Final Flashcards
What are some effects and benefits of stretching?
- increasing flexibility and ROM
- Allowing the body to move more efficiently
- Decreasing the chance of injury
- Invigorating the respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic systems
Spring-like response, recoil; the stretched material recovers its pretensile dimensions after the applied load is removed. This is…
Elastic deformation
Define Plastic deformation
Putty-like response; the linear deformation produced by the tensile stress remains even after the applied load is removed, resulting in permanent deformation.
When a load is applied for an extended period of time, the tissue elongates, and does not return to its original length. This is…
Define overstretch
A stretch well beyond the normal range of motion of a joint and surrounding soft tissue.
Adaptive shortening of a muscle or other soft tissues that cross a joint; which results in limitation of ROM. This is…
Define active inhibition
Inhibition of a muscle by either its own activity, or that of its antagonist
For what reasons would endurance exercise be useful?
- for postural mm
- repetitive work activities
- long shift workers
Between isometric and isotonic exercise, which is used in the initial stages of rehab?
Isometric exercise
For what reasons is isometric exercise used?
- in the initial stages of rehab when jt pain or immobilizing device restricts movement
- when weakness exists at a specific point in the ROM
- when the individual is in a low state of training
Isometric strength gains ___ per week everyday over a ___ period
- 5%
- 6-week period
Define open kinematic chain exercise give examples.
Movement that occurs with the distal segment of a limb moving freely in space.
Example: bicep curl, leg extension curl
Define closed kinematic chain exercise. Give examples.
Movement that occurs with the body moving over the fixed distal segment of a limb.
Example: squat, chin up
List strength percentage parameters that should be given to certain populations.
Sedentary, untrained individuals:
Healthy, untrained individuals:
Trained individuals:
Highly trained individuals:
Sedentary, untrained individuals:
30 - 40%
Healthy, untrained individuals: 50 - 70%
Trained individuals: 70 - 80%
Highly trained individuals: >80%
What are some modifications for exercises given to PXs with osteoporosis?
- emphasis on endurance exercise, low intensity strength training, core stabilization and balance exercises
- low impact weight bearing activities should be incorporated
- explosive, twisting movements should be avoided
- intensity of program is increased very gradually