Lois is a distraught 44-year-old female visiting her primary care physician at 9:00 a.m. She describes looking in the mirror that morning and seeing a worm crawl across her eye and then disappear. On her updated patient history,
she notes she had visited the African rainforest the previous year. The physician orders a stool for ova and parasite examination, as well as a complete blood count and differential. The blood is drawn at 11:30 a.m. on the same
day as the office visit at a draw site near Lois’ home. The stool parasite examination proves to be negative. The automated blood count shows increased eosinophils and a Giemsa stained blood film is prepared. An evening shift medical laboratory scientist observes a worm-like form on the blood smear that is 275 µm in length. There is a stained sheath and nuclei extend to the tip of the tail.
Questions to Consider
1. What is the scientific name of the organism observed?
2. What is the significance of her travel history?
3. Determine if the blood sample was drawn appropriately.
4. Propose treatment options for this individual.
- Loa loa
- Loa loa, is known to inhabit areas of Africa
especially the rain forest belt and as such is
referred to as the African Eye Worm. It is
estimated that the infection rates may be over
70% in the areas in which a large vector
population exists. - Yes, the blood sample was drawn at the
appropriate time. Samples collected between
10:15 am and 2:15 pm yield the best recovery
rate of Loa loa microfilariae. This parasite
exhibits diurnal periodicity. - Surgical removal is the treatment of choice for
the removal of adult Loa loa worms. The
medication of choice for the treatment of Loa
loa is diethylcarbamazine (DEC).
Speciation of the microfilariae can be done by recognition of the distribution of nuclei in the tip of the tail and the presence or absence of a delicate transparent covering known as the:
A. Flilariform
B. Cuticle
C. Sheath
D. Nucleus
What type of periodicity is exhibited if microfilariae appear in the blood of an individual at 2:00 p.m. each day?
A. Nocturnal
B. Diurnal
C. Subperiodic
D. Biannual
Which of the following is similar for all microfilariae discussed?
A. Presence of a sheath
B. Ability to exhibit periodicity
C. Location of the adult worms
D. The basic life cycle
Common name of Wuchereria bancrofti
Bancroft’s malayi, Bancroft’s filarial worm
Wuchereria bancrofti
Disease/s caused: Bancroftian filariasis, Wuchereriasis
-Elephantiasis of the ______ extremities, lymphatics of the? _______
Habitat: _________ extremities
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Regularly smoothly curved, ______ sweeping
Body nuclei: Coarse, ___________
Tail end: is there a nuclei?
This serves as an important identifying feature.
It serve as the laboratory diagnostic method of choice
Disease caused:
-Lower; scrotum
-Lower extremities
Specimen of choice: Blood
Vector: Culex pipiens
-Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles have been shown to be biologic vectors of Wuchereria
Body curves: graceful sweeping
Body nuclei: coarse, well separated
Tail end: No nuclei on the tip (Wala na)
Periodicity: Nocturnal
Important identifying feature: When stained, the central axis shows dark-staining nuclei
Fresh Giemsa-stained blood
Diagnosis of infection with Wuchereria bancrofti is best accomplished by:
A. Examination of stained peripheral blood taken during the night
B. Examination of stained tissue biopsy taken during the night
C. Use of serologic testing with blood taken during the day
D. Examination of stained lymph fluid taken during the day
Which of the following, in combination with albendazole, has proven to be an important drug for the treatment of Bancroft’s filariasis?
A. Doxycycline
B. Ivermectin
C. Metronidazole
D. None of the above
Common name of Brugia malayi
Malayan filarial worm
Brugia Malayi
Disease/s caused: Malayn filariasis
-Elephantiasis of the ______ extremities
Habitat: _________ extremities
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Irregular or Regular? Twisted; stiff with?
Body nuclei: Coarse, tend to ___________
Tail end: is there a nuclei?
It serve as the laboratory diagnostic method of choice
Disease caused:
-Upper lymphatics
Specimen of choice: Blood
Vector: Mansonia spp., Anopheles spp.
Body curves: Irregular and twisted, stiff with secondary kinks
Body nuclei: coarse, tend to overlap
Tail end: 2 widely spaced nuclei; blunt tip
Periodicity: Nocturnal
Fresh Giemsa Stained Blood
Which of the following can be used in the differentiation and identification of Brugia malayi?
