Final 1 Flashcards


To sell variable annuities, a salesperson must be registered with all of the following EXCEPT (the):



The best answer is C. To sell a variable annuity, a salesperson must be registered with FINRA with either a Series 6 (mutual funds and variable annuities only) license or Series 7 (general securities) license. The salesperson must also be registered in the state to sell this non-exempt security under the state’s “Blue Sky” laws. In addition, the salesperson must be registered with the State Insurance Commission (since these products are sold by insurance companies; and insurance companies are regulated only at the state level). Banking regulators have nothing to do with securities.

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An efficient trading market is one with.

A.) uniform trading procedures
B.) centralized trading floor
C.) small bid/ask spreads
D.)Publicly disseminated trade reporting


The best answer is C. Efficient markets are characterized by high trading volumes and narrow bid/ask spreads. Whether or not there is a centralized trading floor has no bearing on efficiency. For example, the U.S. Government debt trading market is an OTC screen-based trading system and it is highly efficient. Uniform trading procedures and public disclosure of trade prices help foster efficiency, but if trading volumes are low, the market will still be “inefficient.”

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The Master Manufacturing Company has just announced a tender offer for its own common stock. Master is offering to buy up to 100% of the company’s stock at $20 per share contingent on at least 64% of the outstanding shares being tendered. After the announcement of the offer, the stock closed on the NYSE up 2.50 at $18.75. If a customer had 100 shares and sold at tomorrow’s opening price, what is the price that he would receive per share?

A.) 18.75
B.) 20.00
C.) 20.50
D.) 21.25


The best answer is A. If the customer sold at the opening, he would receive $18.75 per share. This deal of $20/share is contingent upon 64% of the shares tendered.

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Customer Name:
Joey Jones
Marital Status:
VP - Marketing - ACCO Corp.
Household Income:
Net Worth:
$60,000 (excluding residence)
Own Home:
No - Rents
Investment Objectives:
Aggressive Growth / Early Retirement at Age 50
Investment Time Horizon:
20 years
Investment Experience:
0 years
Current Portfolio Composition:

Cash in Bank:
When reviewing this customer’s profile sheet, the most immediate question that should be considered is:

A.) Does the customer intend to buy a home?
B.) Does the customer intend to get married?
C.) since the customer earns 250,000 per year, how come he only has 60,000 in his portfolio
D.) Since the customer is age 30, why does he want to retire by age 50?


The best answer is C. This customer, age 30, is a high earner, yet he only has $60,000 put away in his 401(k) and in cash. It sure looks like he is a big spender! Beginning a systematic plan of putting away money for retirement is critical when formulating an investment plan for a customer - especially one that wants to retire in 20 years. The customer must be made aware of the fact that, probably, his current spending pattern needs to be curtailed. This customer needs to start socking away money now to meet his early retirement goal!

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A municipal bond is purchased in the primary market at a discount and the bond is held to maturity. what is the tax consequence at maturity?

A.) No gain or loss
B.) A capital gain equal to the discount
C.) Part capital gain and part taxable interest income on the discount
D.) Taxable interest income equal to the discount


The best answer is A. Accretion of a discount on a municipal bond is a process whereby the book value of a bond purchased at a discount is increased over the holding period of that security. If the municipal bond is issued at a discount, the Internal Revenue Code mandates that the discount be accreted. Each year, the accretion amount is recognized as interest income earned on that bond (which is not taxable by the Federal Government), and the bond’s cost basis for tax purposes is increased. If the bond is held to maturity, the bond’s adjusted cost basis at redemption will be par; and there will be no capital gain or loss.

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The best answer is A. Accretion of a discount on a municipal bond is a process whereby the book value of a bond purchased at a discount is increased over the holding period of that security. If the municipal bond is issued at a discount, the Internal Revenue Code mandates that the discount be accreted. Each year, the accretion amount is recognized as interest income earned on that bond (which is not taxable by the Federal Government), and the bond’s cost basis for tax purposes is increased. If the bond is held to maturity, the bond’s adjusted cost basis at redemption will be par; and there will be no capital gain or loss.

