Final Flashcards
A commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions that we hold about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live
What are the 8 Worldview questions?
- What is prime reality–the really real?
- What is the nature of external reality, the world around us?
- What is a human being?
- What happens to a person at death?
- Why is it possible to know anything at all?
- How do we know what is right and wrong?
- What is the meaning of history?
- What personal, life-orienting core commitments are consistent
with this worldview?
What is Christian Theism?
God is real and he has spoken
What is Deism?
Kinda agnostic, God is a clock maker, set universe in motion
Atheism; only matter matters; move from is to ought; universe is a machine, cause and effect with no purpose
Denial of any philosophy or worldview; denies possibility of knowledge; nothing has meaning; escapism
We create our own meaning ex nihilo; subjective experience > objective, absolute truth
Multiple subjective realities; pluralism, relativism, tolerance; reject absolutes and meta-narrative; live and let live; not a whole world view
“Post” Post-Modernism (Today)
Tribalization, polarization, politicization; militant unity; identity is fragile; self-determinism -> self-idolatry; refusal to celebrate = toxic
How can we engage with Postmoderns?
- Authenticity is key
- Hospitality
- Start with your testimony
- Use stories
- Use a different metaphors
Making the Gospel clear and understandable and relevant to a culture
What are some cultural narratives?
- Identity: “Be true to yourself”
- Freedom: “You are free to live as you want, just don’t hurt others.”
- Happiness: “Your happiness is ultimate, so do what makes you happy.”
- Science: “The only way to solve problems is by the facts of science.”
- Justice: “We should work for the rights of everyone and the good of all.”
- History: “You should be on the right side of history which is moving toward progressive goals and away from religion.”
What are some ways we can practically share the gospel with Hindus?
- Pray for them
- Conversations about brokenness
- Use stories to communicate the gospel
- Invite them to your home
- Families and group decision-making
- Expect a response to exclusivism
- The pearl of great price
- Start gospel convos from the perspective of shame between us and God
Why should we call for a response to the Gospel?
- Its Biblical
- It is a reminder for that person if they do make a decision
What are some reasons that we don’t call for a response to the Gospel?
- Fear of rejection
- It can seem unnatural or forced
- Fear of saying the wrong thing
- Fear of not knowing the answer
- Fear of angry response
- Maybe their response isn’t genuine
- Don’t know what to say if they say yes
What are some of the devil’s strategies in spiritual warfare?
- Accusations and condemnation
- Tempts us to sin and fail
- Lies and attempts to deceive
- Distracts and hinders
Whats is the Biblical response to Spiritual Warfare?
- Focus on God, not the enemy
- Our primary weapon is God’s word
- Our defense must include a lifestyle of prayer
Why does Christianity make sense according to Tim Keller?
- The faith it takes to doubt it
- The problems without it
- The beauty we find within it