final Flashcards
definition of mutation
hereditary/permanent changes in the DNA sequence
list at three types of mutations
point mutation
classification of mutations according to whether they are found in germ cells or somatic cells?
Somatic mutations
- Non-germline tissues
- Non heritable
- Accumulate over a lifetime
- Occurrence of tumors in older animals
Germline mutations
- Present in egg/sperm
- Heritable
- Cause familial tumor syndrome
- Tumors can appear at younger age
- Appearance of bilateral tumors in paired organs
- Appearance of multiple tumors in odd organs
- Family history of tumors
what is aneuploidy; give one example?
Change in the number of chromosomes (abnormal number)
- Caused by errors in chromosome segregation (abnormal cytokinesis, centrosome
- Examples: Monosomy (1 copy of chromosome), Trisomy (3 copies)
what characterised the “familial tumour syndrome”
appearance of tumour at young age
bilateral tumoirs in paired organs
multiple tumours in odd organs
family history of tumour occurrence
what pathological changes characterise hereditary multofcal renal cystuadenocarcinoma and nodular dermatofibrosis of German shepards
bilateral and multifocal kidney tumours
uterine leiomyomas
explain the term epigenetic change
Epigenetic changes are reversible, heritable changes in gene expression in somatic cells without changes in the DNA sequence
types of epigenetic changes
DNA methylation and histone modifications
According to the new guidelines, it is advisable to histologically distinguish between well-differentiated and poorly differentiated carcinomas of the circumvallate gland, and the crucial parameter in their differentiation is:
frequency of mitoses, primarily atypical mitoses
most common tumour of circumanal gland is
adenoma of the circumanal gland
morphological characteristics of Sertoli cell tumours don’t include
they are usually softer than seminaomas and let dig cell tumours
types of mutations
point, deletion, insertion
most important histological characteristic of epithelium of circumanal gland is
predominantly made up of reseerve
one of the above statement isn’t valid for immunohistochemsitry
method is used exnlucsivley to help diagnose neoplasi
Proteins that transmit signals are most often located:
On the underside of the membrane
Morphologically, the following does not apply to Leydig cell tumors of the testicles:
As a rule, they cause the testicles to enlarge
The characteristics of “familial tumor syndrome” are:
All of the above (occurrence of tumors at young age + occurrence of bilateral tumors in
paired organs + family history of tumor occurrence)
The molecular basis of tumor diseases consists of:
Non-lethal genetic change or mutation and clonal expansion of a single genetically
engineered precursor cell
the term Ki-67 means
nuclear protein that participates in cell proliferation
tumours of leydig cells produce
higher amount of androgenic hormones
throw out intruders (which is not correct) ways of metastasising are
morphologicaly, the following applies to seminonas
on cross-section, they have a homogenous whitish structure
tumour suppressor gene
function of circumanal gland is
not been proven to date
degree of malignancy of mastocytoma is
2 stage and 3 stage
oncoproteins are
oncogene products
another name for circumanal gland is
hepatoid glandr
proto-oncogenes are
normla cellular genes that regulate cell growth and proliferation
what are mutations
Mutations are hereditary changes or damage in the DNA sequence
evidence of testicular tumour malignancy is
finding of metastasis
malignant tumours of mammary gland of bitches and cats primarily metastasise in
all of the above (regional lymph nodes + lungs + pleura)
the Breed most affected by mastocytoma
this statement doesn’t apply to tumour cells
they cannot survive in blood vesselsa
among the most common testicular tumours of dogs are
sertoli cells
what is aneuploidy
change in number of chromosomes
what criteria are taken into account when determining histological degree of mammary gland cancer malignancy
ability to form tubules, hyperchromasia, and mitosis, different size and shape of nucleus
clinical picture of Sertoli cell tumours doesn’t include
prostate cancer
the most important type of tumour regulars genes don’t include
eliminate th incorrect statement: primary liver tumours are
tumour of the heptoid gland
eliminate the incorrect statement: known hepatocarcinogenes in animals are:
the statement is not valid for hepatocellular carcinoma
it never protrudes above the capsulew
which of the following statements about hepatocellular adenoma is correct
it’s usually solitary
most common primary tumour in the cat’s liver is
cholangiocellular adenoma
which statement isn’t valid for cholangiocellular adenoma
tumour cells are extremely anaplastic
for cholangiocellular carcinoma, the following statement is incorrect
it very rarely metastasises
liver carcinoid is
tumour of neuroendocrine cells
which statement is not valid for carcinoid of the liver
benign neoplasm
exlucde the incorrect statement for hepatocellular nodular hyperplasia
common in younger dogs
statement doesn’t apply to hemangiosarcoma of the liver
it differs in appearance from that of other organs
throw out intruders: proliferative lesions in the liver are:
Which statement is not valid for hepatocellular nodular hyperplasia?
