FFMA - Week 5 Flashcards
What is the focus of the first few lectures in the introduction to management accounting?
The focus is on defining management accounting, distinguishing it from financial accounting, describing the role of the management accountant, identifying management philosophies for continuous improvement, and providing insight into current issues for management accounting. It also includes considering the role of business ethics in the management accounting profession.
How does management accounting differ from financial accounting?
Management accounting differs from financial accounting in that it focuses on providing information internally to help managers make better decisions and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. It’s oriented towards internal management needs, future planning, and creating value, as opposed to financial accounting, which presents financial information externally and follows set rules.
What are the two separate definitions of ‘management’ and ‘accounting’?
Management is defined as the range of activities involved in running an organization, while accounting is the activities gauging an organization’s performance or planning for its future performance, including stewardship, control, and audit.
How do Drury and Caulfield, Smith, Thome, and Helton define management accounting?
Drury defines management accounting as concerned with providing information to people within the organization to help make better decisions and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of existing operations. Caulfield, Smith, Thome, and Helton define it as the process and techniques focusing on the effective use of organizational resources to support managers, enhancing both customer value and shareholder value.
What is the role of an accounting information system in management accounting?
An accounting information system in management accounting provides the necessary information required by managers to manage resources and create value. It includes regular estimates of the cost of goods and services and helps managers plan and control operations.
How is management accounting information characterized in terms of its nature and flexibility?
Management accounting information is often ad hoc, oriented towards future profit maximization, and serves as a means to an end. It focuses on the internal managerial needs and is highly flexible, adapting to managers’ specific requests.
What influences the accounting information in an organization?
Accounting information is influenced by production and service technologies, organizational structures, organizational size, and the sophistication level of computer systems.
How does management accounting information vary across different management levels?
The detail of management accounting information provided varies according to the managerial level. Operational managers on the shop floor may require detailed information, while higher-level managers need more summarized data.
Define management accounting.
Management accounting is the process of identification, measurement, accumulation, analysis, preparation, interpretation, and communication of information used by management to plan, evaluate, and control within an entity, ensuring appropriate use of and accountability for its resources.
What is the planning and control cycle in management accounting?
The planning and control cycle involves formulating long-term and short-term plans, implementing these plans, measuring performance (controlling), and comparing actual performance with planned performance. This cycle helps in revising plans and understanding the control actions needed.
What services does management accounting provide to management?
Management accounting develops and communicates plans to key personnel, evaluates performance, reports results, and maintains financial and non-financial information for decision-making by management.
(FFMA-012) What are the characteristics of useful information in management accounting?
Useful information in management accounting must be relevant, understandable, timely, comparable, reliable, and complete. These characteristics ensure the information provided is applicable, clear, timely for decision-making, able to be compared with other data, trustworthy, and offers a full view of the situation.
(FFMA-013) Why is timely information important in management accounting?
Timely information allows managers to make decisions at the right moments. For example, a car manufacturer needs hourly or daily updates on production rather than monthly reports, to address issues and improve operations promptly.
(FFMA-014) How does the concept of comparability apply in management accounting?
Information must be comparable to provide context and meaning. For instance, knowing a department’s profit is £50,000 is more informative when compared against expected goals or past performance, providing a benchmark to assess whether the outcome is favorable or not.
(FFMA-015) What is the importance of setting well-defined objectives in management accounting?
Well-defined objectives in management accounting are crucial for measuring performance effectively. Poorly defined objectives can lead to difficulty in assessing whether organizational goals are being met. Clearly defined objectives, like aiming for a specific degree classification, provide a clear target and allow for more accurate performance measurement.