Final Flashcards
Saint Joan D’Arc (Fifteenth century CE)
She was a defender of France in the fifteenth century CE. She accompanied the French Army to Orleans and apparently, she inspired them to liberate the city with the will of God. She was captured and burned in the city of Normandy as a heretic.
Basil II (976-1025 CE)
He was the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire from the year 976-1025 CE. He campaigned against the Bulgars at lost at first but, eventually defeating them in 1014 CE and blinding 14,000 Bulgar captives before they sent them home.
Hippodrome (Fourth Century CE)
This was an arena built in Constantinople in the fourth century CE. It was a super important building because it held chariot races and other public events. It was completed by Constantine I.
Leon Battista Alberti (Fifteenth Century CE)
He was a Florentine architect and author during the fifteenth century. He was famed for the idea that “Men can do all things if they will.” he gave the idea that a “universal person” was capable of achieving in many areas of life.
Mehmed II (1444-1481 CE)
He was an Ottoman Sultan from 1444-1481 CE. He was a great military leader, and, in his reign, he captured Constantinople and conquered the territories in Anatolia and the Balkans. Constantinople was important because of the trade between the Black Sea and the rest of the Mediterranean.
Magna Carta (1215 CE)
This is a document that was signed in Runnymede in the year 1215 CE. It was important because this document guaranteed feudal liberties and said the relationship between the king and his vassals was based off of mutual rights and obligations therefore limiting the king’s power.
Clovis (482-511 CE)
He was a Frankish king and member of the Merovingian dynasty and lived in 482-511 CE. He was important because he converted to Catholic Christianity, and he also expanded his kingdom from the Pyrenees all the way to Modern day Western Germany.
Innocent III (1160-1216 CE)
He was a pope who lived in Italy from the years 1160-1216 CE. He was most well known for being a super powerful pope in his time. He expanded authority over the Papal States, launched Crusades to recover the Holy Land, and he uses the power of interdict a lot during his time as pope.
Frederick I Barbossa (1123-1190 CE)
He was a German king and Holy Roman Emperor and was alive from the years 1123-1190 CE. He was most well-known for wanting to create a new kind of Empire and planned to get his chief revenues from Italy but, his plan to conquer Northern Italy failed and was defeated in 1176 CE.
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 CE)
He was an Italian theologian and philosopher who was alive in the years 1225-1274 CE. He was best known for his work Summa Theologica which was his attempt to reconcile faith and reason.
Koryo (Early tenth century CE)
This was a Korean dynasty that rose to power during the early tenth century CE. This new kingdom adopted Chinese political institutions to strengthen its power and unify territory and it introduced the civil service examination system.
Heian Period (794-1185 CE)
This is a period in Japanese history that lasted from 794-1185 CE. This period was most well-known because this is when rural areas became under the control of wealthy families and lived on private estates called “Shoen”
Taika Reforms (646 CE)
These were reform in Japan that were established in 646 CE. They were important because it established the Grand Council, made official communications based off of the Chinese written language, they even divided the country into administrative districts.
Daimyo (Fourteenth Century CE)
This was a Japanese social class that arose about in the 14th century CE. They were largest and most powerful land holding magnates in Japan and owed no taxes to the government.
Bakufu (12th century CE)
This was a way to strengthen the state in the 12th century CE. It was known as a “tent government” and it was controlled under a powerful military leader called the shogun.
Genghis Khan (1162-1227 CE)
He was a Mongol ruler who lived in the years 1162-1227 CE. He was probably the most famous Mongol ruler of all time. He was known for uniting the Mongolian nomadic tribes into a militarized disciplined state and expanded his rule from Adriatic Sea to the Pacific coast in China.
Zheng He (1405 CE)
He was a Chinese ship admiral who in 1405 CE traveled through the Strait of Malacca and traveled as far west as the east coast of Africa. He culminated the process of opening China to trade.
Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE)
This Chinese dynasty happened during the years 960-1279 CE. This dynasty was considered pretty successful and population had risen to 40 million but by the end of their reign they got invaded and taken over by the Mongols.
Wang Anshi (11th Century CE)
He was a Chinese economist who lived during the 11th century CE. He was most well known for his limiting the size of landholdings and provided cheap credit to poor farmers.
Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE)
This was a Chinese dynasty that took place from 618-907 CE. This dynasty was known for
Gupta Dynasty (320-600s CE)
This was an Indian dynasty that was in power from 320-600s CE. They were known for prosperity and their strong economy through the silk trade.
