Fibrinogen, Thrombin, and the Fibrinolytic System Flashcards
What is the reference range for Fibrinogen?
200 - 400 mg/dl
Fibrinogen is converted to fibrin under the influence of _____ and is the onset of a ___ ____
Thrombin, solid clot
Fibrin in cleaved into what? (3)
Fibrin, fibrinopeptides A and B
What disassociates a clot a few hours after it has been formed?
What is trapped within the soluble clot? (4)
- Fibrinolytic system
- Thrombin,
- antiplasmins,
- plasminogen A,
- and tPA
As an acute phase reactant, fibrinogen will have transient increases when? (5)
- Inflammation
- Preganancy
- Stress
- Diabetes
- Oral contraceptives
What patients demonstate acquired increases in fribrinogen? (2)
- Hepatitis
- Artherosclerosis
What acquired disorders result in a decrease in fibrinogen? (3)
- Acute liver disease
- DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)
- Acute renal disease
What is Afibrinogenemia?
How much fibrinogen is in plasma?
- Autosomal Recessive
- < 10 mg/dL of fibrinogen in plasma
- Umbilical bleeding, delayed healing cord, poor wound healing
What Lab results would you see in Afibrinogenemia? (3)
- Increased PT, APTT, TT (throbmin time) and reptilase time
- Abnormal PLT aggreagation with most aggregating agents
- Elongated BT (bleeding time)
What is Hypofibrinogenemia?
How much fibrinogen is present in plasma?
- Heterozygous form of Afribrinogenemia
- 20 - 100 mg/dL of fibrinogen in plasma
What is Dysfibrinogenemia?
Genetic inheritance?
- Qualitative disorder of fibrinogen - molecule does not work properly
- Auto. Dom. - inhereted homo and hetero
What lab findings would you see in Dysfibrinogenemia? (3)
Include how immuno assays are affected/not affected.
- Increased PT, APTT, TT, and RT (reptilase time)
- Normal immunologic assay
- quantitative fibrinogen assay is abnormal
Thrombin participates in what PLT reactions? (2)
- Release reaction
- Aggregation
What PLT inhibitor does thrombin stimulate?
What factors does thrombin activate once the coagulation sytem has been activated? (2)
which are key factors in the formation of what?
- Factor V
- Factor VIII
- Thrombus formation