Final Flashcards
High-level design focuses on the details.
Which of the following is not a main task in software engineering?
What main task of software engineering would decide whether or not the application will run on mobile devices?
High-level design
During what task of software engineering are customers talked to in order to find out what they want and need?
Requirements gathering
What task of software engineering involves working on a project after it is released?
Software engineering is:
- an organized analytical approach to the design, development, use and maintenance of software
- the development of a non-physical product
What task of software engineering involves looking back to assess what went right and what went wrong in development?
During what task of software engineering does the application become available to the customers to use?
What task defines how each piece of the project should work?
Low-level design
Which of the following is true about testing?
- You can’t be certain you’ve caught every bug
- Once bugs are found, coders can work on fixing them
Which of the following are features a document management system should provide?
- Fetch the latest version of a document
- Fetch older versions of a document
- Compare versions of a document
What does JBGE stand for?
Just Barely Good Enough
Every line of code should include a comment.
Which of the following is not an example of application documentation?
Requirements documents
How is code different than other documents?
- Code frequently changes throughout a project
- Code is line-oriented
Which of the following are good ways to make emails easier to search and keep track of?
- Include keywords inside the message body
- Prefix email subjects with an identifier
- CC an email address specifically created for the project on related emails
Which of the following are good reasons to keep documentation?
- Can help resolve disputes
- People forget things
- Keeps project headed in the right direction
Documentation is produced throughout the duration of a project’s development.
Can meetings and phone calls be documented?
Yes, in both cases a summary can be written
A ______ is a technology used to help people work together to achieve a common objective.
Collaboration tool
Speeding up the design and development requires making sure the process includes all the people and teams working on the project.
Third party integrations help create a collaborative environment by integrating the collaborative tools.
When people outdo tools:
They create a collaborative culture
______ is a collaborative tool category that offers used text chat, audio/video conferencing, and private communication channels.
Which of the following are tasks of project management?
- Respond to unexpected problems
- Tracking tasks
There must be only one project manager.
What does the PERT in the PERT chart stand for?
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
The executive champion is the highest ranking executive who supports the project.
Which of the following are true about critical paths?
- If any task along a critical path is delayed, the project’s completion is also delayed
- A critical path is a longest possible path through a network
Which of the following are useful in making predictions about how long a task will take?
- Break tasks into smaller pieces
- Compare to similar tasks done before
Which of the following are true about Gantt charts?
- Gantt charts use horizontal bars to represent activities
- The length of each bar indicates the task duration
Which of the following are true about risk management?
- For at-risk tasks, you should consider possible work-arounds
- You should consider the likelihood that a task will fail.
Consider task X, which has an expected time of 3. It has 3 predecessors: Q, R, and S. Q has a total time of 10. R has a total time of 12. S has a total time of 5. What is the total time of task X?
Which of the following are good reasons for project management?
- To address when a project isn’t meeting expectations
- To keep team members focused
- To ensure goals are met
Which of the following are examples of RAD models?
- Extreme programming
- Feature-driven development
Agile is a RAD methodology.
Which of the following are practices of extreme programming?
- Standup meetings
- Start without optimization
What Crystal method is the most complicated?
Crystal Sapphire
What methodology’s basis is to avoid unnecessary work, meetings, and features?
Which of the following is the most business-oriented?
Dynamic Systems Development Method
Which phases of feature-driven development may occur multiple times?
- Design by feature
- Build by feature
What framework is focused on the people involved with the project?
Disciplined Agile Delivery
What is an iteration of Scrum called?
What phases overlap in the James Martin RAD model?
- User design
- Construction
According to Kanban, how should the next task be chosen?
The highest-priority task
The Agile Unified Process is designed to produce a single release.
A Git branch is not an independent line of development.
In a basic Git workflow, ___ take the files from the index and store them as a snapshot in the repository.
committing changes
The ___ component of a Git project holds all the commits (a snapshot of all your files at a point in time) that have been made. You can access the commit history with the Git log.
The main difference between version control systems is whether they are server or peer-to-peer based.
When you make a change in the ____, it marks the file as modified.
What does MOSCOW stand for?
Must, Should, Could, and Won’t
What is the process of making sure that the finished application satisfies the requirements?
Which of the following are rules for Osborn’s method of brainstorming?
- Withhold criticism
- Encourage unusual ideas
Which of the following are categories of FURPS?
Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance, Supportability