Final Flashcards
Congress of Vienna (1815)
law on diplomatic agents and diplomatic missions
First Geneva Convention (1864)
treatment of wounded combatants and civilians -> beginning of int. humanitarian law
Hague Conventions (1899 & 1907)
PCA; laws of war; prohibition on the use of certain weapons (aerial bombardment, gasses)
Convention II of 1899 (Hague)
regulating circumstances of killing combatants
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
rules relating to treaties.
1970 Declaration on Principles of IL (5)
- Engaging in wars of aggression is a crime against peace.
- States can’t use or threaten to use force in order to violate established boundaries or resolve international disputes.
- States need to refrain from retaliatory actions involving the use of force.
- States can’t deny people their right to self-determination by using force.
- States can’t support terrorism.
Rome Statute (2002)
established the ICC. Strengthens the principle of individual criminal responsibility, and has a victim-centric approach.
De jure belli ac pacis
rules of war have to be followed regardless of whether the war is legitimate.
Uti possidetis juris
means colonies become independent under colonial borders. This caused lot’s of wars because the borders were artificial.
Ex aequo et bono
(according to right and good) power of some courts and tribunals to decide whether a case is right without referencing positive law.