Final Flashcards
What are the three types of coding?
Specific, Sparse and Population coding
What are the two types of stimulus?
Distal->in the environment
Proximal->on the receptors
What are the three methods to measure absolute threshold?
method of limits, adjustemnt and constant stimuli
Define macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa
macular degeneration->destroyed cone-rich fovea
retinitis pigmentosa->attack peripheral vision
What are the four visual problems?
Myopia (nearsightedness)-Inability to see distant object
Refractive myopia->cornea and lens bend light too much
Axial myopia->eyeball too long
Hyperopia (farsightedness)->Trouble seeing near objects
Eyeball too short
Presbyopia->Trouble seeing near objects due to aging (lens more rigid)
Astigmatism->multiple images on retina
bending of retinal when absorb light
Explain the process of dark adaptation
rod-cone break, visual pigment bleaching, visual pigment regeneration
detached retina
no more visual pigment regeneration
Purkinje shift
tendency for eyes to shirt toward blue at low light as part of dark adaptation–>because rods more sensitive to short wavelenght
What are the five cells in the retina?
photoreceptor cells->bipolar cells, ganglion cells
horizontal and amacrine cells
What is the difference in convergence between cones and rods?
Rods converges more than cones
Rods more sensitive->ganglion cells are more likely to fire because receive info from multiple cells
Cones more acuity->because less convergence
What did Hartline and Kuffler discovered?
ganglion cells receptive fileds and center-surround organization
Define lateral inhibition and edge enhancement
define chevreul illusion and Mach bands
Chevreul illusion->alter appearance of colors by placing them next to each other
Mach bands->fuzzy shadow border between light and dark
Explain the pathway from eye to the brain
Eye->optic nerve->optic chiasm->90% to lateral geniculate nucleus and 10% to superior colliculus->primary visual area/striate cortex/V1
What are the three types of cells find in the brain for vision?
Simple cells->receptive fields but side by side, respond to oriented lines
Complex cells->respond to moving oriented lines
End-stopped cells->moving corners or angles
selective rearing
if always presented with one type of stimulus, neurons for that stimulus will be more prevalent
–>experience-dependent plasticity
cortical magnification
more space is dedicated to info from fovea in cortex
Higher level neurons
in inferotemporal (IT) cortex
large receptive fields (faces and objects)
inverse projection problem
image on retine could come from infinite number of objects
viewpoint invariance
ability to recognize an object regardless of viewpoint
Pragnanz principle
simplicity gestalt principle
recognition by components theory (RBC)
Objects are composed of individual geometric components called geons
gist of scene
general description of type of scene
Can recognize a scene even when showed for 250ms
Li fei-fei’s experiment->can grasp gist of a scene with 67ms
How can we recognize gist of scene so fast?
Global image features
Degree of naturalness->forest VS street
Degree of openness->more or less objects (ocean VS forest)
Degree of roughness
Degree of expansion-> convergence of parallel lines
Theory of unconscious inference
Likelihood principle->perceive the object that is most likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli we have received
unconscious inferences->predictions