A. ) 100% of each payment will be taxable at ordinary income rates
B. )100% of each payment will be non-taxable
C.) Each payment received will be partially taxable but the 10% penalty tax will not be applied
D.) Each payment received will be partially taxable and the 10% penalty tax will be applied


Instead of taking a lump sum distribution, the owner of a variable annuity contract can “annuitize” and receive annuity payments for life. Each payment has 2 components - an earnings portion that is taxable and a return of capital portion (cost basis) that is not taxable. The non-taxable portion represents the return of the original investment that was made with “after tax” dollars.
IRS Rule 72t gives a way for payments to be taken from the annuity prior to age 59 1/2 without the 10% penalty tax being applied. Rule 72t basically requires that annual payments deplete the account over that individual’s expected life (the IRS has 3 approved methods for this). The rule also requires that a minimum of 5 annual “Substantially Equal Periodic Payments” (SEPPs) be taken, but that payments must continue until at least age 59 1/2.

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$ 100 is the minimum denomination for all of the following except:

A.) Treasury Bills
B.) Treasury notes
C.) Treasury Bonds
D.) Treasury Stock


The best answer is D. The minimum denomination on a Treasury Bill, Treasury Note or Bond is $100 maturity amount. Treasury Stock has no standard par value, since it is common stock of an issuer.

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A customer sells 2 ABC Jan 45 Puts @ $5 when the market price of ABC is $44. If ABC stock falls to $42 and the customer closes the positions at $7, the gain or loss is:

A.) $400 gain
B.)$400 loss
C.) $600 gain
D.) $800 loss


The best answer is B. The puts were sold in an opening sale at $5 and bought in a closing purchase at $7 for a loss of 2 points ($200 per contract). Since 2 contracts are involved, the net loss is $400.

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Which of the following economic events would have a positive long term impact on common stock prices?

I.Falling interest rates
II. Falling capital gains tax rates
III. Rising employment rates
IV. Rising inflation rates

A.) 1 and 2 only
B.) 3 and 4 only
C.) 1,2,and 3
D.) All of the above


The best answer is C.
Falling interest rates are good for stock prices. More investors will switch from low yielding bonds to stock investments.
A falling capital gains tax rate also makes stocks attractive to investors.
Rising employment indicates that the economy is expanding. This is bullish for corporate profits and hence, stock prices.
Rising inflation means that interest rates are likely to rise. This makes long term debt unattractive due to their greater price volatility in response to market interest rate changes and also makes stocks unattractive since corporations are not able to increase prices in line with rising costs, hurting profits. In inflationary times, investors switch from stocks and long term bonds to money market instruments which are paying current high rates of interest; and “hard” assets such as gold and real estate that tend to keep up with inflation.

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A call premium on a bond is the:

A.) Amount by which the purchase price of the bond exceeds par
B.) Amount by which the redemption price prior to maturity exceeds par
C.) Amount which the redemption price at maturity exceeds par
D.) Maximum premium at which the bond can trade over its life


The best answer is B. A call premium is the excess over par value that the issuer will pay the bondholder to call in the bonds prior to maturity.

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Which statements are TRUE regarding the weekly Treasury Bill auction?
I. The minimum non-competitive bid has no dollar limit
II. The minimum non-competitive bid amount is $100
III. The maximum non-competitive bid has no dollar limit
IV. The maximum non-competitive bid amount is $5,000,000

A.) 1 and 3
B.) 1 and 4
C.) 2 and 3
D.) 2 and 4


The best answer is D. The minimum non-competitive bid amount in the weekly Treasury Bill auction is $100; the maximum non-competitive bid amount is $5,000,000.

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The discount on market discount corporate and government bonds:

A.) must be amortized annually
B.) may be amortized annually
C.) must be accreted annually
D.) may be accreted annually


The best answer is D. Corporate bonds bought in the secondary market at a discount are termed “market discount bonds.” There is an option of accreting the discount and paying tax annually on the accretion amount at full tax rates; or of waiting until the bond is redeemed or sold to pay the tax on the earned market discount at full tax rates. If the holder accretes the bond and holds it until maturity, there is no capital gain or loss, since the entire discount has been accreted and taxed over the bond’s life. If the holder opts not to accrete the bond, the bond will be redeemed at par and the entire market discount is taxed as interest income received at maturity (not as capital gains).

