with sediment falling from the roof or washed in by meltwate
• Slow, shallow downslope movement of soil or rock debris.
- Rates ~ 0.1 and 15 mm/year.
- Fastest at surface.
- Main soil creep mechanisms:
- Freezing and thawing.
- Wetting and drying.
- Solifluction / gelifluction.
- Creep depends on water content, grain size, and slope angle.
- Typical indicators: uphill-bent trees, tilted poles, folded strata, small terraces.
*Pariglacial slope processes: Gelifluction and frost creep.. (solifluction..)
- Glacier slows at rock obstacles, surges over steps.
- Crevasses are basically normal faults in the ice where under tension.
- May form icefalls in very steep places.
3 simple types..
Chevron crevasse - drag with valley walls - 45 degrees
Splaying crevasse - meet with valley walls at less than 45 degrees
Transverse crevasse - right angles..
Fluvial sediments - small and larger scale structures.. May show flow direction.
-ripple, dunes bar architecture
*Consists of foreset beds that are steeply inclined to the main bedding plane.
*Most frequent in sandy sediments in fluvial, coastal and aeloian environments, as erosion occurs on the upstream side and deposition at the angle of repose on the downstream side of migrating ripples, sand waves and sand dunes.
*Fluctuation in discharge and velocity cause bed erosion and the formation of depressions that are later filled with sediment
Trough cross-bedding - produced by bedforms with curved or irregular crests
Planar cross-bedding - bedforms with linear or straight crests
Erosional landform (sediment)
- found in abundance along mature or meandering streams
- located on the outside of a stream bend, known as a meander, opposite the slip-off slope on the inside of the bend.
- shaped much like a small cliff, and are formed by the erosion of soil as the stream collides with the river bank.
- Often erosion proceeds to turn the meandering river into an oxbow lake
Debris Avalanche
- Long-runout rockslides
- the debris of rock fragments assumes a transition streaming or flowing motion followed by falls and flows (cushion of compressed air, dense cloud of dust, vapourized intersitial water, or wet mud)
- can have rates of more than 300 km/hr, and distances of 5-20 times the height of the vertical descent
- In canada - tend to occur in well-jointed, steep rock dippings at angles 25-40 degrees.
- triggered by heavy precipitation, frost action or seizmic event
- Direction of slip movement is almost always normal to the anticlines, synclines, thrust faults etc.
• Snow avalanches sometimes included here…
Debris Flow
• Rapid flow of muddy water with large amount of coarse material (e.g. boulders, trees, cars).
• Less water than mud flow.
• Poorly sorted.
*In valleys and mountainslopes
*From heavy seasonal rainfall or snowmelt
*Travel considerable distances
*may form ridges or levees along the sides of the valleys when they decelerate. (large cones or fans at the front of the flow)
*glacialmarine -> non-glacial sediments
• Beware of unconformities: erosion boundaries between strata → loss of information.
• Erosion may go right to bedrock.
*Movement of the glacier ceases when there is no longer an accumulation zone.
*Deglaciation over large areas was accomplished by ice thinning and ice disintegration rather than the steady retreat of the ice margins..
*Dominant features are a vaiety of ridges and plateaus
• These deposits and other landforms are the clues with which our glacial history was reconstructed!
Lowering of the land surface by erosion
In River..
=excessive erosion of the river bed (downcutting).
o Channel is locally lowered → slope decrease.
o Possible causes:
• Decrease in sediment load (e.g. end of glacial stage).
• Increase in flow (e.g. inter-basin flow diversion).
• Fall in base level (e.g. tectonic uplift).
Glaciolacustrine depositional landform
- Fan-shaped deposits where streams enter proglacial lakes.
- May be abnormally large due to the enormous load of sediment.
• Built where a river enters standing water (lake or ocean).
• Flatter, finer grained than alluvial fans.
• Exact shape depends on coastal processes.
*River drops load as enters a body of standing water (sea or lake)
*Fail to develop in areas with strong waves, currents or tides, or where the river carrier little sediment
Depositional Aeolian features
Loess deposits
Determinants of Channel Form
Sediment Load
Sediment calibre
*Any poorly sorted mixture of mud, sand and rock fragments
*Tills are glacial diamictons
-Volume rate in water flow - includes loads that are transported in the volume
(Q) - the most important variable in determining channel morphology.
o Related to climate, position in watershed.
o Amount determines channel size; timing is important in determining style of channel.
