Fetal monitoring Flashcards
What are the definitions of the following
- Tachysystole
-More than 5 contractions in 10 minutes during active labour with no fetal HR abnormalities - Hypertonus
-Contraction lasting >2 mins or within 60 seconds of each other without fetal HR abnormalities - Hyperstimulation
-Either tachysystole or hypertonus with FHR abnormalities
Discuss excessive uterine activity
-Causes (5)
-Risks to fetus (2)
-Risk to mother (3)
- Causes
-Prostaglandins for cervical ripening
-Oxytocin for labour
-Placental abruption
-Intrauterine infection
-Rarely seen in spontaneous labour - Risks to fetus
-Fetal hypoxia
-Fetal acidosis - Maternal risks
-Uterine rupture
-Risks associated with an emergency caesarian section
Discuss management for excessive uterine activity
-Steps to take with hyperstimulation (5)
-Indications for tocolysis
-Contra-indications for tocolysis
- Steps to take with hyperstimulation
-Continue fetal monitoring
-Stop / decrease oxytocin infusion
-Consider tocolytics
-Assess requirement for urgent delivery
-Provide 1:1 care until normalised - Indications for tocolysis
-Excessive uterine activity resulting in hyperstimulation
-If no evidence of fetal compromise tocolysis is not indicated - Contra-indications for tocolysis
-Placental abruption
-Maternal cardia disease
Discuss terbutaline as a tocolytic
-Class of drug
-Mode of action
-Side effects (5)
-Contra-indications (3)
-Literature findings (2)
- Class of drug - selective B2 adrenergic receptor agonist
- MOA - relaxation of uterine smooth muscle
- Dose 250mcg S/C stat. IV 50mcg in bolus
- Side effects
-Maternal tachycardia, palpitations, arrythmia
-Headache, anxiety , tremor
-Nausea and vomiting - Contraindications
-Sympathomimetic amine sensitivity
-Placental abruption
-Relative contra-indications - maternal cardiac disease, Hypotension, hyperthyroidism - Literature findings
-Doesn’t increase bleeding risk regarding atony
-Moderate evidence to suggest best tocolytic in terms of fetal HR abnormalities
Discuss salbutamol as a tocolytic
-Class of drug
-Mechanism of action
-Side effects (6)
-Contra-indication (3)
- Class of drug: Selective B2 adrenergic receptor agonist
- MOA: Smooth muscle relaxation
- Dose
IV 25-50mcg boluses to max of 250mcg - Side effects
-Maternal tachycardia, palpitations, arrythmias
-Nausea and vomiting
-Tremor, anxiety, headache - Contra-indications
-Cardiac disease
Discuss GTN as a tocolytic
-Mechanism of action
-Side effects (3)
-Contra-indications (4)
- MOA: Relaxes vascular smooth muscle and also uterine smooth muscle
- Dose 400mcg per spray. Can give 2 5 mins apart
- Side effects
-Reflex tachycardia or bradycardia - Contra-indications
-Acute circulatory failure
-Cardiac disease
-Severe anaemia
Discuss fetal bradycardia
-Definition (2)
-What is the mechanism by which fetal bradycardia occurs
- Definition
-FHR ,110
-FHR < 15 beats below baseline for >5mins - Mechanism
-Fetal chemoreceptors identify reduced oxygen levels and this results in reflex vagal stimulation to reduce heart rate and cardiac output to reduce myocardial oxygen requirement
Discuss causes of acute fetal bradycardia
-Hypoxic causes attributed to the mother (4)
-Hypoxic causes attributed to the utero-placental unit (3)
-Hypoxic causes attributed to the fetus (3)
- Hypoxic causes - maternal
-Maternal hypoxemia - seizure, hypoventilation, resp disease
-Maternal hypotension - positioning, epidural, sepsis
-Reduced oxygen carrying capacity - anaemia, smoking
-Chronic medical conditions - diabetes, HTN - Utero-placental unit causes
-Excessive uterine activity
-Reduced surface area of placenta for gas exchange - abruption, IUGR
-Uterine rupture - Fetal causes
-Cord compression - Cord prolapse, true knot in cord, oligohydramnios.
