final Flashcards
kyphotic or lordotic are primary curves
what initiates the lumbar lordosis
becoming upright
what is the only curve a fetus has
kyphotic curve
what are the fundamental movements
what are the transitional movements
what are the functional mvts
vertical stance
diff btw kyphotic and kyphosis
kyphotic is normal and kyphosis is more intense than normal curve
diff btw vertebral foramen and interverterbral foramen
vertebral is where spinal cord is and intervertebral is where the spinal nerves exit from
which vertebrae contain a transverse foramen and what passes there
cervical and vertebral a.
what does the atlas have more than normal c vertebraes and what mvt does it do
2 lateral masses
2 sup articular facet for occipital condyles
what joint is atlantooccipital
what is the lig of the axis b., what mvt does it do and what makes it unique
transverse atlantar lig, NO and dens
what lig can be damaged by whiplash
transverse atlantar lig
with what part of the thoracic vertebrae does the ribs articulate
head of rib with demi-facet on bodies
tubercle of rib on transverse process
where does the rotation occur on the thoracic vertebrae
at facet joints
what demi facet is connected to what demi facet
inf demifacet on sup vertebrae articulates w sup demi facet on inf vertebrae
what vertebrae has their facet joints on the sagittal plane
lumbar vertebrae
what forms the median sacral crest
spinous processes
what is the most prominent ant part of the sacrum
sacral promontory
at what level is the sacral hiatus
what is the end of the sacral canal called
sacral cornu
what two ligaments form the interosseous sacroiliac lig
ventral and dorsal interosseous
what is spondylosis
umbrella term
what permits movement btw vertebral bodies
different fiber direction of the annulus fibrosis (spiral and oblique)
what is contained in the annulus fibrosis
nucleus pulposus
what is a degenerated disc
lost hydration
what is a bulging disc
pushing on rings but didn’t rupture yet
what is a herniated disc
pushed tru rings and ruptured
what is a thinning disc
doesn’t allow mvt and hurts a lot bc of b. on b. rubbing
what is a disc degeneration w osteophyte formation
b. extensions on body so no allowing of mvt and no ROM
what is spondylolysis
partial fx of parsinterarticularis will heal on its own
what is spondylolysthesis
complete bilateral fx of pars interarticularis
what connects the lig flavum
sup lamina to inf lamina
what connects the supraspinous lig
on top of spinous processes
what connects the ant and post longitudinal ligs
bodies sup and inf
what is on C7, T2, T3, T7, L4/L5, S2
what does sura, talus, pes, calx, planta mean
what passes in the greater sciatic notch (7)
sup/inf gluteal n. and vessels
sciatic n.
post femoral cutaneous n.
pudental n.
n. to obt internus
n. to quadratus femoris
what passes in the lesser sciatic notch (4)
obt internus
int. pudental vessels
pudental n.
n. to obturator internus
where is the intertrochanteric crest and line found
intertrochanteric crest is post and line is ant
where is the quadrate tubercle
along intertrochanteric crest and post
what line turns into med lip of linea aspera when its post
spiral line (ant)
what turns into the lat lip of linea aspera post
gluteal tuberosity
what tubercle is 1 cm from med epicpondyle of femur
adductor tubercle
which is ant btw popliteal and patellar surface
patellar surface
where is the malleolar groove on the tibia
post and distal
what passes thru the malleolar groove
tib post and flexor digitorum longus tendons
where is the talar facet compared to the malleolar fossa of fibula
sup and anterior to malleolar fossa
what border forms the Y on the fibula
ant border
what is the order of the border from ant to medial to post
ant, interosseous and post
what lig of hip has an ant and post component
what are the boundaries of the ischiofemoral and pubofemoral lig
ischiofemoral: ischial spine to intertrochanteric fossa
pubofemoral: sup ramus of pubis to intertrochanteric line
what ligament prevents hip hyperextension, lat rot and abduction
what are the angles of inclination
angle btw the shaft of femur and the neck of femur
coxa vara <120°
normal 120-135°
coxa valga >135°
what angle of inclination is associated with walking on inner and outer edges of feet
inner is coxa vara
outer is coxa valga
what are the angles of anteversion
femoral anteversion: walking with toes in (med epi is more post and lat epi is more ant)
femoral retroversion: walking with toes out (med epi is more ant and lat epi is more post)
what helps w med stability of knee
MCL, sartorius, semi-tendinosus and gracilis
