FI 341 Exam 1 Flashcards
Uncertainty concerning the occurrence of a loss
Objective Risk
Relative variation of actual loss from expected loss
Subjective Risk
Uncertainty based on a person’s mental condition or state of mind
Chance of Loss
The probability that an event will occur
Objective Probability
Long-run relative frequency of an event assuming an infinite number of observations and no change in the underlying conditions (can be determined by deductive or inductive reasoning)
Subjective Probability
Personal estimate of the chance of loss (personal perception may differ from the objective probability)
Cause of the loss (fire, windstorm, etc.)
A condition that increases chance of loss
Physical Hazard
Physical conditions that increase the chance of loss (icy roads, defective wiring, etc.)
Moral Hazard
Dishonesty or character defects that increase the chance of loss (faking accidents, inflating claim amounts, etc.)
Morale Hazard
Carelessness or indifference to a loss because of the existence of insurance (leaving keys in an unlocked car)
Legal Hazard
Characteristics of the legal system or regulatory environment that increase the chance of loss (large damage awards in liability lawsuits)
Pure Risk
Only the possibility of loss or no loss (earthquake)
Speculative Risk
Profit, loss, or no loss are all possible (gambling)
Fundamental Risk
Affects the entire economy or large numbers of persons or groups (hurricane)
Particular Risk
Affects only the individual (car theft)
Enterprise Risk
Encompasses all major risks faced by a business firm, which include: pure risk, speculative risk, strategic risk, operational risk, and financial risk
Personal Risk
Involve the possibility of a loss or reduction in income, extra expenses, or depletion of financial assets (Poor health, Involuntary unemployment, premature death of family head, insufficient income during retirement, etc.)
Property Risk
The possibility of losses associated with the damage, destruction, or theft of property (physical damage to home due to fire, tornado, vandalism, etc.)
Direct Loss
Financial loss that results from the physical damage, destruction, or theft of the property (broken escalator)
Indirect Loss
Financial loss that results indirectly from the occurrence of a direct physical damage or theft loss (profits lost due to broken escalator)
Liability Risk
The possibility of being held liable for bodily injury or property damage to someone else
Loss Prevention
Reducing the frequency of losses
Loss Reduction
Reducing the severity of losses
Insurance (Long Definition)
The pooling of fortuitous losses by transfer of such risks to insurers, who agree to indemnify insureds for such losses, to provide other pecuniary benefits on their occurence, or to render services connected with the risk
Insurance (Short Definition)
The business of transferring pure risk from an insured to an insurer by means of a two-party contract
Adverse Selection
The tendency of persons with a higher-than-average chance of loss to seek insurance at standard rates
Selection and classification of applicants for insurance
Life Insurance
Pays death benefits to beneficiaries when the insured dies
Health Insurance
Covers medical expenses because of sickness or injury
Disability Plans
Pay income benefits
Property Insurance
Indemnifies property owners against the loss or damage of real or personal property
Liability Insurance
Covers the insured’s legal liability arising out of property damage or bodily injury to others
Casualty Insurance
Refers to insurance that covers whatever is not covered by fire, marine, and life insurance
Personal Lines of Insurance
Coverage that insures the real estate and personal property of the individuals and families or provide protection against legal liability
Commercial Lines of Insurance
Coverage for business firms, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies
Expense Loading
The amount needed to pay all expenses, including commissions, general administrative expenses, state premium taxes, acquisition expenses, and an allowance for contingencies and profit
Loss Exposure
Any situation or circumstance in which a loss is possible, regardless of whether a loss occurs (a plant that could possible be damaged by an earthquake, or an automobile that may be damaged in a collision)
Loss Frequency
The probable number of losses that may occur during some given time period
Loss Severity
The probable size of the losses that may occur
Maximum Possible Loss
The worst loss that could happen to the firm during its lifetime
Probable Maximum Loss
The worst loss that is likely to happen to the firm during its lifetime
Risk Control
Techniques that reduce the frequency and severity of losses
A certain loss exposure is never acquired, or an existing loss exposure is abandoned
Loss Prevention
Measures that reduce the frequency of a particular loss
Loss Reduction
Measures that reduce the severity of a loss after it occurs