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All of the following statements are true regarding collateralized mortgage obligations EXCEPT:

A.) CMOs are issued by local government agencies
B.) CMOs are backed by agency pass-through securities held in trust
C.) CMOs have the highest investment grade credit ratings
D.) CMOs give the holder a limited form of call protection that is not present in regular pass-through obligations


he best answer is A.
The last 3 statements are true. Collateralized mortgage obligations are backed by mortgage pass-through certificates that are held in trust. The underlying mortgage backed pass-through certificates are issued by agencies such as FNMA, GNMA and FHLMC, all of whom have an “AAA” (Moody’s or Fitch’s) or “AA” (Standard and Poor’s) credit rating. The CMO takes on the credit rating of the underlying collateral.
CMOs take the payment flow from the underlying pass-through certificates and allocate them to so-called “tranches.” A CMO backed by 30 year mortgages might be divided into 15-30 separate tranches. As payments are received from the underlying mortgages, interest is paid pro-rata to all tranches; but principal repayments are paid sequentially to the first, then second, then third tranche, etc. Thus, the earlier tranches are retired first.
The CMO purchaser buys a specific tranche. Because of the sequencing of principal repayments from the underlying mortgages, the holder has a more definite maturity date on the issue, as compared to actually buying a mortgage backed pass-through certificate. This is true because prepayments on pass-through certificates are allocated pro-rata. During periods of falling rates, all certificate holders receive their share of those repayments pro-rata. The holder of a specific tranche of a CMO will only receive prepayments after all earlier tranche holders are repaid. Thus, CMOs give holders a form of “call protection” not available in regular pass-through certificates.
CMOs are not issued by government agencies; the agency issues the underlying pass-through certificates. CMOs are packaged and issued by broker-dealers.

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Covered call Writing is an appropriate strategy in a:

A.) declining market
B.) rising market
C.) stable market
D.) fluctuating


The best answer is C. A covered call writer owns the underlying stock position. The customer sells the call contract to generate extra income from the stock during periods when the market is expected to be stable. If the customer expects the market to rise, he or she would not write the call against the stock position because the stock will be “called away” in a rising market. If the customer expects the market to fall, he or she would sell the stock or buy a put as a hedge.

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U.S. Government Agency securities are:

3) Traded with accrued interest computed on an actual day month/ actual day year basis
4) Traded with accrued interest computed on 30 day month/ 360 day year basis

A) 1 and 3
B) 1 and 4
C) 2 and 3
D) 2 and 4


The best answer is D. Government agency securities are quoted in 32nds, similar to U.S. Government securities. Unlike U.S. Governments, on which accrued interest is computed on an actual day month / actual day year basis, Agency securities’ accrued interest is computed on a 30 day month/360 day year basis.

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A young couple in a low tax bracket wishes to invest long term for their infant child’s college education. They are looking for a safe investment that requires little involvement on their part until the child reaches college age. The BEST recommendation would be:

A.) T-Bills
B.) T-Notes
C.) T-Strips
D.) T-Bonds


The best answer is C.
The answer we would like is not here - 529 plans! From the choices offered, the question is heading towards zero-coupon Treasury Strips. These are long term zero coupon bonds that can be purchased at a deep discount and then grow internally until they mature at par, years in the future. These would be purchased with maturity dates that match the years the kids would be in college. There are no semi-annual interest payments to reinvest, which would be the case if conventional T-Bonds were purchased, so T-Strips meet the customer’s wish for little involvement.
T-Bills mature within 1 year, so their maturity is too short. The same is true for T-Notes, which have a maximum 10 year maturity. Finally, there is a tax issue with buying T-Strips - the annual accretion of the discount is taxable, even though the money is not received until maturity. Because the couple is in a low tax bracket, this is much less of an issue.


Which of the following information is required on a new account form?

I Type of account- cash or margin
2 type of securities that can be traded in the account
3 country of citizenship of account holder
4 proof of domicile of account holder

A.) 1 and 2
B.) 3 and 4
C.) 1 and 3
D.) all of the above


The best answer is C. The type of account (cash or margin) is needed when opening a new account, since a margin account requires the customer’s signature on a separate “margin agreement.” The country of citizenship of the account holder is needed because the PATRIOT Act requires that a copy of the customer’s passport be obtained if the account is being opened for a non-U.S. citizen. In addition, the non-U.S. citizen must present a U.S. tax identification number. There is no requirement for Proof of Domicile - this documents the state (not the country) in which the customer legally resides.


During a period when the yield curve is flat:

A.) Short term rates are more volatile than long term rates
B.) Long term rates are more volatile than short term rates
C.) Short term and long term rates are equally volatile
D.) No relationship exists between short term and long term rate volatility.