- Q is the volume of water per unit time passing through a cross-section of a stream.
- Q = Av
- A = cross-sectional area (Wd), v = mean velocity.
- Or Q = w d v
• Maximum velocity occurs almost at the top / centre (or outside of a bend).
- Temporal: varies in response to changing precipitation, snowmelt inputs (seasonal, storm-scale).
- Discharge Hydrographs show changes in Q with time.
In chemical weathering (solution - leaching)
The separation of cations and anions and their dispersion in water.
- Dissociation of minerals in water.
- Ions added to groundwater, surface water.
- E.g. basaltic rocks in Hawaii → karst-like features
- mostly salts, gypsum, carbonate esp.
Dissolved Load
Sediment transport..
• Dissolved (solutional) load
– solute concentration is often estimated from the electrical conductivity of the water (doesn’t include dissolved silica, important in tropical rivers)
*Solutional load concentrations usually decrease with increasing discharge (high discharge also has less opportunity to pickup solute)
*During periods of low flow, concentrations increase as a result of evapotranspirational losses from chanls and the supply of groundwater
*Higher solutional load over limestone, dolomites or evaporites and low in areas of shield bedrock.
Distributary Channel
A river channel usually deltaic, that splits off from the main channel and does not rejoin it
Divergent Plate
Divergent margins:
o The ocean bottom is a vast lava plateau.
o Lava plateaux may also form when large cracks in the crust form in non-divergent settings.
*Large ridges or mountainchains develop beneath the oceans along the divergent margins
*New crust is created from volcanic material welling up into the gap
Continental Erosional Landform (Ice contact)
Rock drumlin:
• Like whalebacks, but asymmetrical.
• Steeper end up-glacier
• Dimensions: height up to 50 m, length up to several km.
- Drumlins
- Streamlined hills of till up to 60 m high.
- Usually teardrop-shaped (steep side up-glacier).
- Usually occur in groups (swarms or fields).
Drumlins formed under ice sheets are often distributed in bands that are paralell or perpindicular to the direction of ice movement. Direction of ice flow should not be based on a single drumlin, as a small proportion of the forms in drumlin fields have reversed profile shapes in relation to ice flow.
Dunes (Aeloian)
Aeolian landscape and landforms
Hills of windblown sand
Variable types of dune depended on sand availability, grain size and distribution, wind energy, vegetation etc.
Depositional form:
Barchanoid ridges
Transverse dunes
Parabolic dunes
Coppice dunes
Coastal dunes
Longitudinal dunes
Star dunes
Loess deposits
Dunes (River)
Larger features, ranging up to a meter or more in height and spacing
*Rarely found in rivers with gravel beds
*Eddies form on lee side of Dunes
*Dunes advance downstream
At Higher velocities, antidunes develop, with a great increase in the amount of sediment moving along the bed.
*Antidunes move upstream because sediment is lost to saltation and suspension on the downstream side faster than it can be replaced
Earth flow
- Moderately rapid downslope movement of saturated soil / sediment. (Between creep and mudflow)
- Very common in old marine deposits (clays liquefy).
*Often develop from spreading of slumps and are also common where there are moderate gradients and clay or clay-bearing rocks.
Convergent plate
Where tectonic plates collide → intense geological activity.
• Subduction of one plate beneath another.
• Earthquakes.
• Chain of volcanoes.
• Folding and faulting.
• Joining of continents.
Effective normal stress
Effective Stress is a force that keeps a collection of particles rigid. Usually this applies to sand, soil or gravel.
ex. a pile of sand keeps from spreading out like a liquid because the weight of the sand keeps the grains stuck together in their current arrangement, mostly out of static friction. This weight and pressure is the effective stress.
End moraines
produced at front of actively flowing glacier.
• Terminal moraines: mark the farthest advance.
• Recessional moraines: mark temporary halts or re-advances of ice in a period of general recession.
*Made in front of an active or inactive glacier.
*consist of debris that was carried mainly at the bottom or on the top of the ice.
*Another type was formed where frozen sediments and bedrock were pushed and thrust upward into faulted blocks by the advancing ice sheet.
