File management Flashcards
Also called the File Management System and is the software responsible for creating, deleting, modifying, controlling access to files.
File manager
Provides support for libraries of programs to online users, for spooling operation, and for interactive computing.
File manager
- The building blocks of any operation system
- Permanent storage of information & data
__ is not interested in what information is stored in file
__ maps files with physical devices.
___ represent program and data.
The output of program is called ____.
executable file
______ mechanism refers to the manner in which the records of a file may be accessed
File access
There are several ways to access files (3)
• Sequential File Access
• Direct File Access
• Indexed File Access
Is a method of accessing data
sequentially/one record at a time
by starting from the beginning of the file to its end.
Sequential file access
This access method is the most
primitive and straightforward
method of accessing files.
Sequential file access
Direct file access is also known as ____
Random file access
Also known as Random file access
Direct file access
Allows users to access data directly from any location within the file without the need to read/write all the records that come before it.
Direct file access
Is a method that incorporates the benefits of both sequential and direct file access.
Indexed file access
Creating an index file that maps logical keys or data elements to their corresponding physical addresses within the file.
Indexed file access
refers to the ability of the operating system to distinguish different types of file such as text files, source files, and binary files etc.
File types
Operating system like MS-DOS and UNIX have the following types of files:
• Ordinary files
• Directory files
• Special files
• These are the files that contains user information.
• These may have text, databases or executable program.
• The user can apply various operations on such files like
- add, modify, delete or even remove the entire file.
Ordinary files