final Flashcards
the English with their maritime tradition placed convicts on naval ships which were called?
prison hulks
what religious group was associated with the Pennsylvania prison movement?
institution designed to reform criminals through individualized treatment, education, or vocational training is called?
a place of confinement for persons convicted of criminal acts where they can do penance is called?
under the rehabilitation model release of an offender would occur when?
after the person was cured
what is the hands off doctrine?
the practice of the courts not to interfere with the decisions of the correctional administrators
how many people died in the attica prison riot?
which case ended the hands off doctrine?
wolff V mcdonnell
what case dealt with the procedural protections to which prisoners are entitled at disciplinary hearings?
cooper V pate
which case stated deliberate interference to serious medical needs constituted cruel and unusual punishment?
Estelle V gamble
which case made beating of prisoner cruel and unusual punishment?
Hudson V McMillian
what level of prisons has high concrete walls, double razor wire, gun towers?
medium security
who was the first director of the federal bureau of prisons?
Sanford bates
percentage of woman that are in prison
why did tom wicker receive the iron medal award?
for being the world leader in rates of imprisonment
how much does it cost to keep a prisoner in jail for a year?
is an inmates mail allowed to be checked?
can prisoners contact media whenever they want?
do administratorshave the right to search a prisoners room?
not giving prisoners medical needs is cruel and unusual punishment
Alcatraz prison is also known as…
the rock
when did Alcatraz prison close?
what prison is the convicted spy jonathan pollard at?
Penal institution designed and operated with the principal goal of preventing escape and avoiding violencd on the part of prisoners, virtually to the exclusion of rehabilitation or other programs
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