Figurative Language Flashcards
Describing something with a sense not usually associated with it (warm colors, smooth sounds, silent sun, cold personality, tasted green)
A repeated consonant sound anywhere in multiple words
A repeated sound at the beginning of multiple words
A statement does not logically follow (If an organism is a mammal, then it has hair and produces milk. Coconuts have hair and produce milk. Therefore, coconuts are mammals.)
Series of words connected by the over-use of the same conjunction (Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor…)
Deliberate underuse of a conjunction (I came, I saw, I conquered)
Figure of speech combining two opposite qualities to create a new meaning (icy hot, jumbo shrimp, virtual reality, original copy, feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health)
Looking at same thing or event from different perspectives “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” “don’t look at the glass half empty, look at it half full” “a penny saved is a penny earned”
Opposite things that superficially seem impossible or untrue “A person who trusts cannot be trusted” “deep down, you’re really shallow” “you have to be cruel to be kind”
Put two different ideas next to each other and compare “trump v clinton and trump v biden”
Internal Rhyme
Rhyme occurring in the middle of a line of poetry. “Jack and JILL went up a HILL”
Repetition of vowel sounds without repetition of consonant sounds
Slant Rhyme
Consonance or assonance but not both (ways and grace) (found and wound)
Zeugma (zoog-muh)
Word when two definitions are used at the same time (she broke his car and his heart)
A widely used saying with a figurative meaning not parsable by looking at the individual words (cat got your tongue?)