Fibromyalgia Flashcards
- a. Define the term Rheumatic disease.
b. List the characteristic clinical manifestations of rheumatic conditions
a. An umbrella term for conditions causing chronic, often intermittent pain affecting the joints and/or connective tissue.
b. Achy pain, tenderness, stiffness of
muscles, tendon insertions and adjacent soft tissues
Define the term fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a group of common, non articular rheumatic disorders characterised by:
Achy pain, tenderness, stiffness
Muscles, Area of tendon insertions, Adjacent soft tissues.
Discuss the prevalence of fibromyalgia.
2-4% of Pop Women
5% of all GP patients
15-20% of rheumatology patients
Top 5 rheumatic diseases, 2nd only to OA
The diagnosis is often not made because the criteria for diagnosis are inadequate.
The symptoms and signs are so vague that diagnosis is often missed.
FM most commonly presents in women 25 - 40 years that are otherwise healthy.
It is 5 times more in women than men.
a. List the main clinical manifestations of fibromyalgia.
b. Name four areas of the body that are frequently affected fibromyalgia.
Diffuse aching
Tenderness / pain
Non Rheumatoidal • HA • Insomnia • Exhaustion/Fatigue • Anxiety/Depression • Irritable Bowel
Occiput, neck, shoulders, thorax, lower back thighs.
Write brief notes on tender-spots.
- Found in the same place on repetitive examination (same spot on same patient) +- nodules
- Must have 11/18 possible tender spots to diagnose
Which factors are known to exacerbate the manifestations of fibromyalgia?
Mornings & Evenings Weather Stress Inactivity Overuse/Straining Insensitive Treatment by Health Pracs
Which factors are known to alleviate the manifestations of fibromyalgia?
reassurance physical & mental relaxation stress management passive/active stretching regular moderate exercise local heat application osteopathy massage (deep and gentle) acupuncture counselling biofeedback NSAID’s medication for sleep problems tricyclic antidepressants injection of local anaesthetics
Which female personality type is characteristic of fibromyalgia?
- Healthy young female
- Self driven
- Intense
- Anxious
- Compulsive
- Numerous activities
- Tense
- Sensitive to ext stimuli
Discuss the diagnosis of fibromyalgia
Process of EXCLUSION (often >5yrs til diagnosis)
• Presenting ssx
• No longer solely based on tender spots
3 criteria
1. Widespread (diffuse) pain index >7/10 + ssx severity >5 (SS)
• WPI: Pain felt in any of 19 regions over 1 week
• SS: fatigue, waking unrefreshed & cognitive ssx – scored 0 – 3
2. SSX have been present and smilar >= 3/12
3. Patient does not have a disorder that would otherwise explain the pain
Investigations: used for exclusion • Radiography • Blood cell count • Metabolic panel: urine analysis (TSH) • VIt D levels • Vit B12 • Iron Studies • Magnesium • ESR • ANtipolymer Ab (APA) assay (Controversial? may not be specific enough) • 50% of patients have antipolymer abs
Discuss the prognosis of fibromyalgia
The prognosis good i.e. FM is not a “serious” i.e. life-threatening disease.
- Remission may occur in milder cases.
- Usually observe recurrences at variable intervals
- 1/3 of Patioents will need to modify their work to continue: reduced hours