Filler Phrases (Alt 2 - Causes) Flashcards
What are the main reasons things are as they are?
Cad iad na príomhchúiseanna go bhfuil cúrsaí mar atá?
Who is responsible for this terrible bad time?
Cé atá freagrach as am drochscéal uafasach seo?
First of all there is no doubt that much of the blame lies with the Government.
I dtús báire níl amhras ar bith ach go bhfuil cuid mhaith den locht ar an Rialtas.
There is no denying that they do not care about this scandalous problem
Ní féidir a shéanadh gur cuma leo faoin fadhb scannalach seo
Ultimately, it must be acknowledged that no one is blameless
I ndeireadh na dála, caithfear a admháil nach bhfuil aon duine gan locht
It is clear that parents are very much involved in the problem
Is léir go bhfuil baint mhór ag tuismitheoirí leis an bhfadhb
Young people are not free from blame either.
Níl daoine óga soar ón locht ach oiread.
It angers me
Cuireann sé olc orm
It is unbelievable
Tá sé dochreidte
Little has been said about it
Ní beag an bhfuil ráite faoi
It enrages me when I think of the likes of this
Buaileann spadhar mé nuair a smoiním ar a léithéid
That is what irritates me
Sin an rud atá ag dó na geirbe agam
It terrifies me
Cuireann sé uafás orm
I’m in despair over it
Táim in éadóchas air