Final Flashcards
what is chadwick sign
bluish discoloration of cervix, vagina and labia resulting from increased blood flow
fundal height for 20 weeks
neurologic exam is divided into?
- mental status
- motor
- sensory
patient is unable to close his right eye tight and there is a droop to the right when smiling
- neuro exam of upper and lower extremities are normal
- what does the patient have?
Bell’s Palsy
***a stroke would only affect the lips
+ romberg test would look like?
swaying when eyes are closed
feet together, arms at the side
**patient is fine when they open eyes
cerebelar ataxia–what would the patient be doing?
patient sways when eyes are open or closed
how do you test for nystagmus
extraocular with six fields of gaze
“H” test
inability to detect cotton whisps over maseter and or jaw is a sign of what?
trigeminal nerve CN5 deficit
how to hold the reflex hammer
pronation drift–what a positive sign look like
if they pronate and drift the arm down when eyes are closed
finger to nose test–what are we testing for?
coordination and fine motor function
a hyperactive reflex response at the ankle describes which term?
patient has a shuffling gait and cogwheel rigidity– what does this patient have
-list some other PE findings they might have
- pill rolling tremor
- bradykinesia
26 weeks pregnant, which of the following is most concerning
- generalized hair loss
- hyperpigmentation rash over maxillary region
- nose bleeds
- facial edema
facial edema
pregnant midline swelling is called
diastasis recti
*when the muscles separate and when it heals theres an indentation
what is part of the normal aging process for vision
blurring of near vision–presbyopia
**cannot see close up
89 year old coming in for a colonoscopy–which of the following should be considered when doing a screening test?
current age of the patient is not considered
**we do not take into account life expectancy
which vaccine is recc in older people?
mini mental screening exam–which of the following is useful to assess memory?
3 word/item recall
82 YO brought in from home after seeing her PCP two days ago. she was started on ABX–and now she does not know what year it is or where she is–>what is causing this?
what happens to lungs with age related changes?
decrease chest wall compliance
while performing a physical exam, you flex the patients leg and knee, then straighten it—they have +pain–> what is this sign
kernig sign
+meningeal sign
with peripheral neuropathy, what is the first sensation that is lost?
*MC in DM
assessing level of consciousness in patient, arousal from sleep only ocurs after painful stimuli and verbal responses slow or almost absent. which of the following would you use to describe the patients LOC
what kind of gait would be staggering, unsteady, wide-base and exaggerated difficulty on turns?
Cerebellar ataxia
what PE finding suggest a pathologic lesion at C5 and C6
abnormal biceps reflex
PT experiencing right gluteal pain, radiating dwon the posterior leg, in S1 distribution with tingling. Which of the following tests would help confirm the diagnosis?
straight leg raise
PT complains of not feeling well. he has a 4/4 CAGE questions. what test is most likely positive?
78 YO pt with PMH of CAD and HTN \+HA \+left face and arm droop BP= 200/130 Exam he is confused and speech is slurred what does PT have
eliciting a 2+ reflex is?
PT is a 56YO with impaired pain sensation, what additional testing is needed
deep pressure sensation and check temperature
patient is able to touch each finger to the thumb and back—what does this signify?
normal cerebellar function
DM patient has diminished sensation to sharp touch bilaterally in distal feet–which test finding would you find?
diminished vibration
progressive subacute onset of lower extremity weakness, hypotonia in each leg–diagnosis?
*associated with campylobacter infections
tremor that gets worse as you try to get near the object
intention tremor
brown line down stomach when preg?
Linea Nigara
normal finding in older patietns?
incr in SBP
Clara’s daughter brings her in cause she fell at home—which of the following assessments is indicated at this time?
all the above
- vitals
- review of meds
- etc
what is used for a PT with head trauma?
loss of immediate and recent memory with retention of remote memory suggests
while assessing a PT, clinicians notices the PT cannot touch their finger to nose and they lose balance when eyes are closed—- this suggests?
cerebellar dysfunction
CN3 dysfunction would appear how on PE?
eyelid ptosis
81YO pt comes in for geriatric assessment. daughter notices sudden functional decline and is concerned her dad may have Alzheimer’s. which of the following statements might you tell his daughter?
sudden functional decline is often a result of another medical problem–such as an infection
ataxia, diplopia and dysarthria are suspicious for ?
Ptosis, myosis and anhidrosis
Horner’s syndrome
which of the following correctly describes screening recommendations for osteoporosis
women age 65 should be screened with a DEXA scan
**bone density scan for women post-menopausal
pregnant woman has a healthy BMI, how much weight should she gain?
25-35 pounds
Which of the following vaccine is unsafe to give during pregnancy
fetal movement can be felt by examiner by?
24 weeks
mom can start feeling fetal movement by 18-24 weeks
which of the following heart murmurs would you hear in old PT
aortic stenosis