FINAL Flashcards
Polychlorinated bihpenyls (PCBs)
PCBs were widely used as dielectric and coolant fluids, for example in transformers, capacitors, and electric motors.
PCBs have been known to leak in to the ground from electrical transformers. PCBs appear in groundwater and soil.
NYS Department of Health
The NYS Department of Health performs the following basic functions:
– Drinking water safety, including standards for private and community well construction and well water safety and regulation.
– Septic tank approval.
– Certain wastewater treatment approval.
Actual Cash Value vs Replacement Cost
Actual cash value means that the insured is reimbursed for the replacement cost minus the physical depreciation of the lost or damaged property.
- Replacement cost means that the insured is covered and reimbursed for the actual cost of replacing the damaged property.
For example, if a refrigerator is destroyed in a fire, the replacement cost will be the cost of buying another refrigerator.
Corrective Maintenance:
A maintenance task performed to identify, isolate, and rectify a problem with a property so that the property can be restored to an acceptable condition.
In other words, corrective maintenance does NOT involve major repairs or capital expenditures.
An example of corrective maintenance would include fixing a leaky faucet.
Security Cameras
Real estate offices should be equipped with security cameras in order to record possible break-ins.
Dual Agency
Dual agency occurs when a broker represents both the buyer and seller in a transaction.
Dual agency is permitted in New York State; however, advanced informed consent by BOTH parties is required.
Dual agency inherently puts the agents fiduciary duty of loyalty at risk.
Undisclosed Dual Agency is illegal in New York State.
Instead, the agent should notify both parties and have them sign the Agency Disclosure form, which states that the agent is acting as a dual agent. This is known as Advance Consent to Dual Agency.
Dual Agency with Designated Agents
A broker may elect to have designated agents within his/her office to represent both sides in the transaction.
In this case, one designated agent will represent the seller and another designated agent will represent the buyer.
This helps reduce the broker’s risk of violating their fiduciary duties to the client.
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber sometimes found in older homes.
It is hazardous to health when a possibility exists of exposure to inhalable fibers (also known as friable asbestos).
If friable asbestos is present, an asbestos professional must be used to remove the asbestos.
Asbestos was commonly used in insulation (around boilers, ducts, pipes, sheeting, and fireplaces), floor tiles, ceiling tiles, roof shingles and flashing.
Asbestos can lead to asbestosis, which is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers.
Escalation Clause
An escalation clause allows landlords to raise rents during the term of the lease.
Lease escalation clauses call for the increased costs to the tenant for different reasons at specified times during the lease term. These clauses protect the property owner against increases during the lease term.
Market Value
Market value is the most probable price that a property should bring if exposed for sale in the open market for a reasonable period of time, with both the buyer and seller aware of current market conditions, neither being under duress.
Market value applies to an “arm’s length transaction”.
Also known as ‘Fair Market Value’.
Market value is driven by supply and demand in the competitive marketplace.
If a property owner dies intestate (without having a valid will), the decedent’s property is distributed to their heirs.
If the deceased property owner does not have any heirs, the property reverts to the State. This is known as escheat.
Lead can be present in drinking water (from lead pipes), interior and exterior paint (from lead-based paint), dust within a home, and soil around a home.
The Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 sets forth the procedures in disclosing the presence of lead-based paint for sales of properties built before 1978.
Remember: “Lead-based paint 1978”
New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association (NYPIUA)
The NYPIUA is a pool of all insurance companies writing fire insurance in New York.
It offers fire and extended coverage as well as coverage for vandalism, malicious mischief, and sprinkler leakage to consumers who are unable to purchase this type of insurance from individual insurance companies.
Offering Plan
The developer of a new condominium or cooperative building (or the conversion of a building into a condo/coop) must file an Offering Plan with the NY Attorney General’s office.
The first part of the Attorney General’s review is called the preliminary prospectus or “red herring”. the Attorney General can suggest any changes to the project. Once the Attorney General accepts the prospectus, it is known as a black book or offering plan.
Although the Attorney General does not regulate price, proper disclosure of price must be accepted by the Attorney General. If the developer of a new condominium building is changing the prices of all (or a group) apartment, he/she must file the changes with the Attorney General for acceptance.
Passive income
Money earned from investing in a business venture or partnership.
(Example: income earned from a rental property).
Protesting Assessments
Property owners can protest the assessed value of their property.
Their grievances are heard by the Board of Assessment Review.
The property must make a case that the assessor’s assessment of their property is wrong.
For that reason, the burden of proof is on the property owner to prove the assessor incorrect.
The law presumes that the assessor is correct.
The four grounds for review in New York are unequal assessment, excessive assessment, unlawful assessment, and misclassification.
Estate for years:
An estate for years exists for a fixed period of time. It can be as short as a day and as long as many years. Once the term of the lease ends, the rental agreement is automatically terminated.
Most residential leases are an estate for years.
Abstract of title
An abstract of title is a condensed history of title.
It is a summary of all links in the chain of title.
The practice of inducing homeowners in a particular neighborhood to sell their homes quickly, often at below market prices, by creating the fear that the entry of a minority group or groups into the neighborhood will cause a precipitous decline in property values.
House Rules
Rules in a cooperative that cover common issues including garbage disposal, maintenance, noise, pet restrictions, and conflict resolution.
House rules are generally more detailed than items in the proprietary lease and deal with the day-to-day behavior of tenants and general operations.
Zoning determines the usage allowed for a building or subdivision.
Zoning also determines the ‘bulk’ of a house or building, meaning the maximum size of the structure (height, square footage, size of floor plate).
Using the old deed
The seller’s attorney uses the old deed to prepare a new deed for the closing.
Usury Laws
Usury laws govern the amount of interest that can be charged on a loan.
Violations of the Real Property Law
The Department of State may suspend or revoke a real estate salesperson or broker’s license for violations of the Real Property Law.
The DOS may also impose a fine not to exceed $1,000.
Mechanic’s Lien:
This type of lien applies to individuals or companies who have “supplied labor or materials that improve a property”.
For example, if a roofing contractor does not get paid for work performed on a person’s property, they may file a mechanic’s lien against the property.
A mechanic’s liens is a type of an involuntary, specific lien.
Architectural Review Boards
Oversees and upholds the quality and aesthetics of a neighborhood, town, or city.
The following are functions of the Architectural Review Board:
– promotes the orderly and harmonious development of the municipality.
– protects a municipality’s cultural heritage.
Civil Rights Act of 1968
The Fair Housing Act was included as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1968.
The initial protected classes under the Fair Housing Act included:
- Race
- Color
- Religion
- National origin
the lowest part of the roof that projects beyond the wall of the structure.
Primary vs. Secondary Mortgage Markets
The primary mortgage market is where lending institutions originate mortgages.
Example: Bank of America gives a loan to the home buyer.
The secondary mortgage market is where the loans originated in the primary mortgage market are bought and sold.
Right of first refusal
The right of first refusal may be added to a sales contract or a lease.
It allows the holder to purchase (or lease) a property if the seller decides to sell or another purchaser (or lessee) comes along.
The holder of the right of first refusal can match the offer from the third party or forfeit their claim to purchase or lease the property.