nodules are encapsulates
Which is the wrong statement for a regenerative nodule in the liver?
fibrosis is extremely rare in the regenerative nodule
During the dvpt of which tumor, androgenic stimulation has been proven?
adenoma of the circumanal gland
telomerase is found in
germ cells
According to biological behavior, testicular tumors (poor testicules) are predominantly:
The most important features of malignant alteration do not include:
sensitivity to growth inhibitors
The clinical picture of Sertoli cell tumors does not include:
when do mutations occurs
Mutations occur during DNA replication when an unrepaired or incorrectly repaired DNA damage is used as a template for the synthesis of a complementary DNA strand
Mastocytoma is the most common tumor in dogs:
circumanal glands are the most similar macroscopically
sebaceous glands
in short, we can say that cadherins are
calcium-dependent transmembrane proteins involved in cell adhesion
histologically, the following statement is not true for seminoma
mitoses are extremely rare
. Histologically, the following does not apply to testicular Leydig cell tumors:
the cytoplasm often contains pigmented melanin granules
average age of animals with mastocytoma
5-10 years
change of epithelial cells that doesn’t occur in
migration of monocytes from the blood stream to the tissue
circle the correct statement: tumour without blood vessesl
can grow up to 2mm
among the most common testicualr tumours of dogs are:
leydig cell tumours
in leydig cell tumours
rarely occurs feminisation syndrome and hyperestrogenism
prevalence of tumours is
number of all cases in a given period including new and existing cases
higher incidence of tumours of the circumanal glands of dogs was recorded in
artic breeds
the incorrect statement related to epithelium’s of circumanal gland is
they have tendency to spread towards the surface of the skin
among the most common testicular tumours of dogs are
Hereditary multifocal renal cystadenocarcinoma and nodular dermatofibrosis of German Shepherds is characterized by:
Bilateral and multifocal kidney tumors (cystadenocarcinoma), uterine leiomyomas and dermatofibrosis (fibrous nodule in the skin)
circle the wrong statement: proteases important in tumour metastasis are
circle the correct statement ; the only sure sign of malignancy is
what are microRNAs?
Small, non-coding RNA molecules, about 22 nucleotides long, which post-transcriptionally regulate the expression of other genes
example of epigenetic changes are
DNA methylation and histone modification
Histological seminomas have the following characteristics:
classified into intratubular and diffuse
tumours of leydig cells are clinically unrelated to
kidney tumours
exclude the incorrect answer: the stroma of a tumour can consist of
tumour cells
The types of sarcoma that can primarily arise in the mammary gland are:
osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma
Morphologically, the following applies to Leydig cell tumors of the testicle:
they often have areas of bleeding and cysts
mast cell granules are
epigenetic changes are
Epigenetic changes are reversible, heritable changes in gene expression in somatic cells without changes in DNA sequence
most important tumour stimulation. by growth factors are
within the circumanal glands are recognisable
polygonal and basaloid cells
what are vimentins
Fibrillar proteins that build the cytoskeleton primarily of mesenchymal cells
clastogen is?
A substance that causes chromosome breakage or the loss or rearrangement of a part of DNA
following statement applies to semimona
they are most often the right testicle
clinical picture of Sertoli cell tumours doesn’t include
antiapoptotic proteins are
variable risk factors for tumour formation don’t include
circle the incorrect answer: proangiogenic factors are:
clinical symptom that doesn’t occur in testicular tumours is
thyroid enlargement
morphological characteristics of Sertoli cell tumours don’t include
Their cytoplasm is often vacuolated due to glycogen