Final Flashcards
“Archidamian War”: Archidamus (Spartan) invades Attica. Athenians huddle inside city walls
480 BCE
Battles of Thermopylae and Salamis
479 BCE
Battle of Plateia
464 BCE
Cimon victorious over Persian navy in the battle of Eurymedon; end of Persian naval threat (for now.)
462 BCE
Spartan “affair of Ithome” -Cimon loses status, is ostracized
460-445 BCE
“First Peloponnesian War”
431 BCE
The affair at Corcyra, beginning of Peloponnesian War
454 BCE
Treasury of Delian League moved to Athens
451 BCE
Periclean citizenship law passed: in order to be a citizen, both parents must be citizens
447 BCE
Periclean building program: begin construction of Parthenon and Propylaia
430 BCE
The Plague at Athens. Jeremy argues that it was typhoid
428 BCE
Pericles dies
428 BCE
Revolt of Mytilene; cf. Thucydides’s “Mytilinean Debate”
425 BCE
Athenians take Spartan forces at Sphakteria; first surrender of Sparta
421 BCE
The “Peace of Nicias” which lasts for 5 years, sort of
416 BCE
Athens attacks island of Melos (a Spartan colony). Thucydides’ Melian Dialogue
415 BCE
Athens sends forces to Sicily, under leadership of ALcibiades, Lamachus, Nikias. Alcibiades wanted at home for role in “mutilation of the Hermes”
411 BCE
Oligarchic revolution at Athens; Assembly dissolved, COuncil of 400 set up, perhaps to be followed by Council of 5000.
410 BCE
Democracy restored in Athens; Sparta offers peace, Athens refuses under urging of Cleophon
406 BCE
Atheneian diaster at Arginousae; 6 of 8 generals (including Pericles’s son) put to death.
405 (?) BCE
Athenians lose final battle at Aegospotami
404-403 BCE
Reign of the Thirty Tyrants under Critias; reign of terror
403 BCE
Democracy re-established; blacnket amnesty declared
399 BCE
Socrates tried and convicted of “Corrupting the youth and believing in false gods.” Put to death
377 BCE
Athenians form the “Second Athenian League.” In contrast to the first, they do not levy tribute on their allies, and they give members of the league veto power
371 BCE
Battle of Leuktra, Epaminondas and the Thebans defeat Sparta despite inferior numbers. Epaminondas has developed new phalanx tactics.
362 BCE
Epaminondas killed at battle of Mantinea (against the Spartans). This effectively end Theban Hegemony.
349 BCE
Philip of Macedon attacks Olynthos (city on Chalkidikean peninsula); razes it in 348. Demosthenes (orator in Athens) is unable to convince Athenians to oppose him.
346 BCE
“Peace of Philocrates” negotiated with Athens. Athens gives up cities and properties on Chalkidike, and gives up al claims to Amphipolis.
338 BCE
Philip defeats Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea, effectively ending Greek resistance to his leadership.
338/337 BCE
League of Corinth is established; Philip declared Hegemon of Greece
337 BCE
League of Corinth under Philip declares war on Persia; Philip marries Cleopatra Eurydice, a Macedonian and daughter of one of his generals, Attalus.
336 BCE
Advance force goes to Persia; Philip assassinated in theater at Aigai under mysterious circumstances; at the age of 46 he is dead. His son by Olympias of Epirus, Alexander the Pretty Good So Far becomes the leader of Greece at the ripe age of 20
334 BCE
Battle of Granicus RIver; first major battle of Persian campaign. Here, Cleitus allegedly saves Alex after he has lost his helmet. Afterwards, Alex heads down Ionian coast to Halicarnassus, where he reestablishes Ada as Queen over her brother Pixodaros
333 BCE
Battle of Issus; 2nd major battle. Macedonians, greatly outnumbered, rout the Persian forces (which includes Greek mercenaries). Darius offers terms of surrender; Alex demands to be King of all Asia; terms rejected.
331 BCE
Battle of Guagamela- final defeat of Darius III, who flees to Ecbatana
326 BCE
Battle with Indian King Poros near the Hydaspes river. Death of Bucephalus (Alex’s horse). Afterward his men refuse to go further east; Alex takes army down the Indus (south) to the sea.
323 BCE
June 10: Alex falls ill while still on campaign in Babylon, and dies. On his deathbed he is said to have been asked to name a successor, and in response to have said “To the strongest”. Chaos ensues.
Athenian general and politician during Persian War; Saviour of Greece during Battle of Salamis and spearheaded getting the Athenian navy on its feet (sea legs?)
Calimachus (the polemarch)
Callimachus was the Athenian polemarch at the Battle of Marathon, which took place during 490 BC. According to Herodotus he was from the Attica deme of Afidnes
King of Sparta; died at Battle of Thermopylae
Persian ruler; beat the Hellespont, etc. etc. etc.
Athenian politician and general during Peloponnesian War; instituted reforms including the citizenship reforms requiring both parents to be citizens
Athenian politician and general during Peloponnesian War; characterized as most violent man in Athens and very persuasive
Athenian general that gets sent to Sicily; very cautious and thinks Alcibiades is insane for pushing this. Tries to convince the Athenians to not do this by telling them how expensive it will be
two-faced general (?) that starts out Athenian then goes to Sparta then Persia then back to Athens and then perhaps does another stint with Sparta; in it for personal gains only
Demosthenes (general)
Athenian general that is part of the Sicily expedition; ambushed and executed by Sicilians
Spartan general who wanted to take Demosthenes and Nikias as prisoners instead of having them executed
Pro-Oligarchy Athenian general stuck on Samos; convinced by Alcibiades
Athenian statesman; pro-oligarchy
Pro-Democracy Athenian statesman during later years of Peloponnesian War
Pro-Democracy Athenian statesman during later years of Peloponnesian War
Athenian philosopher accused of corrupting youth and executed via hemlock
Demosthenes (orator)
tried to convince Athenians to stand up to Philip II, and also was involved in a variety of legal cases; Athen’s most famous orator
Athenian orator who disliked Demosthenes; insulted him on a variety of occasions; eventually went into exile after being utterly demolished by Demosthenes
Philip II of Macedon
Macedonian king who took over most of Greece and basically established the base of what would become Alexander’s empire; Alex’s father; conquers Athens and Thebes
Alexander the Great
conquered most of the known world
General for Alexander’s army; killed in a drunken quarrel where he kept challenging Alex
Darius III
Persian king that Alex defeated