FIH Flashcards
What is the aim of CFITES?
To produce the right number of people, with the right qualifications, at the right time, and at minimum cost.
What is the definition of proficiency level 1?
Student was not capable of completing the task. Student required verbal and/or physical assistance to avoid making major errors. Further instruction is required.
What is the definition of proficiency level 2?
Student completed the task but required verbal and/or minor physical assistance to avoid making major errors. Further practice is required.
What is the definition of proficiency level 3?
Student completed the task, making only minor errors. Student required minimal verbal cues to analyze and/or correct errors.
What is the definition of proficiency level 4?
Student completed the task without assistance, making only minor errors. Student was able to self-analyze and correct errors.
What is the definition of proficiency level 5?
LEVEL 5 - Student completed the task without assistance and without error.
What does AMOL stand for?
Aim, Motivation, Outline, Link
What does Aim stand for in AMOL?
Aim - The What! What is the objective of this task? What the student will be taught and what they will be expected to know by the end of the instruction.
What does the ‘M’ stand for in AMOL?
Motivation - The Why! Why do they need to know this?
What does the ‘O’ stand for in AMOL?
Outline - The How! How will this portion of the lesson evolve? The topics/stages to be covered.
What does the ‘L’ stand for in AMOL?
Link - The Connection! The student is shown how the current lesson is linked to previously learned material. “This is what you know how to do already, manoeuvres X and Y, this new manoeuvre Z, is really just a combination of X and Y. All we have to do is put them together”. The lesson can also be linked to future tasks“. This manoeuvre will also be used later on when you start…”. This step allows the student to put the elements of what is being taught into context.
What is the individual task brief (Board Brief)?
What is the format for delivery of instruction airborne?
EDIC: Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, Critique
- a logical sequence to the teaching of individual tasks.
What are the three fundamental principles of CFITES (3)?
- Performance oriented
- Promotes optimum efficiency
- Employs a systems approach.
What are the six phases of CFITES?
- Analysis. Determines what training is necessary for ‘on the job’ performance. (Output: Qualification Standard).
- Design. A training design to meet needs identified in the analysis phase. (Output: Training Plan).
- Development. Developing crse & associated courseware IAW design phase. (Output: Lesson Plans/courseware/training aids)
- Conduct. Delivery of instruction and monitoring of learning. (Output: Qualified personnel).
- Evaluation. Ensure effectiveness and efficiency of instruction. (Output: Evaluation report detailing improvements in design, development and conduct.)
- Validation. Looks at all phases to ensure meeting actual job requirements. (Output: Validation report detailing deficiencies in all phases including analysis phase.)
What are the roles of the instructor?
Leader, Tutor, Coach, Mentor, Assesor, Crse Mgmt, Quality Mgmt
List and briefly define the six principles of instruction.
Interest Comprehension Emphasis Participation Accomplishment Confirmation
List and briefly define the seven laws of learning.
- The Law of Primacy
- The Law of Effect
- The Law of Readiness
- The Law of Relationship
- The Law of Intensity
- The Law of Exercise
- The Law of Recency
Define “Major Error”
Errors that significantly detract from the ideal and/or jeopardize safety or the successful completion of the task.
Define “Minor Error”
Errors that detract from the ideal but do not jeopardize the successful completion of the task.
What four factors affect the transfer of learning?
- Materials
- Environment
- Realism
- Communication
What are the five types of questions?
- Lead-Off - Used to start a discussion or introduce a new topic. Should be designed to get students thinking about a topic. answer.
- Follow-up - Keeps students thinking about the topic at hand.
- Overhead - Question is addressed to the whole class without indicating who should answer.
- Direct - Question is addressed to a specific person.
- Redirect