Englacial Till
-Located or occurring within a glacier, as certain meltwater streams, till deposits, and moraines
Equilibrium Line
separates accumulation and ablation zones.
• ~ the firn line.
• In reality, this is more like a zone.
*At the ELA - the snow and ice added in a balance year is exactly equal to the amount that is lost.
*Balance year is generally taken to be the time between two successive annual minimums in the mass of the glacier)
Erosion limited
A part of hillslope erosion
*weathering / sedimentation is faster.
- Unconsolidated material accumulates, covers bedrock.
* Typical of gentle-moderate slopes.
Erosional Landforms (Glaciers)
(Mechanisms and small features)
Mechanisms: Ice push, Abrasion and Plucking
Small Features: Polish, Striations, Grooves, Crag and Tails, Roch Moutonnees
• Winding ridges produces by streams in tunnels beneath or upon the ice. (Glaciofluvial material)
*Mostly sand - but with gravel and cobble materials also
*Usually found relatively close to source - ~15kms
-Glaciofluvial deposits: like braided river, but maybe thicker - often disturbed due to loss of ice support (eskers)
o Glaciation → water stored in glaciers → sea level fall.
o Deglaciation → meltwater in oceans → sea level rise.
- Late Cenozoic:
- Sea level dropped eustatically by at least 100 m.
A global change of sea level resulting from a rise or fall of the ocean level rather than of a change in the level of the land.
*Eustatic changes in sea level in the Pleistocene were mainly cause by the growth and decay of ice sheets, but the changes in the volume of the ocean basins due to tectonics and sedimetation were important in the Tertiary.
- Rocks tend to split into sheets parallel to the topography.
- e.g. granitic exfoliation domes (Yosemite)
- Produces ‘dilation joints’.
- Note: small-medium scale peeling off of rock slabs = ‘spalling’.
- Freezing water or chemical precipitation in cracks can assist exfoliation.
- Compression can also help.
Factorof Safety
(Fs) is used to define slope stability.
• Fs = S / τ.
• Fs > 1 → stable slope.
• Fs < 1 → unstable slope.
• Some slopes may exist temporarily in an unstable condition.
term describing the structural capacity of a system beyond the expected loads or actual loads. Essentially, how much stronger the system is than it usually needs to be for an intended load.
fracturing of brittle rock from unequal stress; usually involves displacement along fault plane (plane of fracture).
• Sudden slippage along fault plane results in earthquakes
• 4 major types of faults:
1. Normal: relative vertical movement of crustal blocks along steep fault plane. Associated with rifting.
2. Reverse: associated with compressional forces. One block riding up over the other, producing very steep fault scarps.
3. Overthrust: akin to a low-angle reverse fault, one block rides up on top of the other along a near-horizontal fault plane.
• E.g. Canadian Rockies → 100s of km.
4. Transform (transcurrent or strike-slip): relative horizontal movement of crustal blocks along nearly vertical fault plane.
• E.g. San Andreas Fault
- Fetch (area of water over which wind blows).
Wave energy is dependent on fetch, among other variables
Fining upward sequence
grain size is decreasing upward in the sandstone core/rock/outcrop.
A good example of a fining-upward succession is a river point bar
Point bars get their unique shapes because of the way water flows through curving channels like bends in a river. As the water enters the bend of the river the flow spins in a spiral. The flow is strongest on the outside of the bend causing erosion of the outer bank. As the water flows away from the outer bank and rises up the slope of the inner bank, or point bar, it loses some of its energy and begins to deposit sediments eroded from the outer bank. First the coarse grains are deposited near the base of the point bar and then the finer grains as the water flows towards the top of the point bar.
Firn Line
*firn is partially compacted snow or ice that is at an intermediate stage between snow and glacial ice
the zone of a glacier between the lower region of solid ice and the upper region, above which ablation occurs
- Troughs invaded by rising ocean water.
- Very common on the BC coast, e.g. Alberni Inlet, Howe Sound.
Flashy Discharge
Flashy discharge is a type of flood characterized by short lag times between rainfalls and the
rapid rise and fall of floodwater because of urbanization.
Flash discharge is of higher magnitude (higher peak of discharge) because water is discharged
in a shorter time period.
• Movements of liquefied material → lots of water required.
- Failure usually begins on a plane.
- Often rotational.
• Debris is deposited in a lobe.
