Final Flashcards
Kenzie is an infant who sucks her thumb when she is anxious. She also chews on toys when she sees other children fighting. As she gets a little older, she will go to her room when her brothers start fighting. Why does Kenzie do these things?
Kenzie is engaging in emotion regulation.
What allows toddlers to experience more complex emotions, such as self-conscious emotions?
Self-conscious emotions include all of the following EXCEPT ______.
What term describes challenges that tax children’s coping capacities and create psychological stress?
Influences that promote positive outcomes and reduce poor outcomes associated with adverse circumstances are called ______ factors.
Information processing in older adults shows a bias toward what type of information?
Positive information
Research shows hardiness is not just an innate trait; instead, it can be learned through training and shifts in attitude to improve the ability to cope with challenging situations.
Which theoretical perspective emphasized that feeding was a critical context for infants and caregivers to interact and for infants to have their needs met and thereby develop a sense of trust?
All of these behaviors are consistent with a child that is securely attached to his or her caregiver EXCEPT ______.
more likely to be cautious of unfamiliar situations
Carter is an infant taking part in the Strange Situation. He was wary of the stranger when she entered the room. When his mother left, he cried, and the stranger tried to comfort him unsuccessfully. When his mother came back into the room, he smiled at her and reached to her. His mother picked him up and he stopped crying and soon was able to sit on the floor and play with the toys. What attachment type is Carter’s behavior consistent with?
Secure attachment
Four-month-old Robert is described as having a difficult temperament. His father is insensitive, coercive, and also difficult in temperament. What can we predict Robert’s developmental outcome will be?
Robert will most likely have behavioral problems and adjustment difficulties that worsen with age, even into early adolescence.
All of these statements reflect the reciprocal nature of temperament EXCEPT ______.
not all babies fit squarely into any of the three categories of temperament but display a mix of characteristics
Six-month-old Jeremy has difficulty sleeping. He doesn’t follow any predictable schedule. He is an extremely active baby, but he tends to be unhappy the majority of the time. He gets very upset when his mother leaves him with any other caregiver and typically spends most of the time she is away crying. What temperamental style does Jeremy have?
Feeling ______ require(s) understanding of self and others.
Eighteen-month-old Annabelle looks in the mirror, sees that the reflection in the mirror has a mark on her nose, and touches her own nose. What can we conclude?
Annabelle is recognizing herself.
Why do adults tend to consistently identify with their younger selves?
It is a compensatory strategy to counteract the negative cultural messages associated with aging and to maximize their happiness.
Jeffrey describes himself as a really good athlete but not so good at academics. He says he is happy with who he is and isn’t worried about his low grades. Jeffrey is describing ______.
Which of the following advances in cognitive development lead children to make more complex descriptions and evaluations of themselves?
perspective taking and social comparison
Middle-ages and older adults have higher self-esteem than young adults because they revised their possible selves to be more idealistic and grand.
Around what age does self-esteem peak?
Identity exploration is associated with ______.
higher socioeconomic status
Fifteen-year-old friends Elizabeth and Maggie are discussing what they want to do after high school. Maggie is thinking about becoming and archaeologist or perhaps a Spanish teacher but she has not completely decided. Elizabeth knows what she will be: a college professor. Her parents are both professors, and her older brother is just starting his PhD program. What identity status is Elizabeth in?
identity foreclosed
Why is adolescence the best time for a psychosocial moratorium?
Adolescents have more autonomy than children but not the responsibilities of adults.
Identity-diffused individuals tend to be indecisive and apathetic.
We see the most pronounced changes in a person’s personality traits in adolescence.
Individuals who are impulsive are low in ______.
Individuals with which personality trait are more likely to divorce?
High neuroticism
At birth, personality first manifests as ______.
In Piaget’s morality of cooperation stage, children see rules as ____.
products of group agreement
Jenna is very careful not to hurt another person’s feelings. She earned a spot as the team captain for her tennis team, but she knew that her teammate really wanted to be captain, so she asked her coach to give it to the other player. Jenna’s brother said she should not have done that because she earned it. What moral orientation is her brother’s response motivated by?
a justice orientation
What is the lowest level of Kohlberg’s moral stages?
Preconventional reasoning
Daphne, age 6, is the only child of a wealthy family. Her parents both have jobs that require long hours. Their philosophy is that Daphne is a child and should not have to work, other than to keep pace with her class at the private school she attends. They employ a part-time nanny and a full-time housekeeper, who also cooks for the family. Daphne has shown an interest in helping the housekeeper cook, but the housekeeper discourages this and suggests she go play. What do these factors predict for the development of Daphne’s prosocial behavior?
Because Daphne is not expected or allowed to work to help the household function, she will miss out on opportunities to contribute and cooperate.
Who is most likely to be a strongly prosocial child?
Jamila, a child in rural Kenya, who gathers eggs, milks the goat, and helps her mother weave cloth for the family business
Adults become less empathetic with age.
According to the experts, how do children learn moral behavior best?
When they are reinforced for good behavior
The method a parent uses to teach and socialize children toward acceptable behavior is called ______.
According to Hoffman, what is the disciplinary method that involves controlling a child’s behavior through the use of spankings, commands, and physical restraint?
Power assertion
What was used in studies by Bandura to determine the effects of modeling on childhood aggression?
The Bobo doll
Which of the following is a psychiatric diagnosis referring to extreme antisocial behavior, such as destruction of property, theft, or causing pain to others?
Conduct disorder
Antisocial behavior tends to increase in ______.
Which is true regarding religious adolescents compared with their less religious peers?
Religious adolescents engage in more prosocial behavior.
_____ during adolescence is correlated with self-esteem.
Religious commitment
Questions about the role of religion in their lives are an important part of adolescent ____.
identity development
Which is true regarding children’s play and gender?
