Final Flashcards
Psychosexual stages
oral, anal, phallic, latency, + genital
birth - 18 mo, pleasure thru MOUTH
18 months - 3 yrs, pleasure thru ANUS, gain individuality + self control
3-6 yrs, pleasure thru genitals, awareness of differences + internal conflicts
6 - puberty, dormant libido, gain knowledge/skills
puberty on, sexual experimentation, relationships
Freud’s Personality Structure
Id, Ego, Superego
“instincts” + pleasure principle
mediates between conscious + unconscious, personal identity
”conscious,” the judge, values/morals
Freud’s Levels of Consciousness
Conscious, preconscious, unconscious
Material in mind we are aware of
Material in mind that is regularly accessible
Repressed memories, urges and drives, not aware
Defense Mechanisms
Sublimation, Idealization, Repression
channeling unwanted urges into an productive outlet
attributing overly positive qualities to another person or thing
Unwanted thoughts are unconsciously pushed out of awareness
Goals of Freudian Therapy
Balance superego + id
make unconscious conscious
personality change
Free Association
clients say what comes to mind and therapists point out omissions, discrepancies, and excesses
Exploring the unconscious
Elucidating the meaning behind the unconscious
Dream Analysis
Latent and manifest content of dream is explored
Re-living a painful experience that was repressed
Dealing with Resistance
Working to reduce clients’ defenses that may impede progress
Patterns of human personality (Adler)
Inferiority, Superiority, Lifestyle
Inferiority (pattern of personality)
Feeling of inadequacy that develops in infancy and promotes striving for superiority
Drive that allows individuals to become skilled, competent, and creative
People typically fall under categories of lifestyle: (Dominant, Getting, Avoiding, Socially useful)
Family Constellation
Composition of family members, roles, and reciprocal transactions
Oldest children
Intelligent, achieving, dethroned
Second children
Competitive, less attention, expressive
Middle children
Like 2nd child, feel not special, ambitious
Youngest children
Striving to catch up, competition, inferiority, easy going
Only children
Have much in common with oldest and youngest children
Private logic
Beliefs about self and place in the world
Carl Jung- Analytical Psychology
Bringing the conscious and unconscious together to help people feel balanced and whole, Myers-Briggs Type
Anna Freud- Ego Psychology
Goal is help clients better adapt to environment + encourage healthy coping
Karen Horney- Ego Psychology
Self-actualization/working on self image can could help anxiety
Harry Stack Sullivan- Interpersonal Therapy
Help patient improve fast to help see light at the end of the tunnel
Restore ability to have validating experiences
ORT/Attachment Theory
Develop healthy object relations
Client has sense of self
Heinz Kohut- Self Psychology
Helps patients develop sense of self and they are not reliant on external validation to feel whole
Importance of EMPATHY
BPT Sandor Ferenczi and Franz Alexander
Goal is to RESOLVE
Positive feelings towards self
Change patterns of interactions stemming from childhood relationships
a systematic approach to understanding the behavior of humans and other animals
Classical conditioning
a learning process when two stimuli are repeatedly paired: and eventually reaction happens with the first stimulus alone
Operant conditioning
Specific consequences associated with behavior (reward increases behavior, punishment decreases)
Social learning theory
people learn through observation
Functional Behavior Assessments (behaviorism)
what triggers behaviors, what is behavior, what are consequences of behavior (ABC)
ABC Model (behaviorism)
antecedent(trigger), behavior, and consequence
Token Economies
reward behaviors with pre-determined rewards
giving people things to read (self-help book)
Observational learning
watch someone performing skill client wants to achieve
Logical disputation strat
identify magical thinking/leaps in logic
Empirical disputation strat
accumulating evidence (prove it)
Functional disputation strat
Focus on practical consequences of beliefs yield desired results
Rational alternative disputation strat
offer possible alternative beliefs
Didactic disputation style
educational way of giving info
Socratic disputation style
using questions to promote client reasoning
using analogies to dispute beliefs
dispute belief with a joke
Automatic Thoughts
constant stream of thoughts
Intermediate beliefs
connect auto thoughts to core beliefs
Core Beliefs
most deeply held assumptions about ourselves
deep mental filters that help us see/categorize the world
Cognitive Model
perception is connected to reaction, goal is to make client self aware of thoughts
Ability to be in the current moment
Radical acceptance
Accepting smth w/o picking it apart
Distress tolerance
Increase tolerance of negative emotions
Interpersonal effectiveness
Communicate with others in respectful way to urself and others
acronyms to assist with interpersonal skills
ACT tldr
Accept thoughts can’t be controlled + create a valuable life
Conditions of worth
expectation that love is conditional, must act a certain way to be loved
Conditional positive regard
receive praise when acting as expected (can cause problems bc not living authentically)
Unconditional positive regard
special for who you are
Organismic valuing process
knowledge of what you need to be self-actualized
Fully functioning person
self-aware of feelings
Self in regulation to world
Self in relation to self
Self in relation to spirituality
Self in relation to others
Ultimate concerns (existential)
Death, Freedom, Isolation, Meaning
Gestalt Therapy
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Field theory
see the big picture (ex optical illusions)
have awareness of
whats outside of awareness
Integrating Polarities
don’t feel forced to choose between extremes
Growth Disorders
not moving towards growth, you get stuck
Inauthentic way of relating to others
Fear of revealing real identity
Feeling of loneliness and feeling stuck
Contact with pushed away feelings
Authentic and strong ways of reacting to others