Final Flashcards
What do the differences in reproductive success lead to?
Differences in sex allocation and sexual selection
Gametes of same size
Anisogamy and what does it result in
Gametes of different size. Leads to differential investment in reproduction
What limits female and male RS
Female RS is limited by the number of eggs produced while male RS is limited by the number of eggs fertilized
What simplifying assumptions does Fisher’s 1:1 sex ratio make
large population, random mating, external mating, and no paternal care
Shaw-Mohler Theorem
For a mutant with a different sex allocation than the resident population to invade, its total fitness must be greater than the residents’
Explain the viviparous mite’s sex allocation
has one son and ~20 daughters in which the son fertilizes the eggs of sisters, once eggs hatch, they eat mother until she bursts and male dies before leaving the mother. Only need one male to fertilize daughters thus, want maximum number of females as possible
Explain the correlation between mormon crickets and OSR
Males produce a spermatophore that contains sperm but also a large amount of protein making it very expensive thus, the limiting factor. In many insects, females store the sperm of different partners. Males evolved to ensure that females cannot use sperm of other males such as a penis that scrapes the sperm out of other males or that packs the sperm of other males into the corners
Operational Sex Ratio (OSR)
ratio of sexully competing males to sexually receptive females (the less of one sex, the more intense competition is and thus selection for better secondary sex characteristics)
Explain intersexual selection in drosophila
More that males mate, the more offspring they have but females can only have as many offspring as the number of eggs they produce. When females mate more often they have shorter life spans because males have toxic seminal fluid to increase the number of eggs they fertilize since females optimize the rate of egg laying thus, if they die sooner will have more offspring at one time
Explain the effect of male competition on intersexual selection in drosophila
Females came from a control population while males were allowed to evolve. Led to increased male fitness and sperm defense such that female survival decreased due to increased toxicity in sperm
Explain the effect of monogomy on intersexual selection in drosophila
males typically have higher genetic representation since they can mate multiple times but when taken away their seminal fluid becomes less toxic thus, female reproduction, surivival, and fecundity was higher
What does sexual selection lead to
traits that have no function other than to attract mates
Fisher’s runaway hypothesis
assuming there is a female preference for a trait, she will mate with males that have that trait and her daughters will carry the gene for the preference and her sons will have the trait
When does natural selection occur
When there is heritable variation among replicating units and there is non-random survival and reproduction is associated with the variable phenotype
On what levels can natural selection occur
populations of replicating units (genes and organelles), individual organisms, populations of population of individuals, and groups of species/lineages
At what levels of selection can conflict occur
- Traits can increase the fitness of genes/organelles but also decrease the fitness of the organsim
- Traits that benefit an entire population may not be the most for the individuals in the population
What level of selection is the most powerful and why
individual since there tends to be higher inheritability and faster reproduction
What characteristics allow selection to operate efficiently
large population size, high level of variation, strong heritable components to traits, and short generation time
What are the two types of selfish genes and how common are they
Segregation distorters (when one allele is overrepresented in gametes) and transposable elements (sequences of DNA that can change its position)
How do segregation distorters work and explain an example in drosophila
Sperm created from a diploid (aA) is unequally distributed. In flies there is dominant gene that decreased fertility in males by 50% thus, on the genic level is very hard to get rid of but on the individual level is not helpful as it decreases fertility
What are the types of transposable elements work
- Type 1: copy and paste genes into the genome
- Type 2: cut and paste DNA (can be sloppy and take other parts of DNA wtih it, or leave some behind)
- Both can be mutagenic if inserted in the middle of protein coding regions
At what levels does organelle selection occur
- cells in a multicellular organism
- mitochondrial DNA
What is the possible condition if the mitochondrial DNA of A and a replicate at the same rate and equally distributed
Normal conditions
What are the possible conditions when mitochondrial DNA of A replicates faster than a
Selection is occuring and if A contributes more to the cell’s fitness then there is no genomic conflict between the two levels unless a is more fit for the cell than A
What are the possible conditions when mitochondrial DNA A and a replicate at the same rate bt are unequally distributed
Selection is occuring and if A contributes more to the cell’s fitness then there is no genomic conflict unless a contributes more to the cell’s fitness
Explain the yeast and organelle selection example
Petitie mutants can replicate faster yet are a fitness disadvantage compared to wild types because they can’t respire. Populations of varying size were allowed to grow to 150 generations. Smaller populations moved towards fixation for petitie mutant DNA since genetic drift was a dominant evolution force, medium sized populations did not fix towards any extreme, and large sized populations ended up with no mutant cells since there was strong selection among individuals
Weissmanist organism
Separation between the soma and germline thus, there is selection among cells in the body but will not be passed on
Clonal interference
In a population with no recombination, when beneficial mutations occur on different genetic backgrounds, they compete with each other
What is needed for population selection
Small groups so genetic drift is important, rapid group generation time, lots of variability among groups, and very strong group selection
Explain the levels of selection between house mice and the t-haplotype
- Genic selection: heterozygous sperm is skewed towards the t-haplotype while heterozygous females produce a 1:1 ration
- Group selection: mice reproduce via harems thus, these small groups are more susceptible to genetic drift and a homozygous mutant would go towards extinction more easily but could be recolonized by fertile males that are heterozygous or homozygous wild type
- Individual selection: males homozygous for t are sterile and populations are typically 60-90% mutants
Explain the levels of selection between myxomatosis and rabbits
Replication rate of virus within rabbits is like individual selection. Faster replication rate leads to faster virulence thus, selection on an individual level favors increased virulence. Found that wild populations of rabbits built resistance to the original strain
Transmission rate of virus is like group selection. Selection favors stains that allow rabbits to live long enough to infect many other rabbits. Found that when wild strains of the virus were injected into lab rabbits, the virus became less virulent
Prezygotic isolation
Reproductive barriers that occur before fertilization
What is temporal isolation and what is an example
barrier due to timing in reproduction. 2 species of coral. Gametes are relesased into the water for ~30 minutes for one species then other species releases gametes an hour afterwards
What is pollinator isolation and give an example
barrier due to pollinator preference. Pollinators are loyal to flowers even if they both exist in the same environment. Hybrids of two flowers are viable but attracted only one of two pollinators not both