Swing/Bridge Loan
A type of short-term loan, typically taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years.
A bridge loan is a type of gap mortgage in which funds are provided over and above an already existing loan until more permanent financing is in place.
A bridge loan allows a buyer to obtain a new property without having to sell his/her current property.
Deed Restrictions
Deed restrictions are a form of encumbrance on real property.
A deed restriction is an imposed restriction in a deed for the purpose of limiting the use of real property, such as:
1) A restriction against the sale of liquor on a property.
2) A restriction as to the size, type, value or placement of improvements that may be erected on the property.
Deed restrictions are in the form of restrictive covenants and/or conditions (CC&R’s).
1988 Amendment to the Civil Rights Act
The 1988 Amendment to the Civil Rights Act added two new protected classes:
– Persons with mental or physical disabilities
– Familial status
Open Listing Contract:
The seller is allowed to work with any broker who brings them a buyer. Only the broker who brings a buyer is entitled to a commission. This is the riskiest type of listing contract for a broker.
An open listing contract is an example of a unilateral contract.
Forced Warm Air System
A forced warm air system consists of a furnace that contains a fan, a heat source such as gas or oil, and filters. The system extracts cool air from in and out doors and passes this cool air through the heat sources. The warmed air flows through ducts to the rooms.
A forced warm air system provides cooling as well as heating through the same ducts.
Non-Tax Deductible Closing Costs
The following closing costs are NOT tax deductible:
1) Appraisal fees
2) Notary fees
3) Preparation costs for the mortgage
4) Mortgage insurance premiums
5) VA funding fees
Industrial Investment Properties
Industrial investment properties include the following:
– Heavy manufacturing – Light manufacturing – Multi-tenant – Owner Occupied – Self Storage – Special Purpose – Warehouse / Distribution
Buyer Agency / Buyer Brokerage
Buyer agency occurs when a purchaser/renter hires a broker to represent them.
The purchaser/renter employs a broker to locate a property. In this relationship, the buyer is the principal and the broker is the agent.
A Buyer Representation Form should be signed between the buyer and broker.
Universal Agent
A universal agent has complete authority over any activity of the principal.
Example: Power of Attorney
Fixed-Rate Mortgage / Fully Amortized Loan
This is the most common type of loan. The borrower makes installment payments (usually once a month). Over time the balance on the loan decreases. At the end of the term of the loan (30 years for examples), the loan balance reaches $0 and the loan is paid in full.
In a fixed-rate mortgage, the borrower pays both principal and interest with each mortgage payment.
Down payment
The down payment is the portion of a property’s purchase price that is paid in cash and is not part of the mortgage loan.
The down payment must be placed in a separate escrow account.
The following people generally hold the deposit/down payment:
- Listing agent (seller’s broker)
- Seller’s attorney
Agency Disclosure Form
The Agency Disclosure Form is a written explanation, to be signed by a prospective buyer or seller of real estate, explaining to the client the role that the broker plays in the transaction.
This Agency Disclosure Form is known as the ‘New York State Disclosure Form for Buyer and Seller’.
The Agency Disclosure Form outlines the following:
– The agent’s duties to the client.
– Explains that an agent owes a fiduciary duty to the client.
– Allows for advance consent to dual agency.
The Agency Disclosure Form is not required for the sale of vacant land.
According to Section 443 of the NYS Real Property Law, licensees must present a written Agency Disclosure Form that details consumer choices about representation at the first substantive contact.
If a seller or buyer refuses to sign the Agency Disclosure Form, the agent should do the following:
- Document the names and time, date, and reasons for refusal to sign the disclosure form.
- Complete the declaration form stating the facts, have it acknowledged, and retain a copy for their records for at least 3 years.
- The declaration form should say the following:
“Although I indicated to the buyer/seller that New York State Law required that I request that he/she sign to acknowledge receipt of the disclosure notice, he/she refused to sign the acknowledgement to the disclosure form when presented. The reason given for this refusal was as follows…”
Capital Gain Tax Break
A special exclusion in the IRS law gives home sellers a tax break on capitals gains when they are selling their home.
Home sellers may be eligible to exclude up to $250,000 if single or up to $500,000 if married of the capital gain on the sale of the residence.
Contract Requirements
– In New York State, an individual must be at least 18 years of age to enter into a contract.
– Minors (less than 18 years old) CANNOT enter into a contract. The contract is voidable if signed by a minor.
– In New York State, an individual must be mentally and emotionally capable to enter into a contract.
A lien is a claim or charge against the property of another.
Real Property vs Personal Property
Real property is the land and improvements, and all legal rights, powers, and privileges of real estate ownership. Real property includes the bundle of rights.
Everything that is not real property is personal property.
Personal property is also known as chattel.
Percolation is the movement of water through soil.
Preventative Maintenance:
Preventative maintenance involves keeping property and equipment in a good state of repair so as to minimize the need for more costly repair work or replacement.
An example of preventative maintenance would include changing air filters in air conditioners and furnaces.
Debt-to-Income Ratio
The percentage of a consumer’s monthly gross income that goes towards paying debts.
Formula: Recurring Monthly Debt / Gross Monthly Income
Vicarious Liability
Vicarious liability is a situation in which one party is held partly responsible for the unlawful actions of a third party.
According to Section 442-c of the New York Real Property Law, a broker is vicariously liable for a salesperson’s actions only when “the broker had actual knowledge of such violations or if the broker retains the benefits from the transaction after he knows that the salesperson has engaged in some wrongdoing”.
Easement in gross
A right of use in the land of another without the requirement that the holder of the right own adjoining land.
Also known as a commercial easement in gross.
This type of easement is commonly used by utility companies.
Prepayment Penalty Clause
A pre-payment penalty clause states that the borrower cannot pay off the loan at any time before expiration of the full mortgage term without a financial penalty for early payoff.
The refusal to lend money within a specific area for various reasons. This practice is illegal.
Before the Fair Housing Act, some lenders circled certain local areas with a red line on the map, refusing to make loans within the circled areas based on some characteristic of property owners in the area.
Municipal Engineer’s Office
The Municipal Engineer performs the following basic functions:
– Estimate the costs of paving, sewers and sidewalks, and other public works projects.
– Supervise streets and other public works activities
– Issue permits to private contractors for street openings and curb and gutter construction.
– Assume responsibility for sewage, water supply, distribution systems.
Purchase Money Mortgage
A purchase money mortgage is a type of seller financing in which a mortgage is given by the buyer to the seller to cover part of the purchase price.
In this type of loan, the seller becomes the mortgagee and the buyer becomes the mortgagor.
Riparian Rights = River (stream)
Riparian rights belong to the owner of a property bordering a flowing body of water.
The Economy - Inflation
Inflation occurs when there is an increase in money and credit relative to available goods, resulting in higher prices.
Actual eviction:
Actual eviction occurs when the landlord removes the tenant from the property without aid or control of the court system.
Actual eviction is wrongful use of self-help.
Cooperatives are NOT considered real property.
The owner of a co-op receives a proprietary lease at closing.
A proprietary lease is considered personal property.
