Film Terms 3 Flashcards
The art of photography with moving pictures
A theatrical term that refers to the visual elements of film. Encompasses aspects such as lighting, costumes, and decor, the relationship of these elements to each other
Wall to wall music
When music plays almost continuously throughout the film
A director who melds all aspects of filmmaking into a unified and distinctive artistic style
The connection between two shots
Post production
The film is given its final shape through the editing process and the addition of sound effects and music
Temp track
Existing music the director uses as a model
Scene shots from the day before
Society of motion pictures and television engineers. It’s a 24 hour synchronization clock developed by NASA
Develop and nurture a project from beginning to end. Often responsible for raising the money to produce the film and or selling the project to a network, studio, or production company
Envisioning and approving all creative decisions and overseeing all creative activities
Film editor
In charge of editing the film and may be giving great authority to supervise dubbing. Works with all of directors print takes of each shot and intercuts this footage into a homogenous whole