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FIN 201 Module 1 Assignment 3 Credit Card Liabilities and Fraud NEW
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When a credit card is lost or stolen, it can be used until its owner reports it as missing. This loss of one’s credit card can result in fraud and therefore, being aware of the legalities that follow is important. This assignment addresses the legal ramifications.
Consider the following scenario:
Furman Smoogie, a sales and marketing representative for the Rubberman Corporation in Centervale, took his client Warren Sacamano to an expensive lunch at a fancy steakhouse. At the time of paying the bill, Furman noticed that his American Express card was missing from his wallet. He used his Visa card instead. While driving home, Furman realized that he had last used the missing American Express card about a week earlier when he dined at a local sushi bar. He was now concerned that a sales clerk may have used the card to make fraudulent purchases.
Using your assigned readings, , and the Internet, prepare a paper which addresses the following:
• Review and identify Furman’s legal rights in this situation.
• Explain the probability that Furman will have to pay American Express for any illegal charges to the account.
• Evaluate the steps which he should take in order to protect himself from further loss as a result of losing his card.
Support your statements with examples and at least three scholarly references, including your textbook.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.


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FIN 201 Module 2 Assignment 2 Tax Issues Associated with Financial Planning NEW
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FIN 201 Module 2 Assignment 2 Tax Issues Associated with Financial Planning NEW

Tax Issues Associated with Financial Planning
Understanding the tax consequences of your financial planning decisions is very important. These decisions may sometimes have life-long consequences in addition to a one-time result.
For example, when a person decides to save for retirement, there are tax consequences for each year when money is added to the account as well as when it grows. There are additional consequences later when that person decides to retire and use the money to live on.
This assignment looks at another example of tax issues associated with financial planning. You will look at the use of tax-exempt investment instruments such as municipal bonds, as an alternative to traditional investments, and corporate bonds or stocks.
Consider the following:
Bill Smith, a manager of a restaurant/bar in Los Angeles, is in the 25% marginal tax bracket and pays an additional 5% in taxes to the state of California. Bill has $20,000 invested in corporate bonds which is currently earning an average annual return of 7.5%.
Additionally, Bill also has another $20,000 invested in municipal bonds from the city of Los Angeles that are being used to redevelop depressed areas downtown. These bonds pay an average return of 5.4%.
Assume that in both cases, Bill earns the same returns as calculated on both the corporate and municipal bonds each year for the next 15 years.
Answer the following:
• What is the after-tax return on Bill’s corporate bonds for the current year?
• What is the after-tax return on his municipal bonds for the current year?
• Which investment earns more returns: corporate or municipal bonds?
• What would the balance in each account be at the end of the fifteenth year?


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FIN 201 Module 3 Assignment 2 LASA 1 Finding Your Best Bank (2 Papers) NEW
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This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
For this assignment, you will take on the role of a personal financial advisor and create a personal financial portfolio.
Step 1: Using the large National Bank, the Regional/Local Bank, and the Credit Union you identified in the Module 1 Assignment 2, compare and contrast each institution by completing the Module 3 Assignment 2 template
Step 2: Once you have completed the Module 3 Assignment 2 template, create a financial portfolio. This financial portfolio is a professional one. Please follow the following instructions when preparing it:
• Identify, describe, and explain the financial institution that would be the best fit for you. Be sure to justify your selection by referencing the information collected in your completed template.
• Identify, describe, and explain which type of saving account would best fit your current financial position. Be sure to justify your selection by referencing the information collected in your completed template.
• Analyze the following situation and answer the questions below:
After choosing a savings account with a 3% interest rate, you decide to invest $5,000 into the savings account.
• Using the future value calculation, determine at an interest rate of 3%, what would be your total balance available at the end of five years if you leave the $5,000 untouched. Show your calculations, as well as, your answer in your portfolio.
• How will this interest earned be reported on your federal income tax returns?
• Be sure to include the following in your financial portfolio:
• Contact information for the financial institutions
• Show all steps of your future value calculations in Excel or Word format.
• Support your statements with examples and at least three scholarly references.
Your financial portfolio should be presented as a 3–4-page paper in Word format. Be sure to also include the template you completed for step 1 of the assignment. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.