- Co-ops are considered a leasehold estate. The leasehold estate gives the right to possession of an apartment and use of the common areas.
Compensatory damages:
Compensatory damages equal the amount of money actually lost due to the breach of contract.
is the act of taking private property for public use.
Building Department
The Building Department is responsible for enforcing the building code and issuing building/construction permits.
In order to begin construction or renovation on a property, the property owner must first submit construction drawings for approval. Once the construction drawings are approved, a building permit may be issued, which allows the building contractor to commence work on the property.
Property Tax Exemptions
Certain qualified individuals may be eligible for a partial exemption in their property taxes. These include:
– Veterans
– Senior Citizens
– Disabled
The STAR program allows qualified owner-occupied, primary residences to be exempt from school property taxes.
Littoral Rights
Littoral rights apply to property bordering a stationary body of water.
Special Assessments
Special assessments are assessments made against a property to pay for a public improvement by which the assessed property is supposed to be especially benefit from.
A special assessment may be for such things as streets, sidewalks, sewers, rural drainage ditches and other public improvements.
The special assessment is a lien against the property until paid. If the lien is not paid, the taxing unit may execute on the lien.
Tax shelters
Any method of reducing taxable income resulting in a reduction of the payments to tax collecting entities, including state and federal governments.
One of the advantages that real estate offers to investors is a tax shelter, which allows investors to only pay income taxes on a portion of their properties cash flow (or pay no taxes at all).
Right of First Refusal
Condominium contracts typically contain a ‘Right of First Refusal’ clause. The clause allows the condominium association the first opportunity to purchase the condominium when it goes up for sale.
Capital Gain
Capital gain is the profit realized from the sale of any capital investment including real estate.
Capital gain occurs when an investor sells the property for more than the adjusted basis.
Net Lease
In a net lease, the tenant pays some or all of the expenses.
For example, in a triple net lease, the tenant pays all of the expenses in addition to the rent.
A net lease, in particular a triple net lease, is commonly used by commercial tenants.
A large company may have a triple net lease and rent an entire office building.
R-value is a measurement of the ability of insulation to slow the transfer of heat or cold.
In other words, it is the degree of resistance to heat transfer of a wall.
The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power.
Generally, the higher the R-value, the thicker the insulation.
Government Loans
Government loans involve some kind of participation by a government agency.
The most common type of government loan is an FHA-insured loan.
Mortgage insurance premium (MIP) is paid upfront when obtaining an FHA-insured loan.
VA-guaranteed loans are another example of government loans. These loans are offered to Veterans.
Earnest money deposit
A deposit that a buyer makes at the time of submitting an offer to demonstrate the true intent of the purchase; also referred to as a binder, good faith deposit, and escrow deposit.
An earnest money deposit is usually binding.
The area under the roof extension.
Net Listing
A net listing is not technically a listing agreement, but a method of establishing the listing broker’s commission as all money above a specified net amount to the seller.
Net listings are illegal in New York.
Eminent domain
is the right of the government to acquire private property for necessary public use. The property owner must receive fair compensation.
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
A consumer protection statute, first passed in 1974. Also known as Regulation X.
The purpose of RESPA is:
1) To help consumers become better shoppers for settlement services and
2) To eliminate kickbacks and referral fees that unnecessarily increase the costs of certain settlement services.
Time value of money
Time value of money is the idea that money available at the present time is worth more than the same amount in the future due to its potential earning capacity.
It is a process that calculates the value of an asset in the past, present, or future.
It is based on the idea that the original investment or principal increases in value over a certain time.
Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM)
In a graduated payment mortgage, the monthly payments are lower in the early years of the mortgage term, but increase at specific intervals until the payment amount is sufficient to amortize the loan over the remaining term.
The monthly payments are low in the early years because the borrower does not pay all of the interest that is then added to the principal balance.
Residential Market Analysis
Residential market analysis is a study of the property being listed.
The analysis views the property in light of the conditions in the marketplace.
These conditions determine how the agent should market the property.
A residential market analysis will analyze the following:
1) Recently sold properties
2) Current competing properties
3) Recently expired properties
4) Buyer appeal
5) Market position
6) Positives and negatives of the property being marketed
7) Area market conditions
8) Recommended terms
9) Market value range
Misrepresentation means making an intentionally false statement to induce someone to contract.
Misrepresentation consists of:
1) A false representation of a material fact.
2) A person making the false representation knew or should have known it to be false.
3) A person acts or does not act based on the misrepresentation.
4) A person who relies on the misrepresentation in acting or not acting.
Positive misrepresentation means the broker concealed a material defect from the buyer.
Self-dealing is another example of positive misrepresentation.
Unintentional misrepresentation occurs when the broker makes a false statement to the buyer about the property and the broker does not know whether the statement is true or false.
Homestead vs Non-Homestead Properties
Tax Assessing Units may elect to establish separate tax rates for homestead and non-homestead properties.
Homestead properties include: – 1-3 family houses – Condominiums – Mixed-use properties when they are mostly residential – Mobile homes – Vacant land under 10 acres – Farm land / farm dwellings
Non-homestead includes everything else: – Commercial – Industrial – Special franchise – Utility properties
In summary:
Homestead = Residential
Non-homestead = Commercial
Title is evidence of the right to own property.
Fee Simple
Fee simple absolute provides the most complete form of ownership.
Absolute ownership of real property; a person has this type of estate where the person is entitled to the entire property with unconditional power of disposition during the person’s life and descending to the person’s heirs or distributees.
Most properties in New York have a Fee Simple Absolute deed, unless specified otherwise!
Attorney General
According to Article 12-A (NYS Real Property Law), the Attorney General shall prosecute criminal actions for violations of the Real Property Law.
Exclusive Agency Agreement:
The seller must work exclusively with the broker to sell their property, BUT the seller does not have to pay the broker a commission if they find a buyer themselves.
A footing is a horizontal concrete member, set in the soil, which supports a building’s foundation wall.
The footing is located at the bottom of the foundation wall.
The footing is the lowest structural member in a house/building.
Real estate is considered an illiquid asset because it cannot quickly or easily be sold.
Studs are vertical wood members used to construct walls.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is a local appointed Board that has the power to review administrative rulings made by the Planning Board or another legislative body.
One of the main duties of a Zoning Board of Appeals is to maintain the essential character of neighborhoods.
It is the interpreter of the zoning ordinance.
The Zoning Board of Appeals is also responsible for granting variances.
The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 added sex as a protected class to the Fair Housing Act.
Tax Lien:
When a taxpayer is delinquent in paying property taxes, a tax lien attaches against the property.
A tax lien takes the highest priority among other liens (even higher than a mortgage lien).
Impossibility of performance
If there is a change in the law which makes full performance of the contract illegal, the contract may be discharged due to impossibility of performance.
In another example, if a property is destroyed by fire, the listing contract between the owner and broker may be discharged due to ‘impossibility of performance’.
Operation of law
This includes the statue of limitations.
Operating Statement
The operating statement is used by property managers to project the net operating income for the property.
The operating statement defines all of the income and expenses for the property.
Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)
A CMA is a property evaluation that determines property value by comparing other properties currently on the market, properties that have recently sold, and expired listings.
