final Flashcards
The text identifies 2 key methods of studying persuasion. What are they? How are they
The two methods are the humanistic approach as well as the social-scientific approach. Humanistic is making sense of all perspectives of rhetoric where social scientific is these experiments or projects with replicable data (empirical or objective).
What are two differences between persuasion and propaganda?
Persuasion is a human connection designed to influence the judgment and actions of others whereas propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions and manipulate cognitions to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of said propaganda.
Persuasion appeals to the differences between beliefs, values, and attitudes. What are
the differences between the three? (Define and explain each).
Beliefs: what we personally consider to be true or probable
Values: these determine what we see as right or wrong
Attitudes: general evaluations whether favorable or unfavorable
What is globalized rhetoric? Define and explain
All communication is rhetoric. There are 5 principles of globalized rhetoric: communication has multiple motivations, communications have many layers, messages are not just verbal, multiple styles of communication exist, communication is multi-directional with unintended effects, communication is multi-faceted.
How can science be considered through the lens of globalized rhetoric? How can
economics be considered through this lens?
political, social, communication, and economic science. economic science is a metaphor, argumentation, values; scientific rather than human
What are god-terms and devil terms? Why are they effective to use in persuasion?
God terms are symbols of approval and devil terms are symbols of derision. They are effective in communication to relative to community perspective and social labels
What is coactive persuasion? Define and explain. How does it differ from coercive
Coactive persuasion for persuading others so that they will be moved. Coercive persuasion refers to social influences capable of producing substantial behavior atnd attitude change through the use of.
What does it mean for persuasion to be receiver-oriented instead of topic oriented?
List and explain at least three differences.
Receiver oriented means all are unique and audiences show what matters. Goals focus on receivers readiness to be persuaded. Message as exchange and effective solutions for audience. Topic receivers are the same and persuader sets agender. Goals focus on persuader’s agender and message is canned. Promotes solution regardless of applicability.
What are Rank’s 6 components of persuasion? List and explain each.
Link argument to values/beliefs of the audience
Establish credible people who agree
Simplify for all; anticipate objections
Reinforce desired responses
How are audiences responding to credibility
Think about role-play for audience
(Let Eren Salute & Recognize Homicide Tada)
What is attunement? What are its three foci? Explain each.
Where we are going, who is our audience, what is the situation. The three foci exigence, audience, constraints. Exigence is a defect, an obstacle, something waiting to be done. Audience is those persons who are capable of being influenced by discourse and of being mediators of change
List and explain at least 5 stock issues that must be evaluated whenever a persuader
engages in argumentation.
Need: a problem that must be solved
Workability: can a solution be realized
Practicality: can it be done easily
Freedom from greater evils: who is affected
Burden of proof: persuaders have to persuade
(Naruto Was Probably Feeling Bumbed)
How does the textbook define a “frame”? What are at least three frames that it lists to
analyze persuasive messages? Define and explain each.
Framing is one among of number of possible ways of seeing something. Argument frames understand both sides of an argument. Perceptual frames is different perspectives on the same reality. Meta frame is the only way to understand.
What is responsive metacommunication? Explain with an example.
This is changing the fram within communication (commenting as you go). Saying “glad to see you” to someone and roll your eyes at the same time.
Define and explain each of Cialdini’s 7 influence techniques.
Contrast: the sequencing of message stimuli
Reciprocity: responding to what is done for us; human inclination
Consistency: the impulse to bring our beliefs, values, and attitudes into line with what we have already done or decided
Social proof: judgement based on other’s action
Liking: influence based on similarit and familiarity
Authority: trusting beyond common sense
Scarcity: less time, resources limits options to drive persuasion
What is one way that a persuasive campaign might differ from a propaganda
campaign? Define both as you explain.
Persuasive campaigns: organzed, sustained attempts at influencing groups or masses of people through a series of messages. Propaganda campaign *??