Final Flashcards
Paul Wende Paul Thompson Tim Williams Jack Canniff Fletcher Holmes David Murray Mark Merkle Eric A. Dean David Cottongim Kenneth Heiden Jose romo David Garza Dan Nelson James welter Stergio Robles Lisa czaplicki Xerxes Flores Kevin loftus Matthew guenther Kevin Hooker George Butz Eric Dean Larry McNiff Russel Gschwind
Business Agents
Paul Thompson
Jack Canniff
Fletcher Holmes
David Murray
Paul wende
Business manager
Financial secretary
Paul Thompson
Business agent
Tim Williams
Vice President
Jack Canniff
Business agent
Fletcher Holmes
Business agent
Political Director
David Murray
Business agent
Mark Merkle
Recording secretary
Eric A. Dean
Executive Board
David Cottongim
Executive Board
Kenneth Heiden
Executive Board
Jose Romo
Executive Board
David Garza
Executive Board
Dan Nelson
Examining Board
Entertainment committee
James Welter
Examining Board
Sergio Robles
Examining Board
Fence organizer
Lisa Czaplicki
Union Trustee
Xerxes Flores
Union Trustee
Kevin Loftus
Union Trustee
Matthew Guenther
Kevin Hooker
George Butz
Apprentice Coordinator
Eric Dean
International General President
Larry McNiff
International Organizer
Russell Gschwind
General organizer
Apprenticeship and Training
Package Break Down
Miscellaneous package
Journeyman Finisher: Total package - $92.01 Hourly wage - $52.13 Health & Welfare - $14.23 Mid - American Pension - $9.00 SMA - $2.00 Defined Contribution - $12.99 Apprenticeship Fund - $1.25 Industry Advancement - $.08 63 Contractor Impact Fund - $.33
Deductions from Paycheck
3.75% of gross wage - working assessment. $2.50 per Hour - Vacation Fund $0.06 per hour - IPAL $0.20 per hour - Retirement Fund $0.20 per hour - General Organizing
Forman wage (pay rate)
$2.50 per hour over scale - crew of 2-5 men including Forman
$3.50 per hour over scale - crew of 6 or more including Forman
Full name of International
International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers
How many Union meetings per year?
10 or more times a year. Second Friday of each Month except for December.
When are Executive Board meetings held?
The 4th week of every Month unless stated otherwise.
When was the International Founded?
Established? / organized?
February 4th, 1896
What date was the Constitution effective?
January 1st, 1921
No limit on number of Forman.
3 or more Forman and a workforce of 14 a GF general Forman may be employed.
One man more than 6 hrs receive Forman’s wages.
1 apprentice per 2 Journeyman
Employer can work 1 apprentice to 1 Journeyman
1 apprentice in hoisting crew but must be rotated with other apprentices.
Hours of labor: start times
6:00am, 7:00 am, 8:00
Cannot change once established without permission
Hours of labor: lunch break
30min unpaid lunch break after 4 hrs.
Show-Up Time
If schedule to work and not put to work for any reason shall receive 2 hours.
More than 2 less than 4 =4hrs
More than 4 less than 6 =6hrs
More than 6 less than 8 =8hrs
Time in and out
Time starts at storage facility as long as it’s 4th floor or below.
If above 4th floor, time starts on ground.
15 min paid coffee
- During morning hours
- After 10 hrs
- After each 4 hr period following 10 hrs worked.
Loss of tools or clothing
Employer shall pay up to $750.00
Certified welders
Welders should be certified in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS) standards.
Shift work
2 shifts - 7 1/2 hrs = 8
3 shifts - 7 hrs = 8
Job Steward
-other than foreman last on jobsite
- dues
- overtime
- violations
- make sure employees work 7+ days become union members
- injuries on the job
- disputes and grievances
- employees hired and discharged
- report unsafe work conditions
35 or more employees become walking steward/ safety man
Regular Meeting Order of Business
- Roll call of officers
- minutes of previous meeting
- Initiation of new candidates
- Bills
- Communications
- Nominations and elections
- Reports of officers, treasurer and committees
- Unfinished business
- New Business
- Good and welfare
- Adjournment
Tungsten - color/types
Pure Tungsten - Green (aluminum)
Thoriated Tungsten - Red (steel, stainless, bronze Brass)
Ceriated Tungsten - Gray (everything)
Tungsten Preparation
Grind parallel with tungsten rod
Tip 1-1/3 to 1-1/2 x diameter
Different types of polarity (Tig)
Straight - DC - DCEN (everything else)
AC (for aluminum)
Rule of thumb (size of diameter of filler rod)
< or = thickness of parent material
Matching filler Rod to parent material
304 stainless - ER308/L
316 stainless - ER316/L
Stainless to regular steel - ER309/L
L=low carbon
Shielding gas (Argon) setting
Rate of flow (18-25) CFH Cubic Feet per Hour
Type of power source to Tig weld
CC/CV - constant current / constant voltage
Conditioning Discs
Brown - course
Maroon - med
Teal - fine
Light grey - super fine
Cross cut when switching discs
America standard Beams (I-Beams)
(Shape)(depth)x(weight per foot)x(length of piece)
Example: S20x66x12’6”
S- shape of beam
20- depth of beam in inches
66-weight per feet in lbs
12’6”- length of piece in ft/inch
Wide flanged Beams
Example: W12x14x14’6”
W- shape
12- depth
14- weight per feet
14’6”- length
Dues (amount)
$32.50 per Month
Sorting hooks opposite
Hook right, be right
Erection / machine bolts
Also known as soft bolts are temps for high strength bolts
Length of Bolt
Thickness of Metal (grip) + Bolt Diameter + 1/4” + thickness of washer (if used)
(Shape)(length of leg) x (length of other leg) x (thickness of legs) x (overall length)
Example: L3x3x1/4x2’9”
L- shape 3- length of leg 3- length of other leg 1/4- thickness of legs 2’9”- overall length
Top and bottom of beam
Middle of beam 
Edges of flanges
Inside corner where web connects to flange
Outside corner of angle