Children in a variety of cultures prefer to play with others of the same sex
According to one study, of these countries, gender differences in the Big 5 personality factors would be greatest in ______
The United States, an individualist culture
Women now represent almost half of the U.S. workforce.
The ____ imperative is the notion that mothers and fathers must adopt different roles to raise children successfully according to some theorists.
What is the term for a child’s understanding that gender does not change, and he or she will always be the same gender regardless of appearance, activities, or attitudes?
Gender constancy
The brain and hormones are the focus of ______ theories of gender role development.
Gender _____, the awareness of whether one is a boy or girl, occurs at about age 2.
What typically happens when preschool children observe someone performing a gender-inconsistent activity?
They misrecall or fail to remember the incident.
It is believed that ______ marks the beginning of children’s sexual desire.
the maturation of the adrenal glands
Adrenarche occurs between the ages of ______.
6 and 10
What stimulates the hormones that begin changes we associate with puberty?
Adolescent parenthood is associated with which of the following?
Long-term economic disadvantage
______ is the most dangerous STI.
Positive adjustment in the children of adolescent mothers is predicted by ______
secure attachment
Since 1990, rates of adolescent pregnancy have _____.
In the United States, what is the average age of first marriage for men?
Which statement accurately illustrates the feelings of new parents?
Many new parents report not feeling prepared for the roller coaster of emotions ranging from joy to frustration and reduced feelings of well-being that accompany parenthood.
What is the average number of children born to a woman in the United States today?
In general, the differences in child well-being across family types are largely influenced by ______.
family income
Who is most likely to experience conflict in the home?
A child from a cohabiting household
Which of the following statements accurately describe the outcomes children of divorce experience?
Divorce results in some internalizing and externalizing problems, but the effects are small.
Why does conflict between parents and adolescents tend to increase during early adolescence?
Because adolescents begin to seek autonomy from their parents
What characteristic do preschoolers who are raised by permissive parents tend to exhibit?
Socioemotional immaturity
In divorced and single-parent homes, close, nurturing relationships with _____ are associated with positive adjustment in adolescents.
Approximately 1 in 3 young adults (18 to 31 years old) in the United States currently lives with his or her parents.
Middle-aged adults who must meet the multiple demands of career and family as well as the demands of caring for two generations, their children and their elderly parents, are considered to be in the ______.
sandwich generation
What is associated with early dating, relative to peers?
Alcohol and substance use
What is the term for the degree to which a child is viewed as a worthy social partner by his or her peers?
Peer acceptance
Which of the following reasons does the textbook imply is the cause for rising rates of cohabitation?
The trend for advanced education and delayed career entry
What is the likely outcome of academically oriented preschool programs that emphasize academics over self-directed exploration?
They negatively influence motivation and learning.
The current view of mathematics curriculum involves _____.
an emphasis on concepts, problem solving, and estimating and probability, as well as student interaction and social involvement in solving math problems
What kind of preschool provides children with a structured learning environment through which they learn letters, numbers, shapes, and academic skills via drills and formal lessons?
Cross-cultural research on effective early childhood education indicates that in ______, a child-centered approach works especially well.
the United States
Why do nontraditional students have strengths that traditional students may not?
They tend to show a readiness to learn and a problem-centered orientation toward learning.
The typical job of a person with only a high school degree spends their first working years in jobs that have all of the following characteristics except:
What do nontraditional college students report as their number-one reason to return to college?
They are looking to be eligible for a higher paying careers.
Donna is not planning on attending college after high school. What are schools doing that will result in Donna not being prepared for the job market?
They are focusing more energy on college-bound students and no vocational training for students not attending college.
Which of the following statements is true regarding non-college-bound students?
Each year, about one third of high school graduates do not attend college.
The relation of attributions and achievement is ______.
Which individual is most likely to show a greater mastery orientation and higher levels of achievement motivation?
Montel, a boy from a wealthy household
If a child views their skills and characteristics as malleable, then they have a _____ mindset.
What is the focus of Super’s crystallization stage of vocational development?
Individuals begin to think about careers in more complex ways, considering their own interests, personality, abilities, and values, as well as the requirements of each career
What is the main determining factor with regard to whether and when an older adult retires?
Financial resources
Workers in high-stress, demanding jobs or those that provide little satisfaction are most likely to have an easier adjustment to retirement.
Suicide is the most common cause of death for adolescents
The philosophy of the hospice approach emphasizes ______
prolonging quality of life
Permanent brain damage occurs after oxygen deprivation for a minimum of what length of time?
3 minutes
What term means death from the removal of life-sustaining treatment?
Passive euthanasia
Which term means a belief in some form of afterlife after death of the physical body?
Noncorporeal continuation
Awareness of death often causes midlife adults to ______.
reevaluate priorities
The understanding that death is final, irreversible, and inevitable typically emerges in what age range?
5 to 7 years
Which age-group tends to spend more time thinking about the process and circumstances of dying than the actual state of death?
older adults
A dying person who has lost faith in his or her physician and seeks a second or third opinion is most likely in which stage of processing death?
Which of the following describes typical changes and symptoms that the dying person experiences shortly before death?
An example of short-term expected death is one due to ______.
Deaths that occur much before they are expected are referred to as ______.
off time
Lindsay has just received news that her father has died. While on the phone with her sister, she kept saying, “But I just talked to him 2 days ago! He’s been so healthy. We were going to run a marathon together!” Which phase of mourning is Lindsay in?
Arthur is 74 years of age. He lost his wife to heart disease 6 months ago, and he has fallen into a deep depression. His children and friends are deeply concerned about him. What recommendation would most likely help alleviate Arthur’s depressive symptoms?
volunteering at a local library.
Children who are dying tend to feel _____.