The best answer is A. Whether the yield curve is ascending (normal), flat or descending, the true statement always is that short term rates are more volatile than long term rates. Short term rates are susceptible to Federal Reserve influence, and move much faster than do long term rates. Long term rates respond more slowly; and reflect longer term expectations for inflation and economic growth, among other factors.


A closed end fund has a Net Asset Value of $10 per share. The minimum price at which the shares can be purchased is:

A.) 10
B.) 10 plus a commission
C.) market price
D.) market price plus a commission


The best answer is D. A closed end fund is traded in the market like any other stock. Any purchaser would pay the prevailing market price (which can be below, at, or above Net Asset Value) and would have to pay a commission to have the trade executed. Thus, a closed end fund share is purchased at the prevailing market price plus a commission. This contrasts to mutual fund (open end management company) shares that are newly issued by the fund to any purchaser. The purchaser pays the next computed Net Asset Value plus a sales charge if the fund imposes a “sales load.”


A customer receives an initial regulation T call for 20,000 and wishes to pay by depositing fully paid marginable stock, currently trading at 50 per share. the customer must deposit:

A.) 200 shares
B.) 400 shares
C.) 800 shares
D.) 1,200 shares


The best answer is C. The customer has received a margin call for $20,000. To meet the call, he can either deposit $20,000 in cash or $40,000 of a fully paid marginable stock (the loan value on the stock is 50% or $20,000). $40,000 stock / $50 price per share = 800 shares to be deposited.


A customer invests $1,000 in a money market fund. If the fund’s assets appreciate by 10%, the customer will have:

A.) 100 shares @ 11.00 each
B.) 110 share @ 10.00 each
C.) 1,000 shares @ 1.10 each
D.) 1,100 shares @ 1.00 each


he best answer is D. Money market funds are unusual in that the Net Asset Value per share is constant at $1.00. As the fund has earnings, and Total Assets increase, the shareholder receives more shares worth $1.00 each. For example, if an investor has 1,000 shares @ $1 ($1,000 total) in the fund, and the assets appreciate by 10%, then the customer will have 1,100 shares at $1 ($1,100 total).


All of the following statements are true about listed Securities Except:

A.) Listed securities trade in the Second Market
B.) Under Regulation T, all listed securities are marginable
C.) Listed securities are subject to Regulation SHO
D.) Listed companies must be registered with, and report their results to, the SEC


The best answer is A. Listed securities (those listed on an exchange) are marginable under Regulation T. Under the Exchange Act of 1934, Regulation SHO requires that before any equity security (either listed or unlisted) can be sold short, the member firm must affirmatively determine that the security can be borrowed and delivered on settlement. This is called the “locate” requirement. Listed securities trade in the first (exchanges), third (OTC trading of exchange listed securities) and fourth (direct trades between institutions via ECNs) markets. The second market is trading of unlisted securities over-the-counter. These are OTCBB and Pink Sheet issues. Listed companies must register with, and report their results to, the SEC.


When a corporation declares a reverse stock split, which of the following statements are true?

1) the market price per share will be reduced
2) the market price per share will be increased
3) institutional investors are more likely to buy the stock
4) institutional investors are less likely to buy the stock

A.) 1 and 3
B.) I and 4
C.) 2 and 3
D.) 2 and 4


The best answer is C. When a corporation declares a reverse stock split, the market price per share will be increased and the number of outstanding shares will be reduced. Institutional purchasers are often restricted by their investment policy guidelines from buying “cheap” stocks. Corporations will declare a reverse stock split so that the stock price increases to an acceptable level to institutional investors.


If a customer buys a fully-paid security that is part of the DTC DRS program, the customer will receive:

1) physical stock certificates
2) uncertificated book-entry registration
3) payments of dividends or interest from the broker-dealer
4) payments of dividends or interest from the issuer or transfer agent

A.) 1 and 3
B.) 1 and 4
C.) 2 and 3
D.) 2 and 4


The best answer is D. DTC (Depository Trust Corporation) safekeeps almost all physical securities certificates for member firms. It is based in New York and has an underground, airtight bunker that goes 8 stories into the ground for this purpose. Computer systems keep track of the “transfer” of these certificates from one owner to another - they are no longer physically moved, unless the customer actually wants delivery of the physical certificate (for which DTC now imposes a substantial charge). Once DTC could track change of ownership by computer, the next step was to create a “book entry” registration system for stocks, where there are no more physical certificates (saves time and money).