In other words, a CMA is an analysis of the competition in the marketplace that a property will face upon sale attempts.
A CMA is NOT an appraisal. Instead, it is an opinion of value.
A CMA is typically prepared by a real estate agent.
A doctrine that permits the court to rewrite a contract.
Rentable vs Usable Square Footage
Usable square footage is the area contained within a building that is actually occupied by a commercial tenant.
Usable space typically does not include elevators, stairs, mechanical spaces, etc..
Rentable square footage is the total area of a space, some of which cannot be used.
Rentable square footage equals the entire space, including the usable square footage and the tenant’s pro rata share of the building’s common areas, such as the lobby, hallways, and restrooms.
The difference between the rentable and usable area in a commercial space is known as the loss factor.
Assignment vs. Sub-Lease
In an assignment, the assignee is responsible for paying the rent directly to the landlord. The assignee takes responsibility of the lease.
In a sublease, the original tenant is still responsible to the landlord for the lease payments under the lease contract.
In a sublease arrangement, the sub-lessee pays the rent to the tenant (lessee) and the tenant pays the landlord.
Platform framing
is the most common type of framing used in residential construction.
Ownership in Severalty
When title to real estate is in the name of only one person or entity, it is an estate (ownership) in severalty.
Think of it as a single individual owns real estate, therefore, the ownership is ‘severed’ from all others.
Supply and Demand
Real estate values are driven by the concept of supply and demand.
When demand (the number of buyers in the market) is greater than supply (the amount of available homes to purchase), prices will increase.
When supply is greater than demand, prices will decrease.
Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI)
Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI) is a type of foamed in-place insulation that releases formaldehyde gas.
UFFI contains large amounts of formaldehyde, which is why it has rarely been used by building contractors since the 1980s.
BTU Ratings
BTU stands for British Thermal Unit.
BTU is a measure of heat energy. It measures the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL)
Commercial general liability insurance is a basic business liability policy that covers four forms of injury: bodily injury that results in actual physical damage or loss, property damage that results in actual physical damage or loss, personal injury, and advertising injury.
CGL may be purchased by landlords for their rental/income properties.
is the borrower (typically the person buying the house)
Adjusted Basis
Adjusted basis is the original cost or other basis plus certain additions and minus certain deductions such as depreciation and casualty losses.
Chain of title
Chain of title refers to the sequence of historical transfers of title to a property.
It runs from the present owner all the way back to the original owner of the property.
HO-3: Special Form Policy
The most widely used and recommended homeowners policy. It covers the home for all risks or physical loss except damage caused by flood, earthquake, war, or nuclear accident.
Full performance
When the duties of the contract are performed by both parties, full performance is achieved. This is the most common and desirable way to discharge a contract.
Full Covenant and Warranty Deed
The Full Covenant and Warranty deed contains the broadest form of guarantee of title of any type of deed and provides the greatest protection to the grantee.
The Full Covenant and Warranty deed includes the following covenants:
1) Covenant of seisin – assures the grantee that the grantor holds the title specified in the deed.
2) Covenant of right to convey – assures the grantee that the grantor has the legal capacity to convey the title and has the title to convey.
3) Covenant against encumbrances – assures the grantee that no encumbrances against the title except those set forth in the deed itself exist.
4) Covenant of quiet enjoyment – assures the grantee that they will have quiet enjoyment and possession of the property.
5) Covenant for further assurances
6) Covenant of warranty
Graduated Lease
A graduated lease is a lease in which the rent changes from period to period over the lease term.
The lease contract specifies the change in rental amount, which is usually an increase in stair-step fashion.
Negative Amortization
Occurs when the monthly payment is less than full interest and does not pay any principal. The interest that is unpaid accrues and the principal balance owed increases.
Board Package
If a prospective buyer is looking to purchase a unit in a cooperative, the Board of Directors will most likely want the buyer to submit a board package.
The board package includes mostly financial documents.
The Board of Directors will review the buyer’s board package and use it to help determine if they will approve the buyer’s application or not. If the buyer’s application is not approved, they cannot purchase a unit in the cooperative.
Capital Reserve Budget
Money set aside by a property owner for long-term capital expenditures to a property.
Also known as a replacement reserve.
1 side x 1 side = area of a square
width x depth = area of a rectangle
½ base x height = area of a triangle (remember a triangle is equal to ½ of a rectangle)
In order to determine the area of an irregularly shaped lot, you must simply break down the lot into squares, rectangles, and triangles and add the areas of each together.
NYS Department of Financial Services (formerly known as the NYS Banking Department)
The NYS Department of Financial Services registers and licenses all companies and individuals who conduct mortgage related services in New York.
- This includes mortgage broker licenses.
Portfolio income
Money earned from Interest, annuities, dividends, and royalties.
(Example: income earned from investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds).
Wraparound Mortgage
A wraparound mortgage is another type of seller financing. The seller extends to the buyer a junior mortgage, which wraps around the existing in addition to any superior mortgages already secured by the property.
Architectural drawings that describe the layout and construction of a house. These drawings describe the quantities used in construction.
Special Agent
An agent with limited authority to act on behalf of the principal, such as created by a listing.
Example: Real Estate Agent / Real Estate Broker
Use Clause in a Commercial Lease
A use clause defines how the tenant can and cannot use the space.
Agreement of the parties
f both parties agree to terminate the contract, a release of contract can be performed.
This is the act of either:
1) replacing an obligation to perform with a new obligation; or
2) adding an obligation to perform; or
3) replacing a party to an agreement with a new party.
Real Estate Salespersons/Agents DO NOT collect money or commissions.
Any commissions earned are paid to the salesperson’s broker, who in turn, pays the salesperson his/her portion of the commission.
Commissions are determined between the client and broker and are always negotiable (there is no ‘standard’ commission rate).
Commissions are typically calculated as a percentage of the sales price (not the listing price).
Commission between the broker and salesperson are always negotiable.
A commission is technically earned when the agent finds a “ready, willing and able buyer” for the seller.
Stabilized Budget
A stabilized budget is a forecast of income and expenses as may be reasonably projected over a short term, typically five years.
NYS Department of State
Article 12-A
The Department of State is primarily responsible for issuing real estate licenses, pocket cards, and handing down disciplinary action.
Article 12-A of the NYS Real Property Law outlines the roles/duties of the Department of State.
is the lender or bank who provides a loan to the borrower or homeowner.
Flashing is added at joints/bends/corners on the exterior of a house (typically made of metal and/or rubber materials), which prevents water from entering the house.
For example, flashing is added around the base of a chimney (where the chimney meets the roof).
Loft Lease
A loft lease is for the rental of floor space this is not generally divided into rooms.
A loft lease is typically for an open, unfinished space.
Also known as the slope.
Typically used in describing the slope of a roof, driveway, sidewalk, etc.
The slope of the roof is known as the ‘pitch of the roof’.
Testers are volunteers, employees of federal programs, and people from civil rights groups who visit real estate offices posing as prospective home buyers to see if race influences the information or services that the broker or salesperson offers.
Flood insurance
Flood insurance is often not covered in a homeowner’s insurance plan. It may be purchased separately.
