Field Markers -- Exam 2 Flashcards
habitat, nests, and diet for bald eagle
lakes, tree, fish
What is the habitat, nesting, and diet for the Osprey
lakes, tree, fish
habitat, nests, and diet for northern harrier
grasslands, ground, and carnivore
habitat, nests, and diet for shar-shinned hawk, Cooper’s hawk, northern goshawk, red-shouldered hawk, broad-winged hawk
forests, tree, carnivores
habitat, nests, diet for swainson’s hawk
grasslands, trees, carnivore
habitat, nests, diet for red-tailed hawk
forest/edge, trees, carnivore
describe the ferruginous hawk
h=grasslands, n=ground, d=carnivore
field markers= largest of hawks, mostly white chest with speckling on lower breast, black and brown back and wings. large bill and long gape with black tip.
describe the rough-legged hawk
grasslands, ground, carnivore
feathered legs, small feet. dark belly (speckling on adult) smaller
describe the golden eagle
open areas, ground, carnivore, rare in winter
bi-color tail, feathered down to toes. gold
describe the northern harrier
considered the “owl hawk” due to satellite type face. has comma eye. brown back, with brown streaking on chest
describe sharp-shinned hawk
smaller than Cooper’s hawk. coarse brown streaks on chest. black eyering. (more distinct than cooper’s)
describe Cooper’s hawk
larger than sharp-shinned. thin dark streaks on white breast. thinker legs than sharp-shinned. has black eyering. adult is more orangey on chest
describe the northern goshawk
adult= fine gray barring on breast. juvenile is buffy on chest. adult has white eyebrow and black stripe through eye
describe red-shouldered hawk.
j= evenly brown streaks on chest with brown and intermittent red on back a= orange bars on chest with black comma on eye. tail black and white wing bars with intermittent orange/red on back
describe the broad-winged hawk
coarse brown barring on breast. (juvenile’s barring varies) with brown back and brown and white barring on tail
describe the swainson’s hawk
white face, with brown bib around neck and down chest. brown on back.
juvenile wingtips exceed tail tip
describe red-tailed hawk
black and white streaking on back. streaked belly-band. red tail.
describe the American Kestrel
edge, trees, carnivore
colored orange and blue. orange back with black barring on back, with bluish wings on fllanks with black spotting. black horseshoe on face with black spot on back of neck
describe the merlin
forest, trees, carnivore
grey back, orange, white, and black barring on stomach. mustache on face, almost another horseshoe type
describe the peregrine falcon
widespread, ledges, carnivore
j= pale crown, dark mustache.
a= wingtips reach tail tip. black mustache. more distinct barring on belly with white bib. grey crown
describe prairie falcon
grasslands, ledges, carnivore
more sandy brown on back and all over. brown spotting on white breast. white behind eye
describe common barn-owl
strigiformes, tytonidae
edge, cavities, carnivore
heart shaped face, long legs. dark eeys. more light orange with blue speckling throughout with white chest.
describe eastern screech owl
strigiformes, strigidae
forest, cavities, carnivore
pale bill, gray all over, with black barring. smaller
describe the great horned owl
strigiformes, strigidae
forest, cavities, carnivore
broad ear tufts, tawny orange face, dark breast.
describe snowy owl
strigiformes, strigidae
grasslands, ground, carnivore
white with black barring and spotting
describe burrowing owl
strigiformes, strigidae
white spectacles, white throat, broad bars on chest. spotted upperside. cute
describe barred owl
strigiformes, strigidae
forest, cavities, carnivore
dark eyes, pale elow with bold streaks on chest. flattened heart-shaped face
describe long-eared owl
strigiformes, strigidae
edge, trees, carnivore
long ear tufts, tawny face. dark streaking and barring on belly. dark vertical stripe through eyes
describe short-eared owl
strigiforme, strigidae
grasslands, ground, carnivore
dark triangle eyes, short ear tufts, streaked below.
describe northern saw-whet owl
strigiformes, strigidae
forest, cavities, carnivore
vertical striping, small and cute, white v on face. pale brown facial disk
describe the common nighthawk
caprimulgiformes, caprimulgidae
urban, ground, insects
white stripe on wings
describe chuck’s-will’s-widow
caprimulgiformes, caprimulgidae
forest, ground, insects
longer than whip-poor-will
describe the whip-poor-will
caprimulgiformes, caprimulgidae
forest, ground, insects
brown, gold spotted, liked honeycomb
describe the red-headed woodpecker
piciformes, picidae
forest, cavities, insects/mast
all read head, white belly and white patch on back. j=brown head
describe red-bellied woodpecker
piciforme, picidae
forest, cavities, insects
red nape, plain pale brown below. barred back.
describe yellow-bellied sapsucker
piciformes, picidae
forest, cavities, insects/sap
long white mustache, white throat. yellow ring around neck (vague) with red crown. messy white bars on back
describe the downy woodpecker
piciforme, picidae
forest, cavities, insects
white patch on back, black and white barring. red spot on back of head on males.