A. Absence of a sheath
B. Absence of nuclei in the tail
C. Presence of a sheath that is very difficult to observe on Giemsa stain
D. Presence of two terminal nuclei in the tail
Select the ideal time period to collect blood samples for examination for the presence of the microfilariae of Brugia malayi.
A. 10:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.
B. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
C. 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
D. Any time of the day or night
Common name of Loa Loa
Eye worm, Loa worm
Loa Loa
Disease/s caused: Loasis
-_______ and ______ swelling
Habitat: __________ and ________ tissues
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Irregular or Regular? is it twisted?
Body nuclei: Coarse, tend to ___________
Tail end: is there a nuclei?
It serve as the laboratory diagnostic method of choice
Disease caused:
-Fugitive and Calabar swelling
-Subcutaneous and muscle tissues
Specimen of choice: Blood
Vector: Chysops fly (Deer fly/ mango fly)
Body curves: Irregular, twisted
Body nuclei: coarse, tend to overlap
Tail end: Nuclei is present; rounded tip
Periodicity: Diurnal (10 am- 2pm)
Fresh Giemsa Stained Blood
A small threadlike worm is observed under the conjunctiva of the eye. What organism and form is most likely?
A. Wuchereria bancrofti adult
B. Brugia malayi microfilaria
C. Onchocera volvulus larva
D. Loa loa adult
What type of periodicity does Loa loa exhibit?
A. Nocturnal
B. Subperiodic
C. Diurnal
D. None
Common name of Onchocerca volvulus
Blinding worm
Onchocerca volvulus
Disease/s caused?
Habitat: ________ tissues
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Irregular or Regular? is it twisted?
Body nuclei: Coarse, mostly ___________
Tail end: is there a nuclei? is there a pointed tip?
Disease caused: River blindness
Habitat: Subcutaneous tissue
Specimen of choice: Skin snips
Vector: Simulium spp., Black fly, Buffalo fly
Body curves: Regular, slightly twisted
Body nuclei: coarse, mostly separated
Tail end: No nuclei with pointed tip
Periodicity: Non-periodic
How do the microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus
differ from those of other filarial?
A. The presence of a sheath.
B. Nuclei are present continuous to the end of the tail
C. They exhibit diurnal periodicity
D. They are found in the skin rather than blood
Skin snips are the specimen of choice for diagnosis of infection with:
A. Loa loa
B. Onchocerca volvulus
C. Brugia malayi
D. Wuchereria bancrofti
Mansonella perstants
Disease/s caused?
Habitat: ________ tissues
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Irregular or Regular? often from what?
Body nuclei: tends to?
Tail end: is there a nuclei? is there a tip?
Disease caused: Dipetalonemiasis
Habitat: Inside the body cavity
Specimen of choice: Blood
Vector: Culicoides spp. (night biting)
Body curves: Regular, often from loops
Body nuclei: tends to overlap
Tail end: Nuclei present, rounded tip
Periodicity: Non-periodic
Mansonella streptocerca
Disease/s caused?
Habitat: ________ tissues
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Tail is usually?
Body nuclei: Fine and mostly?
Tail end: is there a nuclei? is there a tip?
Disease caused: Streptocerciasis
Habitat: Inside the body cavity
Specimen of choice: Blood
Vector: Culicoides spp.
Body curves: tail is usually curved
Body nuclei: fine and mostly separated
Tail end: Nuclei present, curved tip
Periodicity: Non-periodic
Common name of Mansonella ozzardi
Ozzard’s filaria, New World filaria
Mansonella ozzardi
Disease/s caused?
Habitat: ________ tissues
Specimen of choice?
Body curves: Regular or irregular? is it twisted?
Body nuclei: Fine and mostly?
Tail end: is there a nuclei? is there a tip?
Disease caused: Ozzard’s filariasis
Habitat: Inside the body cavity
Specimen of choice: Blood
Vector: Culicoides spp.
Body curves: Regular, slightly twisted
Body nuclei: fine and mostly separated
Tail end: no nuclei, pointed tip
Periodicity: Non-periodic
How are the microfilariae of Mansonella ozzardi
differentiated from those of Ochocerca volvulus?
A. Location of the microfilariae
B. Absence of a sheath
C. Lack of terminal nuclei in the tail
D. Presence of a sheath
Which of the following filarial drugs is effective
against Mansonella ozzardi if therapy is necesary?