Homeowners in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) should obtain flood coverage.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which helps homeowners in SFHA obtain flood coverage.
A bi-lateral contract
Most contracts in real estate are bi-lateral.
A few common examples include listing contracts, sales contracts, buyer representation agreements and independent contractor agreements.
Percentage Lease
A lease of property in which the rent is based upon the percentage of the volume of sales made upon the leased premises, usually provides for minimal rent.
A percentage lease is typically used with retail tenants.
According to section 175.25 of Article 12-A of the NY Real Property Law:
“All advertisements placed by a broker must indicate that the advertiser is a broker or give the name of the broker and his telephone number.
All advertisements placed by a broker which state that property is in the vicinity of a geographical area or territorial subdivision must indicate as part of such advertisement the name of the geographical area or territorial subdivision in which such property is actually located.”
An appraisal is an estimate of a property’s value by an appraiser who is usually presumed to be an expert in his/her work.
An appraisal is specific to a certain date in time.
An appraisal may be used to help determine the market value of a property.
Residential properties are typically appraised using the sales comparison approach.
Conveyance after death: Intestate succession
When a person dies and leaves no valid will, the laws of intestacy determine the order in which the property is distributed to the heirs.
The heirs take title by descent, or the way they are related to the decedent (deceased person).
The typical order of descent is spouse, children, parents, and siblings, followed by relatives who are more distant.
According to law, the person appointed by a court to distribute the intestate decedent’s property is an administrator or administratrix.
Sill Plate
The sill plate is a horizontal wood member that sits on top of the house’s foundation.
It is used as a nailing surface for the floor system.
A sill plate is considered the lowest horizontal beam and wood member in the frame of a house.
One of the causes of depreciation. It is the loss of desirability and usefulness caused by new inventions, changes in design, and improved processes for production, or from the influence of external factors. Obsolescence may be either economic or functional.
Functional Obsolescence can be an outdated design or floor plan.
Parking lots outside of real estate offices should have adequate lighting.
1 Acre = 43,560 square feet
1 Hectare = 2.47 Acres
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act made the following actions illegal:
1) Price fixing
2) Group boycotts
3) Market allocation
4) Tie-in arrangements
Ad Valorem
Property is taxed on an ad valorem basis, that is, according to value.
In New York, the real property tax is based on the fair market value of real property.
Leverage is the use of borrowed capital (mortgage) to increase the potential return of an investment.
Leverage is also known as “other people’s money”.
4 Unities of Co-ownership
The 4 possible unities include:
1) Time
2) Title
3) Interest
4) Possession
Easement by prescription:
Obtained by use of land without the owner’s permission for a legally prescribed length of time.
In New York, the use must be open and obvious, and must continue uninterrupted for 10 years.
An easement is the right to cross or otherwise use someone else’s property for a specified purpose.
An easement is a nonpossessory interest in land owned by another.
The common term for an easement is “right-of-way”.
Easements “run with the land”.
Capitalization Rate
The capitalization rate is the annual return that an investor expects to receive from a commercial property.
The formula for Capitalization Rate is:
Net Operating Income / Value = Capitalization Rate
For example:
If a property sold for $1,200,000, and the net operating income is $60,000, what is the capitalization rate for the property?
$60,000 / $1,200,000 = 0.05 or 5%
The Cap Rate equals 5%
Permitted Tax Deductions
The IRS allows homeowners certain deductions on their income taxes.
These include:
1) Property taxes: this applies to property taxes paid on a primary resident and second homes/vacation homes.
2) Mortgage interest
Siding materials on buildings can be metal (such as aluminum), wood or vinyl. Behind the siding is a layer of sheathing.
A deed is also called an instrument of conveyance.
- The Grantor is the Seller (conveys the deed).
- The Grantee is the Buyer (receives the deed).
- The grantor of a deed must be at least 18 years old and mentally competent.
Essential Elements of a Deed:
- Must be in-writing (according to the Statute of Frauds).
- Include a grantor (the person conveying title to the property).
- Include a grantee (the person receiving title).
- Contain a granting clause, which includes words of conveyance.
- Provide evidence of consideration (something of value).
- Include a legal description of the property.
- Include an habendum clause (this clause begins with the words “to have and to hold”).
- Include limitations and subject-to clause (any deed restrictions or easements must be noted).
- The signature of the grantor (the grantee is not required to sign the deed).
- Acknowledgement/recording (the deed must be notarized and recorded).
- Delivery and acceptance (a valid deed must be delivered to the grantee).
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
In this type of loan, the monthly payment fluctuates based on a standard index. These are considered high-risk loans for borrowers because the monthly payment may increase to an amount the borrower cannot afford.
Joint tenancy
Joint tenancy is a form of co-ownership by two or more persons, each of whom has an undivided interest WITH the “right of survivorship”.
Dual Agency Disclosure under the Banking and New York Real Property Laws
When a mortgage broker representing the buyer is also the real estate broker representing the seller in the same transaction, a dual agency is created.
The dual agency relationship must be disclosed at the first substantive contact between the mortgage broker and the prospective buyer.
The buyer/borrower and the seller must sign a Mortgage Broker Disclosure Form.
Fiduciary Duties
The real estate agent serves as a fiduciary to the client.
A fiduciary relationship implies great confidence and trust.
As a fiduciary, the agent is in a position of great trust by the client.
Use the acronym OLD CAR to remember the agent’s fiduciary duties to their client.
Obedience – Agent shall follow the legal instructions of their client.
Loyalty – Agent shall work in the best interests of their client.
Disclosure of Information (Full Disclosure) – Agent shall promptly communicate all information about the transaction to their client. This includes presenting all offers to the client.
Confidentiality – Agent shall not reveal confidential information about the client to prospective buyers, without the express consent from the client. Such confidential information may harm the client.
Accountability – (refers to financial accountability) the agent must account for and promptly remit all money or property entrusted to the agent.
Reasonable Care and Duty to Account – Agent shall possess the necessary skills and training to perform their requested services.
CFCs are synthetic chemical substances used in refrigerators and air conditioners, Styrofoam products, aerosol dispensers, and cleaning agents.
CFCs have been shown to lead to the depletion of the ozone layer.
Most home air conditioning units use HCFCs, known as Freon.
Condominiums are considered real property.
For that reason, condo owners receive a deed a closing.
- Condominiums are considered freehold estates.
- For tax purposes, a condominium is classified as a residence.
Tenancy in common:
Tenancy is common is a form of co-ownership by two or more persons, each of whom has an undivided interest, WITHOUT the “right of survivorship”.
Signing the Sales Contract
Generally, the purchaser signs the contract of sale first because the purchaser is the party making the offer.
The purchaser is stating the purchase price he/she wants to offer and the terms.
New York Court of Appeals
The New York Court of Appeals is the highest court in New York State.
Conventional loans are loans issued by commercial lenders without any participation by an agency of the federal government.
Conventional loans with an loan-to-value ratio greater than 80% need to obtain private mortgage insurance (PMI).
Use Provisions in a Lease
The ‘use provisions’ is a clause in a lease that requires a tenant reasonably use the space for its intended use.