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FIN 201 Module 4 Assignment 2 Your Credit Report NEW

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Based on your sample credit report, write a paper to address the following questions.

  1. What is your initial reaction to your credit report? Describe any surprising elements you noted in the report.
  2. Which elements in your report do you think would have a positive impact on your credit score and which elements would have a negative impact on your credit score? Explain your answer.
  3. How do you think you could improve your credit score? Create a five-point plan to raise or maintain your credit score. Be sure to do the following:
  4. Specifically reference the guidance in your textbook to address this question.
  5. Use credible Web sites to guide you.
  6. In addition to your credit report, what are the other events/areas in your life, which specifically relate to your financial goals that are impacted by your credit rating? Explain at least three of these events/areas.

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FIN 201 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 Understanding 401(k) and IRA’s (2 PPT) NEW

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This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations
For this assignment, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation evaluating and explaining the 401(k) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) at a local community center, where you have been invited to speak. The audience will be a group of people who already work for companies that provide a 401(k) plan, so they are familiar with the basic concepts. The goal of the presentation is to explain to the audience the differences between the 401(k) and IRAs. Include the following:
• Explain which account would earn more money for the investor: a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. Support your statements with reasons and examples.
• Describe how people can identify their federal tax brackets.
• Use the following hypothetical questions/situations to explain the retirement plans in further detail.
1. If you were to invest $3,500 in traditional IRA and a Roth IRA, after making adjustments for possible tax deductions, what would your net contributionbe for both the traditional and Roth IRA? Explain any differences your research shows.
2. Once the traditional IRA or Roth IRA is established, you decide to invest the proceeds in a mutual fund. Identify the type of mutual fund you would select. Examples include stocks, bonds, or a balanced mutual fund. Using the Internet, research and select a specific mutual fund that meets your desired risk tolerance. You can use examples of mutual fund companies such as Oppenheimer and Franklin Templeton. Be sure to justify your selection.
3. Based on the average annual return on the mutual fund selected, you invest $3,500 for thirty years without withdrawing any of the proceeds. How large would the balance be at the end of thirty years? Include your calculations in your presentation.
4. To avoid the process of probate, and ensure that the balance in this fund transfers upon death to a person of your choice, explain how this account should be set up to ensure a prompt and direct transfer.
5. As an employee of an organization, you may have access to invest in a 401(k) plan. Explain what a 401(k) plan is as well as its benefits. When one has the option to utilize a 401(k) from an employer, explain what restrictions are in place to limit 401(k) contribution?
Support your statements with examples and scholarly references. Remember to include detailed speakers’ notes to include additional remarks that could be used as a script when presenting to a live audience. Develop an 8–10-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.


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FIN 201 Module 1 Assignment 3 Credit Card Liabilities and Fraud NEW
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When a credit card is lost or stolen, it can be used until its owner reports it as missing. This loss of one’s credit card can result in fraud and therefore, being aware of the legalities that follow is important. This assignment addresses the legal ramifications.
Consider the following scenario:
Furman Smoogie, a sales and marketing representative for the Rubberman Corporation in Centervale, took his client Warren Sacamano to an expensive lunch at a fancy steakhouse. At the time of paying the bill, Furman noticed that his American Express card was missing from his wallet. He used his Visa card instead. While driving home, Furman realized that he had last used the missing American Express card about a week earlier when he dined at a local sushi bar. He was now concerned that a sales clerk may have used the card to make fraudulent purchases.
Using your assigned readings, , and the Internet, prepare a paper which addresses the following:
• Review and identify Furman’s legal rights in this situation.
• Explain the probability that Furman will have to pay American Express for any illegal charges to the account.
• Evaluate the steps which he should take in order to protect himself from further loss as a result of losing his card.
Support your statements with examples and at least three scholarly references, including your textbook.
Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M1_A3.doc.


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