Final Flashcards
What is the corral component located directly behind the working chute at the VT sheep center?
Crowding pen
Why are ewes that have just given birth put in a lambing jug?
-comfortable and safe environment for lamb
-allows farmer to monitor lamb health
-establish a bond between the lamb and ewe
What are the four teat problems associated with nipple quality?
Cows ___
Ewes ___
Sows ___
-cows calve
-ewes lamb
-sows farrow
What chemical is commonly used in footbaths to treat infected sheep?
-zinc sulfate
What name is given to the solid waste handling system that was discussed at the VT swine center?
Is the breed of a beef animal a required component to determine a frame score?
Why is an iron dextran injection given to newborn piglets within a couple days after birth?
-a baby pig is born with enough iron to survive about one week before anemic conditions prevail.
What are the three primary reasons why livestock trailers fail the annual state inspection?
-bald tires
-broken tail light
-bad breaks
How would you position the transducer (probe) of the ultrasound machine to confirm pregnancy in swine?
-On the flank between the last two nipples
Typical growth curve of a heifer and bull who are the same age and breed
-S curve
-bull line on top of heifer
-X axis = time
-Y axis = weight
What is the most common source of operator error when using the lean-meater?
-Air bubbles
What compartment of a ruminant’s digestive system permanently retains the magnet throughout the life of the animal?
Why are yearling weights helpful in a cow/calf operation?
-indicator of growth and development of the calf
-determine when heifer can be bred for the first time
-determine profitability
What is being measured when you performed FAMACHA eyelid scoring?
-anemia/blood loss
What hormone is present in a beef or sheep CIDR?
What family of antigens make-up 50% of the label in a pre-breeding vaccine given to heifers?
How many pair of permanent incisors would a 49 month old cow have?
-4 pairs
What is the practice of increasing energy intake during the 10-14 days prior to breeding sheep?
What do the first 3 characters on the RFID mean?
-the country
-840 is the US
What are the three most important objectives of meat quality assurance?
-Animal Welfare
-Food safety
-Product quality
Tire Number
-first two numbers indicate week
-last two indicate year
-3619 = 36 week in 2019
When putting a halter on a heifer, the eye loop should be on which side of the animal’s face?
When working with a full opening head gate, name the feature that is attached to the headgate which allows you to work cattle of different weights and frame sizes?
-Squeeze chute
The most meaningful time to assign teat and udder scores to beef cows is?
-after birth
What was the primary purpose of giving Nasalgen 3 to newborn baby calf?
-to prevent respiratory problems (pneumonia)
A teat and udder score of 3 for a beef cow could be described as one that has small teats and udder is held closely to the body. (T/F)
teat and udder score
-1 big and balloon teats, not ideal
-9 small teat, labor free, good
Why is the freeze branding site clipped and sanitized before placing the cold iron on the hip of beef cattle?
-Need to remove insulation barrier for close contact to skin
Why is it so important to place tattoo ink inside the ear of cattle before tattooing?
-the tattoo gun is just needles
-So, the ink is placed on the ear and the needles push the ink into the skin
What is the sole purpose of the RFID tag that is used in the beef cattle industry?
-identify the cattle
-used for traceability and biosecurity purposes
List the types of DNA samples that can be submitted to purebred cattle associations when genotyping live beef cattle?
-Tissue sample
-blood sample
-hair with root ball
What was the sole purpose of the Clean-Up II medication given to the heifers?
Is it pharmaceutical or biological?
-to prevent lice
-derived from living organisms
-enhance the body’s natural process to treat diseases
-target specific molecules
-interact with specific receptors or enzymes
-produced through chemical synthesis
-board range of targets