Final Flashcards
Which of the following terms describes the belief that God intended for the US to stretch from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean?
Manifest Destiny
What religious group created a successful colony near the Great Salt Lake?
Which of the following geographic features posed a major obstacle for settlers moving west?
Rocky Mountains
Which of the following was the most popular route westward, leading to hundreds of thousands of Americans reaching the west coast?
The Oregon Trail
In the 1820’s Mexico invited American settlers into ……
What famous battle will become the rallying cry for many Americans fighting against Mexican rule in Texas?
Battle of the Alamo
Which of the following individuals was ruler of Mexico when they went to war against rebels in Texas?
General Santa Anna
Explain two reasons that many people moved westward in the US
- They wanted more land 2. People with their religion wanted to have a save place to practice and not have people on top of them. 3. African Americans wanted to get away from slavery.
What are two different difficulties that people traveling along the trails west would have encountered?
Not enough food, the weather was unexpected, they had to use what they brought. They didn’t have a store to go to if they forgot something
Why did Texans revolt against Mexican rule of Texas?
They revolted because they didn’t follow their rules and started going against what they believe. They also started bringing in slaves
What did Texas become following it’s victory against Mexico?
They became there own nation like they weren’t apart of the U.S
Manifest Destiny became the rallying cry for Americans who believed that it was God’s plan for the US …..
To Stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
Who were the “forty-niners”?
Prospectors who poured into California after gold was found there
In the 1820’s, New Mexico, Texas, and California attracted expansionists because….
They were rich in resources and thinly settled
Which of the following is an accurate statement about emigrants (people moving) heading west in the mid-1800’s?
Emigrants usually traveled in wagon trains of 50 to 1,000 people
In the 1840’s and 1850’s, Mormons will settle …
In present day-Utah near the Great Salt Lake
What was the outcome of Polk’s expansionist’s policies in the Oregon Territory?
The Oregon Territory was split between the US and Britain
Who was President of the US during the Mexican-American War?
James K. Polk
What famous westward trail is shown in the map below?
Oregon Trail
In the 1820’s Mexico invited American settlers into ….
Which of the following added a small piece of southern Arizona and New Mexico as part of the United States?
Gadsen Purchase
During period of Manifest Destiny Which of the following would have increased tension between the Northern and Southern parts of the US?
California’s application for statehood
The Angel in the painting “American Progress” best represents…
United States Destiny in the West
All of the following states were gained after the Mexican-American War EXCEPT…
This current state was once an independent nation after it won its independence from Mexico
Which of the following was a condition placed on American settlers moving to Texas?
Settlers must worship as Roman Catholics. Anglo-Texans must become Mexican citizens. Slavery, as banned by the Mexican constitution, must be not practiced.
At the end of the Mexican-American War, the United States paid $15 million and left Mexico City in return for
New Mexico and California
Which of the following is true about the Wilmot Proviso?
It divided Congress
People who believed in Manifest Destiny were known as
What effect did the Wilmot Proviso have on relations between the North and the South?
It increased tensions further between the North and the South.
Who was the General/Dictator of Mexico during the Texas War for Independence and the Mexican American War?
Santa Anna
What was the goal of Manifest Destiny?
To expand U.S. from ocean to ocean
What is one reason or belief that Americans used to support the idea of Manifest Destiny?
Land, Money, have there own religion
What were some of the benefits and some of the challenges faced by Americans who traveled west in the mid-1800s?
Benefits - Land, Money Challenges - Weather, disease
What effect did the Mexican-American War and the California gold rush have on the growth of the United States?
Once we got California from the Mexicans and the California gold rush happened where people moved to get gold. California is now a populated and biggest state in the United States.
What advantage did the South have in the Civil War?
Better officers and military leadership
The Emancipation Proclamation …..
Symbolically redefined the war as being about slavery instead of just putting the nation back together
Which of the following benefited the North during the Civil War?
Much bigger population along with increased immigration to cities in the North
After the Emancipation Proclamation …..
The North began to recruit African Americans to serve in the Union army
What General played a huge role in the early success of the Confederate Army?
General Robert E. Lee
Which of the following terms describes when the Union Navy prevented any ships from coming in or out of southern harbors?
What was the Union Strategy for Victory during the Civil War?
The Anaconda plan and that African Americans can fight in the war
What was the Confederate Strategy for victory during the Civil War?
The South tried to get other country to ship them supplies but they didn’t help them, made the war expensive for the North
What advantage did the South have in the Civil War?
Better officers and military leadership
The Emancipation Proclamation …..
Symbolically redefined the war as being about slavery instead of just putting the nation back together
Which of the following benefited the North during the Civil War?
Much bigger population along with increased immigration to cities in the North
After the Emancipation Proclamation ….
he North began to recruit African Americans to serve in the Union army
What General played a huge role in the early success of the Confederate Army?
General Robert E. Lee
Which of the following terms describes when the Union Navy prevented any ships from coming in or out of southern harbors?
The Civil War began when …..
The Confederates opened fire on Fort Sumter
Among the reasons that the death rates in the Civil War were higher than in any previous fighting on American soil …..
