Final Flashcards
Author of computational thinking
J. Wing
What is computational thinking
- fundamental skill for everyone
- solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behaviour, by drawing on the concepts of computer science
- reformulating a seemingly difficult problem into one we know how to solve
- using abstraction and decomposition when attacking a large complex task
- prevention, protection, and recovery from worst-case scenarios
How is CT integrated into the K-12 curriculum?
by learning ABOUT and WITH the Technology
J. Wing’s vision on CT
CT will be a fundamental skill used by everyone in the world.
Computational thinker concepts
- Algorithm-Step by step process we use every day- recipe
- Decomposition- Breaking down ideas
- Paterns-
- Abstraction-Only pay attention to the specific things we care about
- Evaluation
- Logic
- Automation
Computational thinker approaches
- Tinkering
- Creating
- Debugging
- Persevering
- Collaborating
- Refinement
Digital Promise organization ( In a broader context, CT skills include:
- Gathering and organizing data
- Expressing algorithm
- Creating computational model
- Using these models
One possible way Computational Thinking can be operationalized in K-12 is
through the teaching of Computer Science (CS).
Definition of operationalization
is the process of defining a fuzzy concept (CT) so as to make it clearly distinguishable or measurable, and to understand it in terms of empirical observations.
operational definition is
a description of something in terms of the operations (procedures, actions, or processes) by which it could be observed and measured.
Operational definition of CT
- Formulating problem
- Logically organizing
- representing data through abstractions
- automating solutions through algorithmic thinking
- identifying solutions
- using the problem-solving process to a wide variety of problems
What type of theory does CT support
The constructionist theory
Coding misconceptions
- Only Programmers can teach coding…
- Students already have too much screen time…
- Only future programmers benefit from coding at school…
- Coding doesn’t fit the curriculum or testing regimen
- Teaching computer science is too expensive
- Technology changes too fast to teach
Which province added computer coding to school curriculum?
What is Canada’s CanCode initiative
- The CanCode program will invest $100 million over four years, 2017-21
- Support for educational opportunities for coding and digital skills development to Canadian youth from K-12.
- Provide K-12 teachers with the training and professional development to introduce digital skills, coding and related concepts into the classroom.
Who wrote: Computational thinking: A competency whose time has come
Grover, S., & Pea, R.
CT definiton according to Grover and Pea
- the thought processes involved in formulating a problem and expressing its solution(s) in such a way that a computer – human or machine – can effectively carry out.
Informally, computational thinking describes the mental activity in formulating
a problem to admit a computational solution.
-it is about thinking like a computer scientist. It’s the problem-solving approaches commonly used by computer scientists that constitute computational thinking
What is logical thinking and an example
Logical thinking involves analysing situations to make a decision or reach a conclusion about a situation. An everyday example of logical and analytical thinking might involve analysing whether it is worthwhile going to Shop A to buy a dress for $30 or Shop B where it’s available for $20
What is algorithmic thinking and an example
Algorithms are precise step-by-step plans or procedures to meet an end goal or to solve a problem; algorithmic thinking is the skill involved in developing an algorithm. Cooking recipes are a common everyday example of algorithms. Algorithms that students encounter in the context of K-12 CT learning involve three basic building blocks – sequence, selection and repetition
What is pattern recognition and an example
Computational thinking includes these ideas of pattern recognition and extends the idea to problem-solving settings. Pattern recognition in CT could lead to the definition of a generalizable solution (which also has overlaps in maths) that can leverage automation in computing for dealing with a generic situation, for example any Step n of a series no matter how large n gets.
What is abstraction and an example
abstraction is ‘information hiding’. The act of ‘black-box’-ing details allows one to focus only on the input and output. In this sense, then, abstraction provides a way of simplifying and managing complexity. It is also the ability to generalize based on similarities and differences. CT involves knowing the right types of abstractions to create and use in a computation solution.
What is evaluation
Evaluation goes hand-in-hand with several of the elements of CT described above. Solutions to problems in the form of algorithms or abstractions in the form of programs, models or simulations must be evaluated for correctness and appropriateness based on the goal as well as constraints
What is automation
At the K-12 level, even though the end goal of applying CT is not always a computational solution implemented on a machine, it is important for learners to develop an understanding of when automation is the answer to the problem – what aspects of problems are better solved by humans and which are better solved by the machines.