For example, a tenant cannot continuously throw loud, late-night parties, which disturb the other tenants in the building.
Specific performance:
This is an order from the court requiring specific performance means that the contract is to be completed as the parties originally agreed.
Non-Conforming Use
A non-conforming use is a preexisting use of a property that no longer complies with the current zoning regulations. The non-conforming use is “grandfathered” in.
For example, a property owner has been using his building as a manufacturing facility for the past 30 years; however, the neighborhood has since been re-zoned for residential use.
The owner is generally allowed to continue the non-conforming use. When the property is sold, the non-conforming use must be terminated and comply with the current zoning laws.
Net Operating Income (NOI)
The net operating income is equal to the gross income from a building minus operating expenses.
NOI is essentially the cash flow from a property before paying any debt service (mortgage payment) or taxes.
Market Price
Market price refers to the actual selling price of a property.
Remember: market value is the probable price, while market price is the actual selling price.
The area of material facing the outer edge of the soffit.
Like-Kind Exchanges
A 1031 tax-deferred exchange allows an individual to defer capital gains taxes on real estate bought and sold for investment purposes.
In order to qualify for a tax-deferred exchange (1031 Exchange), the properties must be “like-kind”.
For example, commercial properties must be exchanged for other commercial properties.
This may be an office building for a shopping mall, an apartment building for a tract of land, or an office building for an apartment building.
Listing Contracts
A listing contract is created between a seller and a broker (NOT a salesperson).
The listing agreement creates an express agency relationship.
The following listing contracts are the most used by brokers:
A document provided by Architects that describes the quality of construction.
CPS-1 stands for Cooperative Policy Statement.
It is used by real estate developers to test the market before building a condominium or cooperative building.
The CPS-1 must be filed with the Attorney General.
The CPS-1 statement includes rules on how the development may be advertised. The developer cannot declare a firm price.
The CPS-1 period lasts 120 days from the date of acceptance of the CPS-1 statement by the Attorney General, but can extend up to an additional 60 days. During this period, developers can advertise and take names of people who are interested, but cannot take deposits or sell the properties. They can talk about price ranges, but nothing specific.
Liquidated damages:
Liquidated damages are damages agreed to be paid in the contract.
According to section 442-e of the NYS Real Property Law:
“Any person who violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. The commission of a single act prohibited by this article shall constitute a violation hereof.”
Indirect costs:
costs that create and support the project. These include architectural and engineering fees, attorney fees, and financing costs, among others.
Mortgage Lien:
This is the most common type of lien.
When a homeowner obtains a mortgage, they are granting the lender a mortgage lien on their property. If the mortgage is not paid, the lender may exercise the mortgage lien and demand full payment of the loan through the sale of the property (also known as foreclosure).
A mortgage lien is another example of a voluntary, specific lien.
Estate at Will:
The duration of an estate at will is for an unknown period of time. This is an open-ended estate.
Real estate salespersons license Requirements and restrictions
A real estate salesperson must be at least 18 years old.
A real estate salespersons license is valid for 2 years.
Every 2 years, the salesperson must renew their license online through eAccessNY.
Before renewing a license, the salesperson must complete 22.5-hours of Continuing Education.
If a real estate salesperson fails to renew their license within 2 years, their license is considered expired.
The salesperson must retake the State exam and reapply for their license.
Real estate salespersons may perform acts that a broker is authorized to perform, but they do so on behalf of a broker with whom they are associated.
Assessed Value vs Market Value
Market value is the amount a property would sell under normal conditions.
The assessed value is a percentage of the market value. The assessed value is used to calculate property taxes.
The assessor applies a level of assessment (LOA) to the market value of each property in a city, town, or county to determine the assessment roll.
For example:
If a town chooses to assess properties at 30% of market value, a property with a market value of $200,000 will have an assessed value of $60,000.
Gross Lease
In a gross lease, the landlord pays all expenses. These include property taxes, insurance and maintenance.
The residential lease is a common example of a gross lease.
A condop is a building that includes condominium and cooperative ownership in the same structure.
In other words, the building is part condo, part co-op.
Tenancy by the entirety:
This form of co-ownership is limited to married couples.
Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement:
This listing contract offers the most security to the broker. The seller must work exclusively with the broker to sell their property. The broker is entitled to a commission even if the seller finds a buyer themselves.
Independent Contractor Relationship
A salesperson must work under a sponsoring broker. Their relationship must be that of an independent contractor.
It is important that salespersons maintain their independent contractor status in the eyes of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Otherwise, if the salesperson is considered an employee, the sponsoring broker will be required to withhold income taxes and pay for health insurance.
To maintain an independent contractor relationship, the following rules must be met:
- The broker shall not withhold income taxes. The salesperson must pay their own taxes on commissions.
- The salesperson is responsible for paying social security taxes and self-employment taxes.
- Compensation is not based on hours worked (a salesperson can make their own hours).
- A salesperson is not required to work in a specific location (a salesperson can work from home if they choose).
- A salesperson can have outside employment.
- Brokers can provide office facilities and supplies, but salespersons are responsible for their own expenses (transportation, cell phone, clothing).
- The broker supervises the salesperson, but does not direct or control their activity.
- Either party can terminate the relationship at any time.
If a salesperson is not deemed an independent contractor under their sponsoring broker (the actions of the broker or salesperson instead suggest an employer/employee relationship), the broker is responsible for withholding income taxes.
If this occurs, the salesperson cannot file a Schedule C of the federal income tax Form 1040 and deduct expenses incurred during the year.
Salespersons should track their expenses and file yearly federal and State tax returns.
The sponsoring broker must prepare and file IRS Form 1099-MISC for any salespersons who earn $600 or more in a year.
Easement by implication:
This type of easement arises by implication from the conduct of the parties.
For example, if a landowner sells mineral rights to a company, that company has an easement by implication to go onto the property to do mining.
The by-laws are the owner’s rights and obligations for a condominium.
The by-laws may include:
- The powers and duties of the Board of Managers
- Sublet provisions
- Restrictions on the use of units and common spaces
Constructive Eviction
This occurs when the tenant is prevented from the quiet enjoyment of the property.
In other words, the landlord deliberately renders the property unfit or unsuitable to live in.
An example may be refusing to repair a broken toilet or bathtub.
HO-6: Condominium Unit Owners Policies
Insure against damage to the contents of an apartment, cooperative, or condominium.
Return on Investment (ROI) / Cash-on-Cash Return (COC)
ROI is a percentage return on money invested in a property by an investor. ROI, like COC, is usually calculated on a yearly basis, meaning you must multiply the monthly cash flow by 12 and divide it by the down payment.
Formula: Cash Flow (on a yearly basis) / Down Payment.
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is an example of a monoline policy.
It protects against claims alleging that one’s negligence or inappropriate action resulted in bodily injury or property damage.
Commercial Properties Straight-Line Depreciation
Commercial buildings and improvements depreciate over 39 years using straight-line depreciation.
Life Estates
A life estate is ownership, possession, and control of a property for someone’s lifetime.
For example:
Joe will grant ownership of his property to Sarah until the death of Nancy.