describe the hairy woodpecker
piciforme, picidae
forest, cavities, insects
almost exact same as downy except larger.
describe the northern flicker
piciforme, picidae
forest, cavities, insectivore
beautiful bird. black breast band. black malar. brown face and throat with black malar. red crescent on nape. orangey-gold all over with black spotting. and grey back of neck and crown.
describe the pileated woodpecker
piciformes, picidae
forest, cavities, insect
largest woodpecker, red crest on hed. all black back with white on long neck.
describe the black-billed cuckoo
cuculiforme, cuculidae
forest, trees, insectivore
red orbital ring, white belly, long, graduated tail.
describe the yellow-billed cuckoo
cuculiformes, cuculidae
forest, tree, insectivore
yellow orbital ring, yellow bill, white belly.
describe greater roadrunner
cuculiformes, cuculidae
glades, trees, carnivore
crest raised. red spot on face with grey stripe through eye. long runner’s legs
describe chimney swifts
apodiformes, apodidae
open, cavities, insectivore
dark grey all over. short stubby tail. long stiff wings. grey is paler on throat and on rump
describe the ruby-throated hummingbird
apodiforme, trochilidae
edge, treest, nectar/bugs
red iridescent throat, with green wings. f= no red on throat
describe olve-sided flycatcher
passeriformes, tyrannidae
edge, trees, insectivore
wearing a grey vest with white undershirt
describe easter wood-pewee
passeriformes, tyrannidae
forest, trees, insectivore
two nice wing bras, yellow underneath balck bill-black on top
describe acadian flycatcher
passeriformes, tyrannidae
forest, trees, insectivore
is more yellow, white eyering, white wingbars
describe the willow flycatcher
passeriformes, tyrannidae
wetlands, trees, insectivore
more flat head, wing bars, pale eyering
describe least flycatcher
passeriformes, tyrannidae
forest, trees, insects
smalled, rounder, bold eyering
describe the eastern phoebe
passeriformes, tyrannidae
forest edge, ledges, insects
dark all over, white belly. white on neck - looks like collar
describe great crested flycatcher
passeriformes, tyrannidae
forest, trees, insects
biggest, yellow belly, grey hest, ruffusy red perimiter, crest
describe western kingbird
passeriformes, tyrannidae
savannah, trees, insects
black wings, yellow belly, blue-grey head, black beak
describe eastern kingbird
passeriformes, tyrannidae
edge, trees, insects
black mowhawk with orange in it, black tail with white stripe on head. white belly
describe scissor-tailed flycatcher
passeriformes, tyrannidae
grasslands, trees, insectivore
crazy retrices, long forked tail, white head, and front =. black bill, red-pink on wings
describe purple martin
passeriformes, hirundidae
urban, boxes, insectivore
big birds, uniform bluish black/ f=more white on face
describe tree swallow
passeriformes, hirundidae
lakes, cavities, insects
smaller than purple, blusih iridescent blue on back, white belly
describe northern rough-winged swallow
passeriformes, hirundidae
riparian, ledges, insects
muddy color, emarginate tail
describe the bank swallow
passeriformes, hirundidae
riparian, banks, insects
brown back, white front with brown tip (banker wearing a suit)
describe cliff swallow
passeriformes, hirundidae
riparian, bridges, insects
bluish-brown crown and mantle. white forehead, white belly brown neck
describe barn swallow
passeriformes, hirundidae
open, barns, insects
brown neck, NO white forehead, bluish-brown back. forked tail.
describe the Carolina wren
passeriformes, troglodytidae
forest, cavities, insectivore
bold white stripe above eye, dark brown with white belly
bewick’s wren
passeriformes, troglodytidae
edge, cavities, insectivore
white stripe, not as bold, grey belly
house wren
passeriformes, troglodytidae
urban, cavities, insectivore
weak stripe on eye (comma) brown with grey breast
sedge wren
passeriformes, troglodytidae
grassland, grass, insectivore
streaked back, orange rump, streaked brown on back
marsh wren
passeriformes, troglodytidae
wetland, wetland, insect
red wings, long tail, brownish white belly, sort of white eyering
eastern bluebird
passeriformes, turdidae
edge, cavities, fruit/insects
blue back, with red belly
passeriformes, turdidae
forest, ground, fruit/insects
reddish brown back, bright white belly, brown spots on chest
gray-cheeked thrush
passeriformes, turdidae
forest, trees, fruit/insects
olve colored flanks, cheeks are grey, breast heavily spotted
swainson’s thrush
passeriformes, turdidae
forest, trees, fruits/insects
yellow-brown face, eye ring, olive flanks, spotted belly (on top)
hermit thrush
passeriformes, turdidae
forest, ground, fruits/insects
small, tail more red than back, eyering bristler than swainson’s. white spot on chest
wood thrush
passeriformes, turdidae
forest, trees, fruit/insects
much darker spots that extend further down
american robin
passeriformes, turdidae
edge, trees, fruits/insects
black back, red belly