What is problem decomposition
Breaking a problem down into smaller sub-problems makes the problem more tractable and the problem-solving process more manageable.
What is creating computational artefacts and an example
creating solutions to be executed by a computer is often a natural end goal of computational thinking and problem solving. Sometimes, the computational artefact is merely a simulation or model or interactive prototype of something that will eventually be a physical artefact; at other times the computational artefact is itself the end goal – a game or story or artefact of creativity and personal expression or software that could be used by others
What is the testing and debugging and an example
Evaluating one’s solution for accuracy, detecting flaws in a faulty solution and fixing them, is part and parcel of any problem-solving process, such as hammering in a nail to be flush with the surface of the wood. We’re all constantly ‘debugging’ all kinds of problems at hand, from tasting the amount of salt and spice in a dish
What is increment development
it focuses not so much on the idea of decomposing the problem into sub-problems, as it does on ‘growing the solution or program’ iteratively with frequent testing and debugging in between to develop improvements. This is contrasted with – and preferable to – writing large chunks of code that make it difficult to isolate the bug(s) if the solution does not work as intended. The most frequently used avatar of this approach in professional software development circles goes by the moniker ‘agile development’ (Martin, 2003).
What is collaboration and creativity and an example in the classroom
Collaboration is often fostered in K-12 computing classrooms through ‘pair programming’ (Williams and Kesseler, 2002) a practice that is increasingly popular in industry. Creativity as a CT practice acts on two levels – it aims to encourage out-of-the-box thinking and alternative approaches to solving problems; and it aims to encourage the creation of computational artefacts as a form of creative expression.
Why does computing and STEM share a deeply symbiotic relationship
The use of computational tools to enable deeper STEM learning has been shown in numerous prior research studies, and the reverse has also been shown to be true. STEM can enrich computational learning while also providing valuable opportunities to embed CT in established and accessible (as well as required) STEM courses. Bringing CT into STEM classrooms will also better prepare students for the modern landscape of the STEM disciplines; computational modelling and creating simulations are concrete mechanisms for integrating computing and STEM.
Definition for universal design for learning (UDL)
Process for designing general products (used by everyone) or structures in such a way to reduce barriers for any individual, with disabilities or not, increase opportunities for the widest range of users.
Definition of assistive technology (AT)
is technology that increases, improves, or maintains the func- tional capabilities of students with disabilities
What areas could assistive technology for learning may positively impact a student’s success in learning
- printing and handwriting
- reading
- writing
- studying
- computer access • vision
- hearing
- communication
- math 2
Sample Continuum of Assistive Technology for Learning examples
• Raised line paper
• Alternative writing surfaces (e.g., white boards)
• Alternative writing implements (e.g., magnetic letters, alphabet stamps,
magnetic words)
• Materials to support memory, focus and organization (e.g., sticky notes,
highlighters, webs)
Mid-tech • Tape recorders • Calculators • Talking calculators • Talking spell checkers • Audio books • Dedicated word processors • Simple voice playback devices (e.g., talking picture frames)
Universal design for learning guidelines-Provide multiple means of engagement:
Access: provide options for recruiting interest
Build: sustaining effort and persistence
Internalize: self-regulation
Goal: having learners who are purposeful and motivated
Universal design for learning guidelines-
Provide multiple means of representation:
Access: provide options for perception
Build: provide options for language and symbols
internalize: provide options for comprehension
Goal: expert learners who are resourceful and knowledgable
Universal design for learning guidelines-
Provide multiple means of action and expression:
Access: provide options for physical action
Build: provide options for expression and communication
internalize: provide options for executive functions
goal: strategic and goal directed students
4 examples of AT’s
- text to speech
- speech recognition
- Word prediction
- visual thinking tools (use of images and text for understanding, creating, explaining, communicating, and problem solving)
-Students generally choose online learning programs for four reasons:
as a program of choice (to match learning style/preference), to resolve a timetable issue, to help complete high school and/or to provide access to courses not available in their own school.