Once Nancy passes away, the ownership of the property will revert back to Joe (or Joe’s heirs).
A life estate is a form of fee simple estate.
A life estate may be formed when a couple owns property as a tenancy by the entirety. If one spouse dies, the other spouse gains full ownership of the property.
When the remaining spouse dies, the property is transferred to the children.
Civil Rights Act of 1866
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 has no exemptions and contains the blanket statement that ‘citizens have the same rights to inherit, buy, sell, or lease real and personal property.
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 is primarily interpreted to prohibit racial discrimination.
Cash on Cash Return
Cash on cash return (COC) is a percentage return on money invested in a property by an investor.
The formula to determine COC is:
Annual Cash Flow / Down Payment = Cash on Cash Return
Remember: you must use the ANNUAL cash flow. If a question only states the monthly cash flow, you must multiple that number by 12 months.
For example:
If an investor purchased a property for $1,200,000 with a down payment of 25%, what is the cash-on-cash return if the property produces a monthly cash flow of $5,000?
First, you must determine the investor’s down payment. To determine this, simply multiple $1,200,000 by 25%.
$1,200,000 x 0.25 = $300,000
Next, determine the annual cash flow. Since the cash flow is stated as monthly cash flow, you will have to multiple $5,000 by 12.
$5,000 x 12 - $60,000
Finally, divide the annual cash flow by the down payment:
$60,000 / $300,000 = 0.20 or 20%
Trade Fixtures
Trade fixtures are items of personal property that a business operator installs in rented building space.
Unlike a typical fixture, a trade fixture is considered personal property of the business owner. It is assumed the business owner will take the trade fixtures with them when moving out of the rented space.
A display case is a common example of a trade fixture.
Balloon framing
is an alternative to platform framing; however, it is considered illegal in New York State.
Pocket Card
The Department of State issues a real estate license and a pocket card.
The salesperson’s license is held with their sponsoring broker.
The salesperson must carry their pocket card at all times when doing business and show it on demand.
The practice in which real estate brokers guide prospective home buyers towards (or away) from certain neighborhoods based on their race.
Management Agreement
A management agreement is signed between the property owner and the property manager.
This contract creates an agency relationship in which the owner is the principal and the property manager is the agent for the purposes specified in the agreement.
The management agreement creates a general agency relationship between the owner and property manager.
Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers perform a similar function but are more convenient and safer than fuses.
Circuit breakers trip; that is, they switch off the electric power for a given circuit when the current increases beyond the system’s capacity.
Record Keeping
Brokers must maintain records of all transactions for at least 3 years.
Easement by necessity:
Used when a property owner is landlocked and needs to cross an adjacent property to get access to their property.
An agency by estoppel exists when a principal does not stop an individual from representing his or her interests, thus creating an agency relationship between the two.
Straight Loan (also known as a Term Loan)
This is an interest-only loan. The balance of the loan always remains the same. At the end of the term of the loan, the borrower must pay the full balance back.
HO-4: Tenants or Cooperative Owners Policies
Commonly referred to as renters insurance, regardless if you are renting a home, condo, or apartment. This policy also covers cooperative owners since they hold a proprietary lease (not real property)
Blind Advertising
All ads by a licensee must indicate that the advertiser is a broker and give the name and telephone number of the broker.
Ads that do not contain this information are called blind ads.
Blind ads are illegal in New York State.
Planning Board
A local elected or appointed government board charged with recommending to the local town or city council the boundaries of the various zoning districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein.
The following are functions of the planning board:
– prepare and amend a master plan for the community.
– implement the master plan through site plan and subdivision ordinances and recommendations to other agencies.
– make investigations, maps and reports, and recommendations that relate to the planning and development of the municipality.
– recommend amendments to the zoning ordinance or map.
Periodic Estate:
A periodic lease automatically renews itself for another period at the end of each period unless one party gives notice to the other party at a time specified in the lease before the lease ends.
Real Estate License Requirements
When a property manager works for only one owner, a real estate license is not required.
However, when an individual (or company) serves as a property manager for more than one owner, at least a real estate salesperson license is required.
– you do not need a real estate license to negotiate a mortgage.
Blanket Mortgage
A blanket mortgage is a type of commercial mortgage in which two or more parcels of real estate are pledged as security for payment of the mortgage debt.
A blanket mortgage usually contains a release clause, which allows certain parcels of property to be removed from the mortgage lien when the loan balance is reduced by a certain amount.
Associate broker
Associate real estate brokers must fulfill the same requirements as a broker (they must obtain their brokers license), but their status in the firm is the same as that of a salesperson.
Ground Lease
A ground lease is a long-term lease of unimproved land, usually for construction purposes.
For example, a lessee may be given a 99-year ground lease for a large vacant property. The lessee will build a large multi-family building on the property.
At the end of the 99-year lease, the lessor (the original land owner) will take back the land and any improvements on the land (including the multi-family building).
A ground lease is also known as a land lease.
General Agent
Someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal.
Example: Property Manager
An encroachment is a building, part of a building, or obstruction which intrudes upon the property of another.
In other words, a part of one’s property crosses over the property line of an adjoining property.
Common encroachments include:
- a fence that was partially built onto the neighbor’s property.
- a tree that has grown to cantilever over the property line.
- a deck that was built slightly over the property line.
- a garage or shed, part of which was built over the neighbor’s property line.
Sheathing refers to panels that span between wall studs and cover the exterior wall or interior walls.
Sheathing is typically made of plywood on the exterior of the building, and gypsum board on interior walls.
Sheathing on the exterior wall is typically covered with by wood, vinyl, or aluminum siding, or bricks.
Sheathing on interiors walls (gypsum board) is painted.
A survey is a drawing prepared by a licensed surveyor, which shows the exact dimensions of a property and any improvements located on the property (including a garage, deck, fend, driveway).
A survey is drawn using the metes and bounds method.
Commissions are typically calculated as a percentage of the sales price (not the listing price).
For example:
The broker and client agree to a 6% commission.
If the property was listed for $355,000, but the final sales price is only $330,000, the commission will be calculated as followed:
$330,000 x 0.06 = $19,800
Residential Properties Straight-Line Depreciation
Residential buildings and improvements are depreciable over 27.5 years using straight-line depreciation.
Active income
Money earned through salaries or in a business in which the taxpayer actively participates.
(Example: a typical full-time job).
Stigmatized Property Disclosure
According to Article 443-a of the NY Real Property Law, sellers and seller agents do not have to disclose the following facts when selling or leasing residential property:
1) Occupants who have AIDS or other illnesses not transmitted through occupancy.
2) Properties that were a site of death due to natural causes, accidents, suicide, homicide, crime and other reasons.
A device used in electrical systems to protect against excessive current.
The fuse melts and opens the circuit, causing electric power to stop when overheating occurs.
A uni-lateral contract
is an “open contract” where one party promises to pay another party if the other party performs a specific action.
An open listing contract is an example of a uni-lateral contract.
The division of certain settlement costs between buyer and seller.
These items can include real estate taxes, fuel, a survey, water and sewer charges, rent, and security deposits.
Proration ensures fair apportionment of expenses between buyer and seller.
