Final Flashcards
What does Mono mean?
Mono means all audio channels have been mixed down to just one channel
Modern mono files are ________ the size of stereo files
Mono is more common today, T or F?
True! Portable devices, websites, phones, sharing headphones
What does Stereo mean?
In stereo, two channels are meant to represent a 3D space, simulating the way our ears interpret the world
Stereo lacks:
the directionality of a true center source and at most can only create a “Phantom Center”
True stereo means:
LEFT ONLY and RIGHT ONLY, abbreviated as LoRo
A pan pot is short for _______
Panoramic potentiometer
Each source in an actual sound field has three main components:
Direct sound, reflected sound, and reverberation
You cannot achieve ______, the sense of being surrounded by a sound field with just mono or stereo
VPot means?
Virtual Potentiometer
Interleaved means?
Left & right in the same single file
Left total right total
LTRT can ______
run out of multiple speakers
More reverb, sounds far away
5.1 Channel Names
- LEFT - L
Channel within subwoofer is
Low Frequency Enhancement
Ideal angles for 5.1 Home theatre placement
Main center = 0 Main left = -30 Main right = +30 Left surround = -110 Right Surround = +110 Subwoofer = in the corner facing the wall
What is the exit sign effect?
When audience members turn their heads away from the screen to find the source of the sound. Avoid placing extremely directional sounds into the surround channels
Studio reservations are handles by ______ in ______ and must be made at least _____ hours in advance
Rand Soares, Melnitz Room 1415, 72 business hours
What is Acoustics
A branch of physics dedicated to the study of sound - the study of the absorption and reflection of sound waves
A scientist who works in the field of acoustics is an
Sound Localization
a listener’s ability to identify the location or origin of a detected sound
Binaural Localization
relies on the comparison of auditory input. from two separate detectors. Explains the cocking the head to one side when trying to locate a sound
Live materials have high _____
reflectivity i.e. glass, stone, metal
Dead materials have ______
absorption i.e. carpeting, drapery
the persistence of sound after its source has stopped, caused by multiple reflections of the sound within a closed space
lower frequencies of sound waves
halfway point between absorption and refraction
Precedence Effect
if you hear a direct sound, your brain is gonna turn off the other elements so you can be more accurate in finding where the sound is
Differences between candy & scoring room
- Candy Room has completely dead walls, but scoring stage is large and live. Candy room is better to record loud things
- Candy room does not have a machine room, but does have silent amplifiers and a quiet Mac Pro computer to offset
- Scoring stage has a window which makes communication with the talent easier
- Candy room has the MIDI keyboards in the same room as the engineer, which can make recording easier
Studio Glass
3/8-3/4 inch thick glass, one window panel must be tilted at a 5 degree or more angle to the other to eliminate standing waves within the sandwiched airspace
Doors in a studio
should be constructed of solid wood or high quality acoustical materials, should be double doored when possible to reduce leakage
Transmission Loss (TL) is
the amount of sound-pressure level (SPL) transmission in dB that was lost as the sound passed through the barrier
To reduce leakage means
to increase transmission loss, which increases as frequency rises
Constructions with opposing parallel walls give rise to a nasty phenomenon known as
standing waves
Standing waves
occur when. sound is reflected off parallel surfaces and travel back upon its own path
Three main applications for EQ
- problem solving
- emphasizing or de-emphasizing an instrument in a mix
- altering a sound’s personality
Purpose of an EQ notch
to remove an undesirable sound
90% of the song is the _____
The job of a compressor is ______
to increase the perception of the sustain, NOT to make it louder
Phantom power is
a method to send DC electrical voltage through microphone cables. It places the same direct current voltage on both signal lines of a balanced audio connector. The +48 volts DC is piggybacked on top of both AC signals via two resistors without disturbance.
A microphone is a
Three responsibilities of the engineer
- Place the musicians in the desired studio positions
- Choose and place the microphones
- Records the performance onto disk or tape
A bass rolloff switch is
a low frequency filter that can help reduce unwanted background noise
Perfect phase coherence
if two waves are exactly the same and played in perfect sync, the result is common amplification. This is called constructive interference
timbre is the unique characteristic sound of a music instrument
Doppler Effect
the change in frequency and wavelength of a wave as percieved by an observer moving relative to the source of the waves. A sounds pitch is higher as the sound source approaches you, and lower as it recedes
X = cannon, L = Latch, R = Rubber
TT cable
tiny telephone
Most important button in Pro Tools
Link timeline and edit selection