final 1 Flashcards
Psychic energy
generated by instinctual drives pressing for release
Freud aspects of personality
Id, Ego, Superego
Pleasure principle
maximize pleasure, minimize pain, followed by id
Primary Process Theory
followed by id
- if needs cant be met with reality, fantasy will do,
Reality Principle
followed by ego
- checks reality to determine when id can safely discharge impulses
Executive of personality
balances superego and id
first to develop, unconscious, irrational
- second to develop, helps id contact reality
Reality principle - tests reality to decide when the Id can safely
discharge its impulses
- last to develop at age 4-5
Repository for ideals and values of society
reality anxiety
fear of real world threats
neurotic anxiety
fear of id’s desires
moral anxiety
fear of superego’s guilt
defense mechanism
- mask forbidden underlying impulses
defense mechanism
- attributing impulse to other people (I hate you cause you hate me)
defense mechanism
- mentally return to earlier, safer state (thumb sucking, bed wetting)
defense mechanism
- situation treated as intellectually interesting event
reaction formation
defense mechanism
- exaggerated opposite behaviour (sarcasm, basically)
defense mechanism
- conflict converted to physical symptom (develop blindness so can’t see situation
defense mechanism
- use secondary goal as outlet (get angry at someone unrelated)
defense mechanism
- making things seem good
defense mechanism
- memories allowed back into consciousness but without motives or emotion
Free association
patient allowed to say anything, analyst looks for associations and resistance, preferred by Freud
- disagreed with Freud
- focuses more on cultural, social aspects compared to sexuality
- humans motivated by social interest, desire to improve welfare of others
- Humans want superiority
Neoanalyst, analytic psychology
- people have collective unconscious that consists of memories accumulated through entire history of human race in addition to personal unconscious based on life experiences
Represented as archetypes - inherited tendencies to interpret experience in certain ways
Object Relation theorists
- Klien, Kernberg, Haler, Kohl
- Focus on mental representations that people form of themselves and other people as result of early experience with caregivers
Carl Rogers
Self Theory
Self Theory
Carl Rogers
- Behaviour is response to one’s conscious experience
- Internal forces are not distorted or blocked, instead direct to self-actualization
Self Theory
Consistency between self-perceptions and experience
Defense mechanism
ego may resort to this, denies/distorts reality
Defense mechanism
- ego uses some energy to prevent anxiety-arousing memories
self actualization
Total realization of one’s human potential
Personal constructs
Cognitive categories into which they sort the people and events in their lives
self consistency
Self Theory
- absence of conflict among self-perception
Factor analysis
allows researchers to find out
which behaviors are correlated with each other
Cattell’s Sixteen Personality Factors
Trait/Biological perspective
• Asked thousands of people to rate themselves
• Found 16 basic behavior clusters
• Developed profiles for individuals, and distinct
groups (athletes, artists)
Five Factor Model
Trait/Biological perspective
• Openness, conscientiousness,
extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism (OCEAN)
• The big 5 seldom show correlations to behavior
beyond 0.2-0.3, so they added 6 sub-categories
under each factor called facets
• NEO-PI test measures these
Trait/Biological perspective
- Started with just two basic traits: introversion-extroversion
• These two are uncorrelated
• Later added third: psychoticism-self control
• Psychoticism is creativity, tendency towards nonconformity, impulsivity, social deviance
-believed extreme introverts were chronically
overaroused, and that extreme extroverts were chronically underaroused
- Stability-instability is related to autonomic nervous system,
Novelty-seeking is related to dopamine
Stability of Personality
- introversion/extraversion, Optimism/pessimism,
emotionality & activity level tend to be stable - honesty/conscientiousness are
different depending on the situation
Social Cognitive Theorists
- focus on both internal and external causes of personality
- theories have a strong scientific base and explain apparent contradictions of consistency
- Rotter, Bandura, Mischel
Reciprocal determinism
Social Cognitive
- person, behaviour, and environment all influence each other
Social Cognitive
- Whether we do something is determined by Expectancy (what we expect the behaviour to cause) and reinforcement value (how much we desire/dread expected outcome)
- Internal/external locus of control
- what we expect behaviour to cause
Reinforcement value
- How much we desire/dread expected outcome
Internal locus of control/ generalized expectancy
- believe life outcomes are largely under personal control