Hinduism (8th Century CE)
This is an Indian religion that started to spread around 8th century CE. This religion comes from Brahminism over time this became the dominant religion in India, and is the third largest religion today.
Fa Xian (337-422 CE)
He was a Chinese Buddhist monk who lived between 337-422 CE. He was known for traveling by foot from China and India to retrieve Buddhist texts.
Tamerlane (1330s)
He was the ruler of a Mongol Khanate based in Samarkand during the 1330s. He brought the entire region of the Caspian Sea under his authority and then conquered Baghdad and occupied Mesopotamia
Berbers (8th century)
The Berbers are a descendant of pre-Arab inhabitants in North Africa they originated from the beginning of recorded human history until the 8th century CE. Their significance is that they a group of people that can still be found today with the highest populations being in Morrocco and Algeria. During the Islamic rule they were known for trading gold and slaves across the Sharara.
Mosque of Kilwa (10th Century)
This is a mosque that was built in the 10th century CE, in what is modern-day Tanzania. This is important because it was built so far south it shows the spread of Islam in Africa in the Middle Ages since, it was built by a river that could have had a significant impact of the spread of the Islamic religion on the rest of Africa because cities built upon rivers are centers of trade and travel.
Arab Rule (7th Century)
The Arab takeover of Africa started in the 7th century CE. In Egypt the Arabs took the country away from the Byzantines and established a new capital in Cairo where the capital still is to this day, this had a huge impact for the in habitants because they were being taxed so heavily by the Byzantines, they almost welcomed the new Arabic powers. Many people quickly converted to Islam because if they did so they were exempt from taxation.
Zagwe (12th-13th Century)
This was a dynasty of Ethiopian rulers during the 12th and 13th centuries. They were well known for their military nomadic life and their will to build monuments for their Christian faith.
Kingdom of Kush (2nd Millennium- 350 BCE)
This was an African kingdom in modern day Nubia that was around from 2nd millennium to around the fourth century BCE. They were very prosperous in their time even seizing the city of Memphis from the Egyptians. Their capital of Meroe was economic center for being a trading hub for iron.
Mecca (4th century CE)
This is a city in modern day Saudi Arabia that was established in the 4th century CE. This city is super important even in modern times because it is the religious epicenter for Islam. This is where Muslim from all over make their travels as a form of Hajj ritual.
Caliph (4th Century CE)
A Caliph is a common phrase in Islamic countries and this term could potentially date back to the 4th century, at least before Muhammad’s time. This means a religious leader as well as a temporal one.
Abu Bakr (7th century)
He was a caliph in present day Saudi Arabia and rule sometime in the early 7th century. He was the first caliph of Islam ever which is pretty important, and he was able to expand Muslim rule all over the Arabian Penninsula.
Sultan (late 10th century)
A king or ruler of a Muslim state, this term popped up around the late 10th century CE. This term in important because of the use over history, it was particularly important in the Ottoman Empire where they used it until the year 1922.
Mu’awiya I (661-680 CE)
This was the first caliph of the Umayyad dynasty and reigned in the Muslim Empire from 661-680 CE. His significance is that he was able to rebuild the Islamic state after a period of anarchy and chaos.
Zapotecs (1st Millenium BCE)
This was a Mesoamerican civilization that was situated near modern day Oaxaca, Mexico and it started around the first millennium BCE. Their written language hasn’t been deciphered yet, but they thrived in their mountainous terrain and had a class of nobles and priest ruling over them.
Olmecs (16th century BCE)
This was a Mesoamerican civilization that was near modern-day La Venta, Mexico, this civilization dates back to around the 16th century BCE. There is little known about this civilization because their writing has not yet been deciphered, but rubber was one of their made goods that they traded throughout the region.
Pacal (7th century CE)
He was a king of the Palenque during the 7th century he ruled one of the most powerful Mayan city-states. He was known for breaking the patrilineal descent twice with his grandmother and his mother, his mother ruled for a certain number of years and was reagent for her son up until he became twenty-five. This shows that women could have power in Mesoamerica.
Ball Courts (700 BCE)
A ball court was a structure made in Mesoamerica to play a ball game that dates back to around the 700s BCE. They were stadium like structure so people could watch these games take place, this was important because it shows more of Mesoamerica’s culture and insight has to how they played and enjoyed sport.
Teotihuacan (3rd century BCE)
This was the first major metropolis in Central America, it can be found 30 miles northeast to where modern-day Mexico City is and was establish in the 3rd century BCE. This place still has a Pyramid of the Sun, where under it has the remains of the sacrificial victims from there remains people have great insight of the culture and practices of the early central American civilizations.