final Flashcards
Commerece Clause
Artricle 1, Section 8
-Responsible for giving congress the authority to pass laws
Dred Scott v Stanford (1857)
Slavery was affirmed
- 7-2 vote
Texas v Johnson (1984)
- Flag burning
Barclay v Florida
- racially motivated killings
Dawson v DE
- white suprimiscist escaped from pirosn and killed a lady
Brown v Board of Education
May 17th, 54 in Topeka, Kansas
-Seperate but equal over turned
When was the bill of rights ratified ?
Dec. 15th 1791
RAV v St Paul
-Teenage skin head burned crosses
Wisconsin vs Mitchell
- Intentionally select a victim because of race
- Sentence inhancement statue
what did the 13th amendment do ?
Abolished slavery in 1865
what did the 14th amendment do ?
protects citizens in 1868
Which case overturned cross burning ?
What are 3 types of speech that are NOT protected by the 1st amendment ?
Obscenity, deformation, fighting words, threats, incitement and commercial Speech.
What is strict scrutiny ?
The government has to establish a compelling govn. interest, and it has to be narrowly tailored
what do Sentence Inhancement Laws do ?
Hightens the punishment for a crime under certain circumstances
what are some hate groups ?
- Christian Identity - white supreme religion
- Nat’l alliance - now splintered with VA founded hate groups
- Aryan Nations
Types of Prejiduce ?
Xenophobia Anti-Semitism Islamphobia Homophobia Racism Misogyny