Fiber Tracking & DTI Flashcards
What is the Connectome?
Term invented in 2005 independently by Sporns and Hayman. It is the total map of all the connections present in the human brain. (Or actually mostly white matter connections but not so much intra cortical finer scale connections?) Yes how different gray eras are connected d by white matter
Which property of water in the brain is Diffusion Tensor Imaging leveraging?
The fact that free roamng water will diffuse in an isotropic (i.e. towards all directions equally) way, while when constrained by myelin fibers it would do in an anisotropic (i.e. directional) way
What is a tensor?
It is a 3 dimensional shape that can range in DTI from almost round to cigar shaped, it measures the orientation of anisotropic water diffusion. It is measured in every single voxel.
What are principal eigen vectors for a tensor?
They are the three main vectors that indicate the orientation of a specific vector
How does a tracking through a streamline works?
You select seed voxel(s) and from there make the streamline go in the direction of the tensor to adjacent voxels.
What are stop criteria for streamline fiber tracking?
Going outside of ROI, going outside of brain, making a sharp turn (e.g. 90 degrees, biologically implausible)
What is Fractional Anisotropy?
It is a scalar value (from 0 to 1) measuring the directionality of a tensor, it is derived from its eigen vectors
What is a Continuous Tracking Algorithm for?
It serves the purpose of analyzing fiber paths at a finer level than voxel wise, it raises the resolution when fiber tracks have to be modelled
How can FA help us infer the strength of some connections?
The higher the FA of voxels in a streamline the higher the connection strength will probably be
What is roughly the work flow for analyzing connections inside the brain with DTI?
- High res. struct. MRI is taken
- Multiple diffusion tensor images for same subject are taken and weighted.
- The two images are superimposed and we can then see how many connections are there between two brain areas
Based on the human connectome project data, what are the amounts of (possible) connections that everyone has and the ones that no one has?
7% are shared by everyone, 20% not present in anyone. There is then a big variability in possible connections inside peoples’ brains.
Connection weight measures: Number of Streamlines
How many streamlines are connecting two different areas
Connection weight measures: Fractional Anisotropy/ Generalized FA
The mean weighted FA of a single tract the brain is proportional to its strength. Generalized accounts for non gaussian distribution.
Connection weight measures: Streamline Volume Density/Streamline Surface Density
The number of connections is scaled comparing the size of the brain areas
Is Diffusion MRI a functional MRI measurement?
No it is structural, it is measuring anatomy not the brain functioning. It can be performed by any MRI scanner