Was the use of more accurate rifles and deadlier bullets
The Emancipation Proclamation ….
Redefined the war as being “about slavery”
To help pay for the war effort, the Union government …..
Imposed an Income Tax
What was the most notable military role for women during the Civil War?
Which major battle turned the tide of the war in favor of the Union?
Battle of Gettysburg
The Civil War ended when General Lee surrendered at ….
Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia
Why was the Civil War’s first large battle so shocking?
The battle was more brutal and higher death toll than people expected
The Union gained control of the Mississippi River when troops captured …
After the Battle of Gettysburg, the South
Never again fought on Union (Northern) Soil
What did Grant’s policy of “Total War” involve?
Targeting anything of value in the South including homes and farms
What event led to the fall of the Confederate capital, Richmond VA.?
The Northern Capture of the railroad lines at Petersburg Virginia
What is one advantage that helped the North win the Civil War?
Larger population and more technological resources
______________________ had a more difficult time rebuilding after the Civil War
The South
What impact did the Civil War have on the South’s African Americans?
Many migrated Northern or Western parts of the U.S
Some Abolitionists criticized Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation because they ….
Wanted it to free all African Americans and grant them citizenship
What is one geographic advantage the South had over the North?
The South was fighting in it’s own territory and knew the land
By the end of the Civil War, who became the General in charge of the entire Northern Army?
Ulysses S. Grant
Which pair of battles are considered the “turning point” in the war for the Union (north)?
Gettysburg and Vicksburg
What are two ways in which the Emancipation Proclamation changed the course of the Civil War?
It changed the purpose of the war and African Americans could fight in the war
What are two reasons that the Union (North) will win the Civil War?
Larger army and the North has more supplies
What is one way that the American Civil War helped to change the role of women in American society?
They can be nurses and secitaries
What impact or change did the the Assassination of Lincoln have on the end of the Civil War?
The Assassination of Lincoln would hurt to put the country back together. They don’t have a president and they have to deal with the people involved in the assassination.
Was Grant and The North justified in using his “Total War” strategy to end the Civil War? Be sure to provide evidence to back up your opinion
“Total War” was a good idea. Putting fire to people’s home is not good when they would have just fought in a war. I feel like winning in a battle is better then trying to cheat your way through.
Like Lincoln, President Andrew Johnson wanted to ….
Restore the political status of the southern states
In an effort to reset the South to the way of life before the Civil War, many southern states ….
Established black codes
Which of the following guaranteed full citizenship status and rights to every person born in the United States?
The Fourteenth Amendment
In what system did a landowner lend materials to a person who would plant crops and then pay back the landowner with a portion of the crops harvested?
The Freedmen’s Bureau was a federal agency established to ….
Aid formerly enslaved African Americans after the Civil War
Unlike some previous measures regarding the vote, the Fifteenth Amendment …
Applied to northern states as well as southern states
What contributed to the end of Reconstruction?
Voters and politicians became interested in other issues
The Radical Republicans rejected Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan because they believed that …
That the plan took it easy on the South and did not punish them enough for starting the Civil War
In the years immediately following the Civil War, the South ….
saw an increase in African Americans voting and holding public office
During Reconstruction, groups such as the Klu Klux Klan …
Used violence to prevent freed people from voting
Which of the following was a key problem with the sharecropping system?
Farmers had to pay the landowners cash rent as well as shares of the crop
Which event will officially “end” the Northern occupation of the south and the Reconstruction era?
Compromise of 1877
The Ten Percent Plan required that
A ten percent of a state’s voters take a loyalty oath to the Union
One of President Lincoln’s first major goals for Reconstruction was to
A reunify the nation.
What was the outcome of the impeachment proceedings against President Johnson?
The House impeached the president, but the Senate failed to remove him
What did Republicans gain from the Compromise of 1877?
Rutherford B. Hayes became president.
By the end of the 1860s, Northern support for Reconstruction had faded because
The cost of military operations in the South worried many people.
The Fourteenth Amendment….
Recognized citizenship to American males regardless of race
What did ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment mean for African Americans?
It provided African Americans with a future free from slavery
The Black Codes were
laws passed that limited the freedom of African Americans
The Fifteenth Amendment protected the right of African American men to
Whom did white southerners call “carpetbaggers”?
northern-born Republican office-holders in the South
How did members of the Ku Klux Klan demonstrate their anger towards African Americans?
They used violence and terror
Scalawags in Reconstruction South were …..
Southerners who supported republican laws and ideas
Why did the House of Representatives vote to impeach President Johnson in 1868?
The president had fired a cabinet official without Senate approval
What was one tactic used by the South to limit African Americans rights despite the Amendments to the constitution that established those rights? Explain how this tactic would deny African Americans equal opportunities.
The Black Coded are rules that the African Americans had to follow under the South. The black coded denied African Americans their rights to be equal. The South didn’t like African Americans they made these codes because they want to go back to slavery.
How did the Reconstruction plan of the Radical Republicans differ from the Reconstruction plans of Lincoln and Johnson?
