Final Flashcards
MTSS (multi-tiered system of support)
- Provides targeted support to struggling readers
- Screens all students and aims to address behavioral as well as academic issues
- Goal is to intervene early so students can catch up to their peers
Progress monitoring
allows teachers to see if students are on track to meet their goals
Performance Monitoring
the process of collecting and analyzing data over time to measure student performance and evaluate the effectiveness of instruction
Features of effective progress monitoring
- Progress monitoring is conducted in all tiers of instruction
- Progress monitoring measures are based on and directly relevant to the curriculum, as well as the level and tier level of RTI
- In order to facilitate data collection, measures must be easy to administer and effective
- Results should be displayed in a manner that makes interpretation simple and efficient, for example, in charts or line graphs
- Rules for decision making must be determined for all aspects of progress monitoring data, including cut scores for level (performance score), slope (change in performance over time), and percentage mastery
- Cut scores and decision rules must have a clear rationale
- Progress monitoring measures must be collected frequently enough to inform instructional and placement decisions. Frequency of administration may differ across different tiers, an guidelines for these should be specified
- Results of progress monitoring, although important, should be considered only one of several sources that inform instructional decision making.
Tier 1 Progress Monitoring
- purpose is to determine whether students are making adequate progress in general education classes
- culturally responsive progress monitoring
Tier 2 Progress Monitoring
- intensive supports
- still struggling to meet achievement expectations
- students may be provided with frequent progress monitoring
Tier 2-3 Teacher assistance Teams
- overlaps with Tier 2
- considers support by individual students
Tier 3-4 Special Education
- tailored to individual needs of the student
- features frequent measurement of learning outcomes and immediate and dynamic instructional decision making
- no specific ending date
Curriculum Based Measurements
- DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)
- Reading fluency progress monitor
- AIMSweb (progress monitoring system)
- EdCheckup (a set of progress monitoring tools for pre-readers through 8th grade levels)
- Vanderbilt CBM Materials (standardized and systematic method of formative assessment)
- STAR assessment (short tests that provide teachers with learning data)
- Test of word reading efficiency
- Yearly Progress Pro
RTI (response to intervention)
usually done 3 times throughout the year
Tier 1
scientifically bases instructional programs within the general education classroom and is delivered by the gen ed teachers
Tier 2
may be delivered to small groups of students who have demonstrated similar areas of difficulty
Tier 3
involves intensive, individualized instruction implemented more frequently over a longer period of time
RTI focuses in 5 components of reading
- Phonemic awareness
- Phonics development
- Reading fluency
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary development
most RTI has been primarily reading but can include relevant content and skill areas
Interventions at different tiers are distinguished by specific features, such as:
- Size of group
- Performance standards
- Frequency of delivery intervention
- Overall duration of the specific intervention
- Frequency of progress monitoring
- Training of the teacher or other specialist in the content area
- Focus of the content of skill