final Flashcards
The Planter Class
The American South aristocracy, consisted mainly of plantation and slave owners; elite
Idea of the plantation operating as an extended family, made the elites and southern system unique, justification for their actions, used to minimize revolts
Workers on the plantation, normally a relative of the master. Administered punishment to the drivers, middleman for the slaves, defuses tension (future slaveowners)
Slave Drivers
Made sure that the slaves were following instructions, most daily contact with the slaves, making them productive (landless whites and/or slaves from other plantations.)
Land owning white southerners who own less than 20 slaves, defines independence as the ability to own land, slave ownership was seen as something extra, paternalism is not as important, slave ownership was seen as temporary, worked alongside the slaves
Slave Patrols
funded by the plantation owners, given weapons and training, had authority to patrol and make sure slaves were not gathering and planning insurrection (formed by poor whites) basic precursor to modern day state troops
House Servants
Cooks, nanny’s (caretakers and wet nurses), maid, domestic duties, personal attendances, coachmen, taking care of animals (esp. horses), gardeners, maintaining the plantation grounds. Residing in or near the the big house (seen by guests), better clothes, better living conditions, less visible physical punishments, get better food, well groomed, REFLECTION OF THE OWNERS, females more likely to be sexually abused and or assaulted, advantages given to the house slaves caused divide within the slave community.
Field Hands
Relationships between slaves are more desirable, kinship by blood and positions gave a sense of community
Gang System
Working together on a task (land clearing)
Task System
Working separately on a task (preferred by the slaves, once a task is finished, the slaves had their freetime).
Living Conditions of Slaves
Corn and Pork based diets, most field slaves were given one shirt, 2 pairs of pants, a coat, and at age 12 a pair of shoes. Conditions were influenced by the greed of the owner and the enforce of paternalism. Small homes, slept on corn husks mostly
Racially mixed slaves. 10-20% of slaves were mixed race and a power imbalance existed
Someone mixed with white and black ancestry
The assimilation of African and Christian beliefs, voodoo from Haiti, slaves would interpret the old testament and connect it to their African rituals.
Slave Culture
Music, Dance, religion, and marriage were all ways for a slave to hold onto their cultural uniqueness. A way to create their own way of beliefs in the situation that they were in.
Resistance and Rebellion
Resistance was more passive, daily, and subtle while rebellion was when slaves would take up arms to kill their oppressors. There was a lack of rebellion and more day to day resistance.
Denmark Vesey (1822)
A minister within the AME church who preached liberation theology. Planned a rebellion for July 14, 1822 and was planning to take over the state arsenal to take a ship to Haiti. He hid weapons all over Charleston and had been planning for over 4 years. A slave informed their master of the plan a month prior and hundreds were arrested, 47 killed, and the heads of those killed were lined within the streets of Charleston. This was the greatest threat to the Antebellum south until 1831.
The AME Church
The church that Denmark Vesey ministered at, it was a protestant congregation that was created by blacks.
Nat Turner (1831)
A religious plantation preacher who saw visions of God telling him to “slay the serpent” (aka the slave owner). He killed everyone in the house, even the slave owners children because they would grow up to be slave owners. He compared himself to Christ during his execution and his confession seems to be biased by the white physician he told it to. He was found by a slave patrol’s dog. The governor of Virginia, James Madison, sent the militia to Southhampton county and killed every black person that they found (over 200 innocents were killed). After this, blacks could not be preachers.
August 21, 1831
The day of Nat Turner’s rebellion taking place. His rebellion was more of a rally and there was no plan made. Between 24-36 hours, 50 whites were dead and he went from plantation to plantation rallying up the slaves to grab whatever they had to kill. He killed everyone in the house, even the slave owners children because they would grow up to be slave owners. This was the first time that the idea of the institution of slavery being immoral was used against the white owners for the first time.
Slave Leasing
When someone would rent out a slave from a slave owner to help with what they needed. Not permanent and a way for the slave owner to make a profit that was not through what the slaves cultivated.
Underground Railroad
Name was given from a newspaper in 1831 who quoted a slave owner “it was like he had boarded on an underground railroad.” It is an informal network formed over time to assist slaves to escape slavery in the south. It is not one path but initially went up the east coast but also went south into Spanish Florida. There is little written testimonies about it and only oral history.