Fill in Flashcards
Not sure if Multiple choice or fill in
What was the year span of the complete writings of the Bible?
1,500 years
What are the literary devices used in the Bible?
Alliteration, Allusion, Chiasm, Hyperbole, Idiom, Merism, Paradox, Simile, Symbolism, Type
What literary styles are in the Bible?
Poetry, Memoirs, narrative, satire, song, biography, romance, law, didactic treatise, prophecy
In order, what categories is the Bible divided into?
- Pentateuch
- Historical
- Poetry
- Major prophets
- Minor prophets
- Gospels
- Acts
- Pauline epistles
- General epistles
- Revelation
How many languages was the Bible written? Which ones?
- Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew
How many authors did the Bible have?
More than 40/ over 40
When was the Apocrypha written?
The intertestamental Period / 400 years of silence
some also written in 1st century A.D
What year were the Dead Sea Scrolls found?
The English word that the KJV uses to translate the compound Greek work for God breathed used in 2 Timothy 3:16 is…
Inspiration! NOT inspired
Basic meaning of the word Canon
Standard, measuring stick
We should interpret difficult passaged in light of..
Clearer, other scripture
What year did the council of the Trent take place?