Historic Preservation / Landmark Commissions
Established to review proposed projects within historic districts for compliance with standards established for new development or alteration or improvement of historic buildings and landmarks.
The following are functions of the Historic Preservation / Landmark Commission:
– recommend to the municipality the adoption of ordinances preserving historic districts, landmarks, and historic sites.
– review and approve application for construction, alteration, demolition, and relocation of a historical property.
– recognize sub-districts within a preservation district. Allows the commission to adopt guidelines regulating properties in the sub-district.
Joists are horizontal beams or timbers that support a floor.
License Exemptions
- Attorneys admitted to the NY State Bar are exempt from obtaining a license if they represent a client. If an attorney wants to employ salespersons, they then must obtain a broker’s license.
- Public officers are exempt when performing official duties.
- Persons under the judgement or order of a court.
It is important to note that if a licensed attorney wants to have salespersons working under them (the attorney acts as their sponsoring broker), the attorney must obtain a broker’s license.
Construction Mortgage
A construction mortgage is a form of interim, or temporary, short-term financing for creating improvements or buildings on a property.
Variance is the authorization to improve or develop a particular property in a manner not authorized by the local zoning code.
There are use variances and area variances.
- A use variance allows a homeowner to use their property in a way that is not currently permitted by the local zoning code.
For example: convert an existing structure into a medical office where the zoning only permits residential use for the property.
- An area variance allows the property owner to expand the building on their property to a size larger than is permitted by zoning. This can include total square footage of the building as well as size and height of the building.
For example: add an additional story to a building, which will make the building taller than is permitted by zoning.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors manages a cooperative.
The Board oversees the maintenance, finances, and policy decisions of the cooperative.
Calculating Interest
You may be asked to calculate the amount paid in monthly interest on a loan.
For example:
A borrower has a $230,000 loan with an interest rate of 5%. What is the amount paid in interest each month?
To find the answer, first multiply $230,000 x 5%:
$230,000 x 0.05 = $11,500
Since the 5% interest rate is an annual interest rate, $11,500 is what the borrower pays each years in interest. For this reason, you simply have to divide $11,500 by 12 to determine the amount of interest paid each month.
$11,500 / 12 = $958.33
Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that is emitted from soils, rocks and water as a result of radioactive decay.
Radon from surrounding soil enters a home through small spaces such as cracks in concrete, floor drains, sump pump openings, wall and floor joints in basements, and pores in hollow block walls.
Remember: radon typically enters the house through the basement or cracks in the foundation.
Building Codes
The primary purpose of building codes is to ensure a safe, properly functioning environment for the occupants.
The New York State Building code provides minimum standards for all buildings in New York. If the Federal or City building code is more stringent on a particular issue, the more stringent Code will supersede the State code.
Legal description
The deed must contain an adequate formal legal description.
The legal description describes where the property is located and the size of the lot.
There are 3 acceptable types of property descriptions:
1) Metes and bounds
2) Description by reference, lot and block
3) Monuments
The Role of the Assessor
The assessor is an elected or appointed local official who has the legal authority to independently estimate the value of real property in an assessing unit.
In other words, the assessor determines assessed values of property, which are ultimately used to determine how much one pays in property taxes.
HO-1: Basic Policy
This is a basic policy that insures the home and its contents against perils, including fire, theft, or vandalism. An HO-1 policy does not cover falling objects.
Pro Forma
A pro forma is an accounting statement that forecasts income and expenses for a period of time, typically five or more years. Pro forma statements are typically used by investors to estimate their rate of return for a particular property.
A fixture is personal property that attaches permanently to the land or improvements and becomes part of the real property.
A few typical examples of a fixture include:
- chandelier
- custom book shelves
- wall-to-wall carpeting
- plumbing fixtures
Loan to Value Ratio (LTV)
LTV is a financial term used by lenders to express the ratio of a loan to value of an asset (property) purchased.
LTV compares the amount financed to the purchase price.
For example:
If a property is being purchased for $500,000 and the buyer obtains a $400,000 mortgage, the LTV will be 80%.
$400,000 is 80% of $500,000 (400,000/500,000 = 0.80).
Suspension or Revocation of Sponsor’s License
If a broker’s license is suspended or revoked, each real estate salesperson working under that broker shall also have their licenses suspended.
In this case, the State deems the salesperson’s license as a ‘discontinuance of association with the broker being suspended’.
Liability Insurance
Real estate agents must carry liability insurance.
Agent / Client Relationships
The buyer and/or seller is known as the Principal or Client.
The broker is known as the Agent.
The salesperson is a Sub-agent of their broker.
Debt to Equity Ratio
Debt is what the investor owes.
Equity is how much cash the investor has in the property.
If a property is valued at $1,000,000, and the total debt is $600,000, then the debt ratio of 60%.
The equity ratio would be 40% ($1,000,000 - $600,000 = $400,000, which is 40% of $1,000,000).
The transfer of the title of land from one to another. The means or medium by which title of real estate is transferred.
A deed is a document used to convey title legally to real property.
A deed is also called an instrument of conveyance.
Truth in Lending Act (TILA) / Regulation Z
The Truth in Lending Act of 1968 is United States federal law designated to promote the informed use of consumer credit, by requiring disclosures about its terms and cost to standardize the manner in which costs associated with borrowing are calculated and disclosed.
TILA requires four main disclosures:
1) Annual percentage rate
2) Finance charge
3) Amount financed
4) Total amount of money to be paid toward the mortgage in principal and interest payments
With regards to advertisements, the only specific item that may be stated in an advertisement, without making a full disclosure is the annual percentage rate.
Exempt Properties
Properties owned by religious organizations and government-owned properties are exempt tax assessments.
Direct costs
also known as hard costs, they include the cost of labor and materials.
Straight-Line Depreciation
Depreciation is a paper loss required for estimated wear, tear, and obsolescence of a property.
The IRS allows real estate investors to depreciate their investment properties.
Real estate brokers license
Once an individual obtains their NYS real estate salespersons license, they must do the following to obtain a brokers license:
- Have at least two years of experience as a real estate salesperson.
- Be at least 20 years of age.
- Complete the 45-hour NYS real estate broker’s course (120 hours of total coursework including the 75-hour real estate salespersons course).
- Pass the State real estate broker’s exam.
A brokers license must be renewed every 2 years.
Points and Buydowns
1 point equals 1% of the loan amount.
For example:
If a lender charges 1-1/2 points as a loan origination fee, the fee will equal 1.5% of the loan amount.
A buydown allows the borrower to obtain a lower interest rate by paying additional points upfront to the lender.
A buydown may also be referred to as discount points.
Property Condition Disclosure Statement
The Property Condition Disclosure Act requires the seller to submit to the buyer, a Property Condition Disclosure Statement, prior to signing the contract of sale. If the statement is not signed, the buyer shall receive a $500 credit against the purchase price of the property.
Most seller attorneys advise their clients NOT to sign the statement, as it opens them up to a vast amount of liability.
Umbrella Policy
Insurance policy that covers amounts above those covered under one or more other primary policies, and which does not pay until the losses exceed a certain sum.
- Also called excess insurance.