benefits to daily synchronous include:
-increased assurance for student safety through attendance monitoring; strengthened student-teacher and student-student relationships;
-more opportunities for formative assessment practices leading to decreases in concerns regarding authenticity of submitted work;
-increased opportunity to develop lifelong learning skills such as collaboration, self-advocacy, and social interaction;
-innovative model for assessing art, music and physical education;
-greater opportunities for principals to engage in growth, supervision and evaluation processes to ensure requirements of TQS are being met by teachers;
-opportunities for teachers to demonstrate proficiencies in student management, planning, formative assessment and live teaching; and
increased opportunity to ensure that minimum hours of instruction are being met.
-It is provided to students in online learning programs for Grades 1 to 9 and that scheduled opportunities for individual or group instruction (open office time) be available to high school students, many of whom have schedules that will not permit attendance at synchronous sessions.
What is LMS Learning management system: and what is their purpose
Programs used to do online learning (moodle, google classroom)
-Tracking attendance, recording marks and calculating averages, acts at database for activities, acts as a Depo for assignment submission, provide marking, allow for student to student and teacher student communications outside the classroom, allow for showcasing of student work
Sloan consortium blended range:
face-to-face versus online learning, blended is in between 30% and 80% on a range from 0% online to 100% online.
- Face to face:
- closest style to traditional lecture model
- online- extra learning alongside in person learning
- Self - blend
- kids can take classes that their system might not offer
- students takes courses out of intrest
- Rotation model
-kids switch from online to in person consistently, the most half and half
- Flex model
-kids work on their own pace through their school work
- Online driver model
- most reliant on tech
- all intruction os completed online
Limitations to online learning:
- tech failure
- plagarism
- burn out
- privacy and security
- budget and infrastucture
What is MOOC
Massive open online course
-They were semi asycronus, had to do things within a week
What is a flipped classroom?
-Have to learn their material so they can come to class to do assignments, homework and complicated stuff to go over.
What are some advantages of blended learning
Self paced, interactive using multiple senses, allows for consistency in the delivery of training, enable scoring of exercise assessment and appropriate feedback, incorporates built in guidance, allows trainers to update contact easily, can be used to enhance instructor led training, it’s good for presenting a simple facts and concepts
What are some disadvantages of blending learning
May cause training anxiety, it’s some thing that all trainees are ready for, requires easy and uninterrupted access to computers, is not appropriate for all training contact, require a significant upfront investment, does not lead to significantly greater learning, requires significant support from top management. Biggest disadvantage is no social interactions and electronics crap out
What are the four aspects that are influenced by a blended learning environment
Shorter course=hihger completion rate
MOOC’s process completion rates
Gamification has the potential to increase motivation (take the fun of game and relate it to learning)
-fast feedback
Sooner you can see why the answer is wrong, the faster you fix your mistake and understand it
Learning analytics, lots of diff ways to test
See all kids had a hard time answering a certain question, maybe the question was badly formated
Automated grading
-personalise learning experience
Help reduce anxiety
Free up the teacher to the rest of the class
Allow students to work ahead, or catch up
Adapt difficulty of questions
-reduce operatoinal cost (maybe)
Intitail costs are HUGE
You do repeat yourself less, as long as it is reused
Do we have the training? Do we know how are we doing this to make it the most intresting possible
-enhance competency learning
The primary way Digital Games can be implemented into the K-12 curriculum is?
by Learning FROM and WITH the Technology
Why the use of digital games can be controversial in K-12 for obvious reasons
- Time away from other things
- Inappropriate materials
- Over-stimulation (addiction)
- Games vs. Reality (Pokemon Go)
- Violent material
What is learning with Entertainment games.
Entertainment games repurposed in an educational setting (K-12, university, workplace). Example, COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf), like Civilization, Never Winter Nights, etc
Advantage; they are of high quality, they are easy to get
Disadvantage: not mapped directly to the curriculum, dont know if there will be any unexpected
Learning from Educational games.
