***Fillers*** Flashcards
Generally speaking
به طور كلي بگم
To be unest
To tell the true
صادق باشم
The (title) that i like
I’m going to tell you about ….
Present_> is) (past -> was
In my opinion
Believe it or not
In terms of behavior/ personality
از نظر رفتاري
I see my self as ….
من خودم رو …. ميبينم
براي توصيف شخصيت
Not too often actually
در واقع زياد نه
I would say so
ميتونم اينجوري بگم
Not one bit
حتي يه ذره هم نه
Not anymore
خيلي زياد نه
If i have my way
اگه انتخاب داشتم
Az i’ve already mentiond
همانطور كه قبلا اشاره كردم
به طور خلاصه
Pretty much
تقريبا(تعدادش زياده)
For sure
Not much i have to say
چيز زيادي براي گفتن ندارم
Not at all
نه هميشه
I tell to truth
The point of exact
دقيقتر بگم كه …
Clearly outweigh
واضحه كه
As i said before
همانطور كه قبلا گفتم
Strong Disagreement
I sure that’s not right
Personally, i would say the opposite
Strong agreement
I couldn’t agree more
There is no doubt about it
That’s so true
Caution agreement
I agree up to a point
I agree to some extent
I would tend to agree
Cautions disagreement
I’m not sure i agree with that
I’m not so sure about that
Agree up to a point
تا حدي موافقم
Bit hard to believed
That seems Doubtful to me
به نظرم مشكوكه
I have to admit
بايد اعتراف كنم
I suppose the main issues are …
فكر ميكنم مشكل اصلي … باشه
In the long term i think…
فكر ميكنم در بلند مدت…
I never thought about that before
قبلا هرگز بهش فكر نكرده بودم
I don’t see any reason why …
من دليلي نمي بينم كه چرا …
I suppose it depends on …
من فكر ميكنم اين به …. بستگي داره