A. Albendazole
B. Diethylcarbamazine
C. Doxycycline
D. Ivermectin
You live by a fast moving river in Eastern
Africa. Which of the following filarial
nematodes poses the greatest risk of infection for you?
A. Brugia malayi
B. Onchocerca volvulus
C. Wuchereria bancrofti
D. Loa loa
Which of the following filarial nematodes
is known as the blinding filaria?
A. Brugia malayi
B. Onchocera volvulus
C. Loa loa
D. Mansonella ozzardi
The microfilariae of Brugia malayi are recognized by the:
A. presence of a sheath and two distinct
terminal nuclei in the tail
B. presence of a sheath and absence of
nuclei in the tail
C. absence of a sheath and nuclei continuous to the tip of the tail
D. absence of a sheath and absence of
nuclei in the tail
Which of the filarial nematodes uses the
mosquito as its vector?
A. Loa loa
B. Onchocera volvulus
C. Wuchereria bancrofti
D. Mansonella ozzardi
Swelling of the lower extremities due to
obstruction of the lymphatic system by
adult filarial nematodes is known as:
A. Periodicity
B. Lymphangitis
C. Eosinophilia
D. Elephantiasis
All of the following microfilariae lack a
sheath except:
A. Mansonella ozzardi
B. Mansonella perstans
C. Onchocera volvulus
D. Brugia malayi
Diagnosis of infection with Wuchereria
bancrofti can be accomplished by all of the
following methods except:
A. Serologic testing
B. Tissue biopsies
C. Knott technique
D. Thick and thin peripheral blood smears
Which of the following filarial nematodes is transmitted by the Chrysops fly?
A. Onchocerca volvulus
B. Mansonella ozzardi
C. Loa loa
D. Brugia malayi
Which of the following filarial nematode
infections is diagnosed by using skin snips
rather than a peripheral blood smear?
A. Onchocerca volvulus
B. Loa loa
C. Mansonella perstans
D. Wuchereria bancrofti
If an individual was planning to visit
Africa, which of the following filarial nematodes would not be a concern for potential infection?
A. Loa loa
B. Wuchereria bancrofti
C. Brugia malayi
D. Mansonella ozzardi
Sir Robert, a 42-year-old male, returned to his home in England after an adventure along the Nile Delta. On arrival at his estate, Sir Robert began to experience chills and a fever. The fever remained high for about 2 days and then subsided but spiked again after 5 days. He also noticed an abscess on his right leg, which had become swollen, inflamed, and hot. After a few days, his leg began to enlarge. At this point, Sir Thomas promptly set-up an appointment and went to the office of his physician at 4:00
p.m. the next day to seek medical treatment. On determining the patient’s recent travel history and performing a physical examination, the physician ordered blood and stool samples for parasite study. In addition, the physician
surgically opened the abscess and obtained a sample of the contents for parasitic examination.
Laboratory examination of the abscess and stool specimens revealed no parasites. However, the Giemsa-stained slide of the blood contained suspicious organisms, each measuring approximately 260 µm in length.
Questions to Consider
1. Identify the scientific name and morphologic form of the organism observed in the stained blood smear.
2. Determine if the appropriate timing of the blood collection was utilized for this individual.
3. What is the vector for transmission of the organism?
4. What disease is Sir Robert exhibiting?
5. Determine a prevention and control plan that Sir Robert should have used while on his adventure.
The organism observed in the stained blood
smear in this case is that of a Wuchereria
bancrofti microfilaria.
2. Technically, the timing of the blood collection
was not optimal for the best recovery of
microfilariae. Wuchereria bancrofti generally
exhibits nocturnal periodicity. The organism
can also exhibit subperiodic periodicity and
can be prevalent in the late afternoon. This
may explain why the organism was detected
in Sir Thomas’ blood even though the timing
of his blood collection was not optimal.
3. The vectors responsible for parasite transmission in this case consist of Culex, Aedes, and Anopheles spp. of mosquitoes.
4. Sir Robert is exhibiting the signs and symptoms of Bancroft’s filariasis orelephantiasis.
5. Prevention and control strategies that Sir
Robert should have implemented on his
adventure include using personal protection
when entering known endemic areas, avoiding mosquito infested areas, and using mosquito netting and insect repellants.