The Radical Republicans wanted the South to be more punished then what Lincoln had in mind. Lincoln just wanted to reunite the country. Lincoln and Johnson wanted to reunite the country
Was Reconstruction era a success or failure in reuniting the United States following the Civil War? Explain your viewpoint
I think the Reconstruction era was a success in someways. African Americans were free but they still were unsafe and people treated them differently. African Americans have a school system but it’s only if they had money.
To maximize profits, early corporations ….
Paid their workers the lowest possible wages
Capitalism fueled industrialization by
Encouraging entrepreneurs to establish businesses
Which innovation extended the number of hours in a day that Americans could work?
Electricity/Light Bulb
As farms became mechanized,
Farmer workers were replaced by machines and moved to urban areas looking for work
In which system does one company control the businesses that make up all phases of a products development?
Vertical Integration
Corporations had the important advantage of …
Reducing the financial risk for individual investors
Which argument supports the perception of big business leaders as “captains of industry”?
Industrialists support of technology benefited the economy
In the late 1800’s, workers tolerated poor wages because they……
Could be replaced easily by other workers
What was one result of the Haymarket Riot?
Support for labor unions decreased dramatically in the US
Cartels, monopolies, trusts, vertical and horizontal integration all share the goal of ….
Increasing profits for companies and corporations
Horizontal integration differs from vertical integration in that it ….
Consolidates firms involved in the same business into one giant company
Which of the following industrial inventors figures out how to harness the power of electricity for human use?
Thomas Edison
Which of the following industrial inventors “invented” the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
Andrew Carnegie was most closely associated with which industry or product?
Steel Production
John D Rockefeller was most closely associated with which industry or product?
Which goal was shared by both the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?
To organize workers to demand better conditions from employers
In the late 1800s, which factor directly contributed to the growth of the American steel industry?
new production technique known as the Bessemer Process
During the period from 1865 to 1900, disputes between labor and business owners were sometimes marked by?
the use of violence by both sides
A monopoly is when…
a single company takes control of all production of a product or service
Which of the following is not something unions fought for?
Expanded child labor
This process converted iron to steel and allowed for taller buildings, longer bridges, and heavier machinery
Bessemer Process
How did labor unions affect the lives of workers?
They won shorter hours and better pay
What was the difference between a “Captain of Industry” and a “Robber Baron”?
Captain of Industry is a good leader that want to help the economy. As Robber Baron is a negative that wants to take away from people and the economy.
How were workers lives different following industrialization in the US?
Works had a 9-5 job and they got to leave there home
Why did workers join labor unions during early industrial America?
Workers were underpayed and working in dangerous spaces
Were early labor unions effective at creating change in the lives of most industrial workers? Explain your answer
Somewhat some people got there pay and shortened hours but some leaders of the company didn’t listen
Which of the following factors pulled immigrants to the United States?
Large number of employment opportunities inside of the US
At processing stations (like Ellis Island), officials met with immigrants to mostly determine ….
Their medical condition and their nation of origin
Which of the following provided Americanization programs for new immigrants?
Settlement Houses
From the beginning of the United States, Immigrants had typically come to America for economic opportunity and ……
Religious Freedom
Travel accommodations for MOST immigrants to the US …..
Were dirty, crowded, and unhealthy
Most new immigrants lived in cities ….
to be close to industrial jobs found mostly in cities
Which of these immigrants groups would have been LEAST likely to encounter prejudice?
European Protestant
Rural (country) to Urban (City) migration was primarily motivated by ….
Access to steady employment opportunities
The newspapers of the late 1800’s both reflected and helped create ….
An American “Mass Culture”
Apartments, like the one pictured below, were given which name during this time period?
Most immigrants processed at Angel Island were from ….
Which of the following represents a PUSH factor for immigrants coming to America in the second half of the 1800’s?
Political Revolutions and Religious Violence
Why did the United States start to become known as a “melting pot” of cultures for many people?
There was a bunch of different cultures in the United states
Why were the living conditions in cities during this time period so dangerous? (2 reasons)
No water or pluming and expensive to live there
In which decade did the number of women employed in manufacturing increase most?
How do the changes shown in this graph relate to Progressive reforms?
As more women entered the industrial workforce, more women began to work for better living and working conditions and voting rights
What social problem did Upton Sinclair’s novel “The Jungle” describe?
the living and working conditions in Chicago’s stockyards and meat packing plants
Which reform resulted from the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory?
More workers rights and stronger workman’s compensation laws
Which reform did the Nineteenth Amendment enact?
Women’s Suffrage (right to vote)
In 1889, Jane Addams opened Hull House, which was
A settlement house to aid immigrants moving to Chicago
Progressive shared the belief that industrialization and urbanization …
Had created serious social and political problems
Socially conscious journalists who dramatized the need for reform were known as …
What was the greatest effect of muckrakers on the Progressive movement?
Their writing brought a variety of social and economic issues to the public eye, uniting the movement
Which of the following is a Referendum?
Any law passed by the government can be voted on for approval or veto by the people
Which of the following is an initiative?
People have the right to propose a new law
How did the reforms listed above impact America?
They gave citizens a greater voice in the democratic process of government
Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair are considered muckrakers because they
exposed corruption and abuses in society