Film and the Transnational Flashcards
What does transnational refer to?
“Trans” referring to across nations, specifically the flows and exchanges that characterize our current political, economic, and social lives
What does transnational evoke a sense of?
Movement, captures a phenomenon that defines the 20th century early, 21st century, flows and exchanges that move beyond the boundaries of a single state; the effects of globalization and the digital revolution
International co-productions cross national boundaries in what way?
Through financing and personnel (actors/actresses and crew)
What kind of elements can travel across cinema of different nations?
Aesthetic and key personnel
Films flow toward and away from Hollywood, exchanges of interest to scholars researching “film and the transnational” discuss what?
- Those involving money, personnel, films
- Those that emanate from Hollywood
- Those that move toward Hollywood
- Those that do not route themselves through Hollywood in any way
Cinema has always depended on networks of what?
Change and movement
Many flows and exchanges do not come from Hollywood cinema, what is an example of this?
Soviet cinema = Tout Va Bien
Define unmarked transnationalism
A transnationalism that doesn’t draw attention to itself (Mette Hjort)
Define marked transnationalism
The filmmakers purposefully direct viewers attention to different nations, and encourages viewers to think about transnationality (Mette Hjort)