- Flows occur when:
- Large amounts of weathered material are available.
- Large amounts of water.
- Steep slope (if only locally).
Three principal types:
Mud flow
Earth flow
Debris flow
- Initial, plastic deformation of rocks under compressional stress (convergent margins).
- Most common / evident in sedimentary rocks.
- Anticlines (ridges) and synclines (troughs or valleys).
Foreset beds
A foreset bed is one of the main parts of a river delta.
It is the inclined part of a delta that is found at the end of the stream channel as the delta sediment is deposited along the arcuate delta front.
As the sediments are deposited on a sloping surface the resulting bedding is not horizontal, but dips in the direction of current flow toward deeper water. A cross-section of a delta shows the cross bedding in the direction of stream flow into the still water.
The foreset bed is formed when a stream carrying sediment meets still water.
When the stream meets the still water, the velocity of the water is decreased enough so that the larger sediment particles can no longer be carried and are therefore deposited.
The deposited sediment builds up over time, and a delta is formed.
Fraser Glaciation
- Peak of Fraser Glaciation = Vashon Stade (~ 14,500 years BP).
- Alpine glaciers expand, coalesce into major valley and piedmont glaciers.
- Large ice sheet advances down Strait of Georgia past Seattle.
- Overrides Vancouver Island, fills Strait of Juan de Fuca, may extend to continental shelf off west coast.
Associated Sea leve changes… Eustatic and Isostatic
Angle of internal friction/repose
- Texture
- Angularity of sediment
- Compaction
- Involved in sediment erosion
Frost action
- Repeated growth and melting of ice crystals in the pore spaces of rock.
- Liquid water seeps into joints.
- Expands 9% upon freezing → powerful force (e.g. Quebec highways).
- Factors in effectiveness:
- Ample water supply is critical.
- Frequency, speed and duration of freeze/thaw cycles may be important.
• Actual mechanism may be related to crystal growth and/or water pressure.
Soil flow that refers to the movement of freeze-thaw surface material over permanently, seasonally or even diurnally frozen ground.
*Gelifluction usually periglacial land (sides of glaciers)
Geomorphic processes
Terrain symbol mapping..
• Natural mechanisms of weathering, erosion and deposition that result in the modification of the surficial materials and landforms at the earth’s surface.
mostly assumed to be active
Glacial troughs
- Glacier-carved valley.
- U-shaped cross-section .
- Typically straighter than unglaciated valleys
Glacier mechanisms
ice push
**FIGURE 6.3 & 6.6 IN TEXT
- A glacier is a moving mass of ice that has its genesis on land.
- Glaciers are powerful geomorphic agents:
- Friction caused by moving ice → erosional landforms
- Deposition of eroded sediment → depositional landforms
Formation overview…
- Glaciers may form in any area with a year-to-year surplus of snow.
- Successive layers of snow are slowly compacted
- Snow crystals gradually become more dense, bonded with increasing burial depth and age (becoming ‘firn’).
- Firn crystals melt / squeeze together into glacial ice.
- Gravity slowly deforms and moves this mass of ice.
- Weight of glacier forces ice to deform in a plastic way → flows!
Material Name - Fg (inactive)
- Produced by meltwater streams around glaciers.
- Deposits = ‘outwash.’ - sand and gravel
Deposits: Like braided river, but maybe thicker. Often disturbed due to loss of ice support (eskers, kames).
Outwash Plaines
- Proglacial lakes often formed by the damming of a valley by a moraine or ice.
- Striking turquoise colour due to glacial rock flour in suspension.
Material name: Lg (inactive)
deposits: Fine-grained (clayey to sandy muds), finely stratified, unconsolidated, often including larger ‘dropstones’.
Kames deltas
deposits: As glacial lacustrine, but with more clay, marine fossils.
Material name: Wg (inactive)
Associated with meltwater streams in contact with the sea.
Graded Stream
o Over a period of years, slope is delicately adjusted to provide, with available discharge and prevailing channel characteristics, just the velocity required for the transportation of the sediment load supplied from the drainage basin (Mackin, 1948). but with no extra energy for erosion*
o i.e. stream has equilibrium slope
A mixture of two or more size ranges of rounded particles greater than 2 mm in size (e.g., a mixture of boulders, cobbles and pebbles); may include interstitial sand.
Material: g