final Flashcards
Border for VD thoracic?
thoracic inlet to T13
beam center for VD thoracic
caudal aspect of the scapula
borders for lateral thoracic
thoracic inlet to T13
beam center for lateral thoracic
caudal aspect of scapula
border for VD abdomen
T9 to cocofermoral joint
Beam center for lateral abdomen
cranial to the umbilicus
border for lateral abdomen
t7- greater trochanter
beam center for lateral abdomen
caudal to the 13th rib
border for lateral skull
c1-tip of nose
VD pelvic border
wing of ileum- 1 inch below the stifle
VD pelvic beam center
area of interest (pelvis)
Lateral pelvic border
wing of ileum- 1 inch below stifle
cervical spine lateral border
base of skull to T1
beam center for cervical spine lateral
border for cervical spine VD
base of skull to T1
beam center for VD cervical spine
Thoracic spine DV border
thoracic spine DV beam center
Thoracolumbar spine DV borders
thoracolumbar spine DV beam center
T13- L1ish
Lumbar DV border
T13- S1
DV lumbar beam center
lateral scapula border
1/3 down humerus - 1 inch past the scapula
lateral scapula beam center
caudal cranial scapula and shoulder joint borders
1/3 down humerus- 1 inch past the scapula
caudal cranial scapula beam center
lateral humerus borders
include shoulder joint to elbow joint
lateral humerus beam center
mid point of humerus
caudal cranial humerus (VD) border
include shoulder joint to elbow joint
caudal cranial humerus (VD) beam center
midpoint of humerus
cranial caudal radius/ ulna (DV) border
include elbow joint to carpus joint
cranial caudal radius/ ulna (DV) beam center
midpoint of the radius and ulna
Lateral radius ulna border
include elbow to carpus
lateral radius unla beam center
midpoint of the radius/ ulna
Dorsal/palmer carpus border
include a majority of the toes and just above the carpus
dorsal/ palmer carpus beam center
midpoint of the carpus
lateral carpus border
include majority of toes and just above the carpus (should not be oblique)
lateral carpus beam center
midpoint of the carpus
Dorsal palmer phalanges border
include all toes
dorsal palmar phalanges beam center
the toes
Stifle lateral (at 90 degree angle) borders
should include coxofemoral joint and the tarsus
stifle lateral beam center
stifle VD border
should include coxofemoral joint and the tarsus
stifle VD beam center