This is called “DRS” - the Direct Registration System. Because the owner’s name is electronically recorded on the books of the transfer agent, payments of dividends and interest are made directly from the transfer agent to the customer/owner. Note, in contrast, that “street name” securities held in margin accounts do not record the owner’s name with the transfer agent. In this case, the broker-dealer is the owner of record, and payments of dividends and interest are made by the transfer agent to the broker-dealer. The broker-dealer, in turn, credits each customer that is the beneficial owner of the “street-name” shares.


The market price of common stock will be influenced by which of the following?

1) Expectations for future earning of the company
2) Expectations for future dividends to be paid by the company
3) Book value per share
4) Par value per share

A.) 1 and 2
B.) 3 and 4
C.) 1,2 and 3
D.) all of the above


The best answer is A. The market price of common stock is determined by investor expectations about the future of the company. Par value and book value have no bearing on the market price of the common.


A self-employed individual makes $200,000 per year. To which type of retirement plan can the maximum contribution be made?

A.) Traditional IRA
B.) Roth IRA
D.) Simple IRA

A SEP (Simplified Employee Pension) IRA is usually set up by small business because it simplifies all of the recordkeeping associated with retirement plans (though there actually no limit of the size of the company to open up a SEP IRA). Contribution amounts made by the employer cannot exceed 25% (statutory rate; effective rate is 20%) of the employee's income, up to a maximum of $55,000 in 2018. SIMPLE IRAs also are relatively "simple" for a business to set up, but they only allow a maximum contribution of $12,500 (in 2018). So the SEP IRA is better.
In contrast, the maximum contribution to either a Traditional or Roth IRA in 2018 is $5,500 (plus an extra $1,000 catch-up contribution for individuals age 50 or older). Also note that because this individual is a high-earner, he cannot open a Roth IRA.

Under the “penny stock rule,” an established customer that is exempt from the rule is defined as a person who has effected a securities transaction or made a deposit of funds or securities with that broker-dealer more than:

A.) 1 year previously
B.) 2 years previously
C.) 3 years previously
D.) 5 years previously


The best answer is A. Suitability statements are not required under the “penny stock rule” for so-called “established customers.” These are customers who have either had cash or securities in custody of that broker-dealer for at least 1 year; or customers who have bought 3 or more “penny stock” issues previously from that broker-dealer.


A new customer wants to open an account at your firm. When you ask him for a street address, he tells you that he will be moving soon to a different apartment complex and wants to use his business address. Which statement is TRUE about this?

A. The only address to be used for Customer Identification purposes is the client’s residence address and the account cannot be opened
B. The business address can be used for Customer Identification purposes and the account can be opened
C. If a residence address is not available, the address to be used for Customer Identification purposes is a P.O. Box
D. The account cannot be opened


The best answer is B.
One of the critical pieces of information that must be obtained at account opening is the customer’s address - either residence or business street address. Also acceptable is the residence or business address of a next of kin.


Buying a put on a stock position held long is a suitable strategy when the market is expected to:

1) rise sharply
2) fall sharply
3) be stable
4) be volatile

A.) 1 and 3
B.) 1 and 4
C.) 2 and 3
D.) 2 and 4


The best answer is D. Buying a put allows the holder to sell a security at a fixed price. Thus, it protects the owner of the underlying stock position in a falling market.


Which of the following statements are TRUE about variable annuities?

1) Variable annuities are fixed unit investment trusts
2) Variable annuities are participating unit investment trusts
3) Variable annuities are regulated under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940
4) Variable annuities are not regulated under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940 because they are exempt

A) 1 and 3
B) 1 and 4
C) 2 and 3
D) 2 and 4


The best answer is C. A variable annuity is a participating unit investment trust. The trust is an “umbrella vehicle” used to collect payments from annuity contract holders. The trust invests the funds in one type of security only - shares of management companies. These are held in a “separate” investment account; and the performance of the securities in the separate account determines the amount of the annuity to be received. Because the investor bears the “investment risk” in this product, these are non-exempt securities that must be registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and sold with a prospectus; and are defined as an investment company type that is regulated under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


O.C.C. rules limit the maximum “legal” life of an equity option contract to:

A.) 9 days
B.) 9 months
C.) 30 days
D.) 30 months


The best answer is B. Legally, the maximum life of a regular stock option contract is 9 months. Currently, the way that options are issued, the actual maximum life is 8 months. Longer term stock options, known as LEAPs (Long Term Equity AnticiPation options) have a maximum life of 30 months.