The greatest danger after a helicopter crash is ____.
Onlookers should be kept _____ feet from a helicopter crash scene
Members should expect a potential ___ gallons of fuel on board a helicotper.
As a rule of thumb, the safest area of a helicopter crash is _____.
inside the helicopter
How far must traffic be stopped for a helo landing?
150’ in all directions
What is the preferred minimum diameter for a LZ?
Approach a helo from?
direction pilot can see you
Approach helicopter only after…
pilot has signaled you to approach.
Jet A Fuel has a flashpoint (highter/lower) than diesel?
lower - 100F vs. 140F
Jet A Fuel has an ignition temperature higher or lower than Gasoline?
lower 410F vs. 536F
What is the vapor density of Jet A Fuel?
What is the Flammable range of Jet A fuel
0.7 to 5%
What is the Flammable range of Gasoline?
What is the Flammable Range of Diesel?
What is the flashpoint of gasoline?
What is the ignition temperature of Diesel?
Which helicopters have skids?
MPD AS350B3; USPP Bell 412; MedStar EC-135;
Which helicopters have Aerial Rescue Capabilities?
MPD AS350B3; USPP Bell 412; UH-60; MSP AS-354 N2 Dolphin;
Which helicopters have FLIR?
MPD AS350B3; USPP Bell 412; UH-60; MSP AS-354 N2 Dolphin;
Which helicopters have Paramedics?
USPP Bell 412; UH-60; MSP AS-354 N2 Dolphin;
Which helicopters have IFR certification?
All of them.
Which helicopters have a nightsun device?
MPD AS350B3; USPP Bell 412; UH-60; MSP AS-354 N2 Dolphin;
Which helicopters are used for executive transport?
CH-47, UH-60, CH-3D
The heaviest helicopter has a maximum gross weight of:
22,379 lbs (CH-47)
The lightest helicopter has a maximum gross weight of:
4,960 lbs (AS 350B3)