diff btw MCL and LCL
MCL is longer, broader and flatter
LCL is shorter and round and attaches to head of fib
what m. help w lat knee stability
tendon of biceps femoris, tendon of popliteus, iliotibial tract
bursa btw LCL and ___
what lig supports the post knee joint
oblique popliteal lig
what lig prevents internal tibia rot and ant glide of tibia on femur and limits knee hyperextension
what lig prevents excessive tibial rotation and post glide of tibia
and is very important when walking down stairs or on steep incline
what are the horns of the meniscus attached to
intercondylar eminences
what meniscus is round and whihc is c shaped
round: lat
c shaped; med
what is the knee joint capsule stabilized by
oblique popliteal lig. arcuate popliteal lig and med/lat patellar retinaculum
what bursae is the most problematic one and what bursae are deep to tendon
prepatellar is problematic
and supra patellar and infrapatellar are deep
what joint does df and pf and abd (what type and what degrees)
dorsi 20°
pf 50°
abd 16°
what joint does inv and ever, what type of joint is it and what bones does it involved
talus calcaneous
how many degrees can the foot pronate and supinate
pronate 15-30°
supinate 45-60°
what tendons pass on top of the calcaneofibular lig
fibularis longus and brevis
what lig is med to tib ant tendon
ant tibiotalar lig
what lig does Tom dick and harry pass on top of
post tibiotalar lig
what is the plantar fascia continuous with
lower leg m.
what is the other name for the spring lig
calcaneonavicular lig.
what are the boundaries of the lesser true pelvis
upper pelvic aperture
sacral promontory to symphysis pubis
arcuate pubic lig to post tip of coccyx
laterally bound by ischial tuberostities
what are the boundaries of the greater false pelvis
above pelvis aperture to iliac crests
diff btw pubic arch of men and women
men: <90°
women >90°
which retinaculum is continuous
inferior fibular retinaculum w inf extension retinaculum
what is the order med to lat of tom dick and harry under foot
Tom harry dick
what is the order med to lat of tom dick and harry on leg
dick tom harry
what is the order med to lat of tom dick and harry behind med malleolus
tom dick, post tibial a. tibial n., harry
1st layer (superficial)
abd hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis and abd digiti minimi
2nd layer
quadratus plantae
flexor hallucis longus tendon, flexor digitorum longus tendon, lumbricals
3rd layer
flexor hallucis brevis
add hallucis
flexor digit minimi
4th layer (deepest)
plantar and dorsal interrossei
what n. does the saphenous branch off of and where does it travel
femoral n. and saphenous stays med superficial leg
what nerves come from lumbar plexus
illiohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, lat femoral cutaneous, femoral and obturator
what nerves come from scaral plexus
inf and sup gluteal n. and sciatic
what 2 nerves join to form sural and where do they come from
med sural cutaneous (tibial) and lat sural cutaneous (common fibular)
what arteries supply the post thigh
perforating arteries (thru magnus) from femoral
what artery follows the deep fibular n.
ant tibial a.
what a. passes thru add canal
femoral to become popliteal
what a. follow the tibial n.
post tibial a.
what a. follows the fibula and stays post
fibular a.
which v is the lat one that dumps into femoral
great saphenosu
what passes thru the saphenous opening and what closes this opening off
the great saphenous v. and cribriform fascia
what v. stays med and does go up further than the popliteal v.
small saphenous v.
insertion of glute max
iliotibial tract of tfl and gluteal tuberosity of femur
action of tfl
flex and abd hip
insertion and action of pectineus
pectineal line btw lesser trochanter and linea aspera
flexion and add
action of gracilis
add thigh
flex and med rot knee
insertion of biceps femoris
head of fibula and lat condyle of tibia
o of tib ant, ext hallucis longus and ext digitorum longus
tib ant: lat condyle and shaft of tibia and im
ext hall longus: ant surface of fibula and im
extdigit longus: lat condyle of tibia, ant surface of fibula and im
o of soleus m
head of fibula and soleal line of tibia
popliteus o, ins, ac
lat condyle of femur
prox tibia above popliteal line
flex and med rot of knee and help unlock extended knee
o flexor digit longus and flex hallucis longus
flexor digitorum longus: post surface of tibia
flex hallucis longus: distal 2/3 of fibula
o fibularis longus
head and prox 2/3 of fibula
a lumbricals
flex prox phalanges of digits2-5
ext middle and distal phalanges of digits 2-5