Final Flashcards
Gait speed red flag
</= .6 m/s
extremely frail
risk of death/hosp/falls
household walker
highly dependent
Gait speed yellow flag
.6-1.0 m/s
cognitive decline in 5 years
work to reduce falls
risk of LE limitations/death/hosp w/in 1 year
limited community ambulator
gait speed green flag
> 1.0 m/s
less likely to experience adverse events
able to do household activities
independent in self-care
predictors of walking speed
LE strength/power
trunk muscle endurance
timing and coordination of gait
gait speed MCID
0.1 m/s
Gain predictive of well-being in those w/o normal walking speed
decrease predictive of poorer health status, increase disability/hosp stays/medical costs
aerobic metabolism
requires O2
utilizes carbs, fats, proteins
occurs in mitochondria
byproducts: water and CO2
Yields ~36 ATP per glucose
anaerobic metabolism
does not req O2
utilizes carbs only (glucose)
occurs in cytoplasm
byproduct is lactic acid
yields ~2 ATP per glucose
Anaerobic threshold
Typically ~55% VO2max
Transition from aerobic to anaerobic metab –> begin to build up lactic acid
Clinically occurs at point of difficulty talking (hyperventilation; metabolic acidosis compensating with respiratory alkalosis)
Factors affecting peak VO2
genetics (muscle fiber type)
body composition
endurance training
diseases that affect oxygen transport (COPD)
MET conversion
1 MET = tissue O2 requirement while the body is at rest
1 MET = 3.5 mLO2/kgmin (vo2)
MET at moderate intensity
MET at vigorous intensity
> 6
Calculate activity requirements comparing METs to anaerobic threshold
Peak VO2 x % AT = anaerobic threshold
Convert METs to VO2 and compare
VO2max cut offs
Threshold value for peak VO2 is 20 ml/kgmin
Social security considers <18 ml/kgmin (5 METs) disabled
Karvonen HR formula
220-age = HRmax
+/- 10 bpm
Applicable to healthy individuals
Tanaka HR formula
208 - (.7 x age) = HR max
Target heart rate (THR)
THR = HRmax x % intensity
measures the intensity of work required to reach a cardiovascular training effect
Heart rate reserve (HRR)
HRmax - HRrest = HRR
Karvonen formula for THR
THR = (HRmax - HRrest)(50-80%) + HRrest
Takes into account that the resting HR of individuals varies with fitness level
May be most appropriate for older adults