Games developed especially to teach something… these can be COTS, or developed by an individual, university, etc … Math Blaster; Educational Games for Kids; Crystal Island …
Advantage: usually designed for specific curriculum, help supports struggling learners,
Disadvantage: can be boring, often dont get updated as frequently as needed to keep up with
New tech, teaching sometimes use these games as worksheets on steroids
Learning from playing games.
The analysis of informal learning that takes place during the playing of games for fun… memory skills, perceptual skills, attention skills, reasoning (problem-solving), motor skills … Lumosity, Tetris
Advantage: cheap, easy to exercise your mind, cognitive benefits
Disadvantage: might not be as cognitive benefits
Learning inspired by games.
Using games in the context of understanding learning and problem-solving. For example, the Sliding-Puzzle, Towers of Hanoi, Chess, can be used as toy problem domains in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
If human can solve problems we use games as testing for AI
Learning about games.
Games as cultural artifacts, and studying them in that context, much like we do with books, e.g., Oliver Twist, Anne of Green Gables, The Catcher in the Rye, Harry Potter
We might talk about this as our culture in the future
Advantage: common to culture at that time, limited in scope and don’t reflect the culture as a whole.
Learning from game design principles.
How game design principles might be applied in learning situations, e.g., leveling up, badges, etc…
Good digital games incorporate good learning principles (James Gee).
Advantages: might be able to take principles like gamefications and use in our class,
Disadvantage: can be hard to implicate it in class
Learning within game communities.
Groups and communities that form both online and in the real world. These can result in communities of practice, focused around a game, that facilitate collaboration, communication and support learning.
Advantage: communication skills, working together
Disadvantage: can be dangerous because every one can access
Learning with game creation.
The learning process that takes places in the construction of games (design, development, building)… building a digital game, involves the development and use of computational thinking skills…and can also be used to teach subject area content.
Is one of the best
Advantage: powerful way to teach computational skills, building a game is diff than playing it
Disadvantage: need to know how coding works
Focus on four of the eight gamification categories.
- Learning with game creation.
- Learning from game design principles.
(Gamification is covered in the asynchronous portion of the class) - Learning from playing games.
- Learning from educational games.
Why does Game creation develop Computational Thinking
The knowledge that is embedded in the game construction activity, consists of both the process and product that can be shared with others…
What can making video games can teach us about learning and literacy
- Learning Computational Concepts:
• Computer Coding and Computer Science concepts - Learning Computational Practices (Approaches)
• Tinkering, debugging, perseverance, creating, collaborating - Learning Computational Perspectives
• student’s sense of confidence tied to actual activities they are
engaged in and succeed at → shifts their career perspectives - Learning Academic Content
• Constructing games on the content you are learning - Learning About Learning
• Metacognition or reflection on learning
What is 2 out of the 13 Gee’s principles
Empowered learners: co-design
Problem based learning: Pleasantly frustrating
Co-design Principle definition
• Have students connect course content to places
they live or people they know (homes, neighborhoods, family, friends, peer groups, e.g, recycling program, community food distribution)
-It engages the kids, the have to feel like what they are doing matters
Pleasantly Frustrating Principle:
• Challenge students to think about course content
dealing with problems that are not too hard or too easy (e.g, building a digital game on a sustainable Food Web; the trading of goods; or a role playing game in the form of a story).
-You can fix it in a satisfying way
What are the game elements that are added during gamification
Goals and rules Conflict, competition or cooperation Points, badges, leader boards Feedback Levels Story Curve of intrest Time Replay-do over Aesthetics Time limit
What is self determination theory
- extrincsic activity- do stuf for money for example
- intrisic activity - wanting to do something just because you love it
-with games you could have both
What is not a core concept of CT identified in class lecture:
What is not one of the research reasons for blended adoption in the classroom
Reduction in initial start up costs
What was a major lecture takeaway concerning the state of blended learning?
Blended Learning programs are often
supplemental in nature
What is NOT an example of gamification?
Playing Monopoly in a Math Class
What does SETT stand for?
Student, Environment, Tasks, Tools
Carefully selecting the qualities we care about and ignoring the rest of the details is the key to what?
The primary way CT is integrated into the K-12 curriculum is by
Learning About and Learning With