-Decreased oxygen carrying capacity- fetal anaemia
-Rapid decent of fetal head through pelvis
What are the causes of a fetal baseline bradycardia
-Maternal (4)
-Fetal (2)
- Maternal
-Recording maternal HR
-Beta blockers
-MgSO4 - Fetal
-Post dates with increased PNS drive
-Fetal heart conduction defect - Fetal heart block
Discuss fetal blood sampling
-Normal lactate and pH
-Pre-acidotic lactate range and pH
-Acidotic range and pH
- Normal range
-Lactate <4.0
-pH >7.25 - Pre-acidotic
-Lactate 4.1 - 4.7
-pH 7.21- 7.24 - Acidotic range
-Lactate >4.7
-pH <7.21
What are the contra-indications to FBS (5)
- < 34 weeks
- Non-vertex presentation
- Possible fetal bleeding disorder
- Maternal infection - HIV/ Hep B, HSV (GBS doesn’t preclude FBS)
- Evidence of serious sustained fetal compromise
Discuss action for the following FBS findings
-Lactate <4.0 (pH > = 7.25)
-Lactate 4.1 - 4.7 (pH 7.21 - 7.24)
-Lactate >4.7 (pH <7.20)
- Lactate <4.0 - Normal range
-If CTG returns to normal no need to repeat lactate
-If CTG abnormalities persist repeat in an hr
-If CTG abnormalities worsen repeat in less than an hour - Lactate 4.1-4.7 - Pre-acidotic
-Recheck in 30 mins to see trend
-Deliver earlier if significant deterioration - Lactate >4.7 - Acidotic
-Stop oxytocin if in process
-Expedite delivery - CS or Instrumental
What are the advantages and disadvantages to FBS
-Advantages (2)
-Disadvantages (1)
- Advantages
Can assist in the interpretation of equivocal CTG
Can reduce CS rates
-CS risk if CTG and no FBS - OR - 2
-CS risk if CTG and FBS OR 1.55
Discuss cord blood sampling
-When should it be taken (4)
-Apgar <4 and 1 min
-Apgar <7 at 5 mins
-Fetal scalp sampling during labour
-Operative delivery undertaken for fetal compromise
What do the cord bloods represent
-Venous gas
-Arterial gas
-Abnormal results (6)
-How are they used (2)
- Venous gas
- maternal acid-base status and placental function
-Expect to be less acidotic - normal >7.32 - Arterial gas
-fetal status
-Expect to be more acidotic as more CO2 from fetal metabolism - normal >7.24 - Abnormal results
-Lactate >7.5
-Base excess <-12
-pH <7.0
-Big difference between arterial (acidotic) and venous (less acidotic) - suggests cord compression of umbi vein
-Both bad - likely placental
-Both the same then probably both venous - How are cord gases used
-Can predict poor neurological outcomes if baby also unwell
-Can guide when to cool babies - pH <7 and Base excess <-12
-Base excess from -12 -> -16 is a significant predictor of neonatal neurological morbidity. 10% chance of severe neurological impairment
What is the evidence behind fetal monitoring (2)
- Use of continuous CTG statistically significantly reduces long term neonatal outcomes - e.g. CP
- Statistically significantly increases the risk of unnecessary operative delivery
In what conditions is CTG not indicated
-RANZCOG overall recommendation
-Antenatal risk factors (6)
-Intrapartum risk factors (1)
- RANZCOG supports intermittent ascultation for low risk women
- Antenatal risk factors where intrapartum CTG is not required if in isolation (CTG if multiple conditions)
-Pregnancy <42 weeks gestation
-GDM without complication
-BMI <40
-Maternal age <42
-AFI 5-8cm / DVP 2-3cm - Intrapartum risk factors
-Maternal pyrexia <38 degrees
Discuss fetal monitoring in low risk women
-Grounds for admission CTG (3)
-Grounds for ongoing fetal monitoring (3)
- Admission CTG
-Inconsistent evidence
-Overall likely to increase number of women on CTG and therefore operative delivery
-May identify at risk babies - Ongoing fetal monitoring
-Systematic review showed significant reduction in neonatal seizures
-Systematic review found significantly significant increase in CS rates
-Not recommended by RANZCOG
What is the definition of
-Normal fetal BL heart rate
-Baseline bradycardia
-Baseline tachycardia
- Normal BL
110-160 - Baseline bradycardia
<110 - Baseline tachycardia
What are the definitions of variability
-Normal baseline variability
-Reduced baseline variability
-Absent baseline variability
-Increased baseline variability
-Sinusoidal pattern
- Normal baseline variability
6-25 bpm - Reduced baseline variability
3-5bpm - Absent variability
<3 bpm - Increase baseline variability
6-25 bpm - Sinusoidal pattern
-regular oscillation of baseline with a smooth pattern replicated in 2-5 cycles per minute with an amplitude of 5-15bpm
What are the definitions for decelerations
-Early decelerations
-Variable decelerations
-Complicated variable decelerations
-Prolonged decelerations
-Late deceleration
- Decelerations
-A drop from BL of >15 bpm for >15 seconds - Early decelerations
-Uniform repetitive decelerations with slow onset early in the contraction and slow return to baseline by the end of the contraction - Variable deceleration
-Repetitive or intermittent rapid decrease in the FHR with rapid return to BL with or without a contraction - Complicated variable deceleration
Variable decelerations with the following
-Rising BL or fetal tachycardia
-Reduced BL variability
-Slow return to BL
-Large amplitude by 60bpm or to 60bpm
-Long duration >60seconds
-Smooth post deceleration overshoot - prolonged deceleration
-Fall in FHR for >90 seconds - Late deceleration
-Uniform repetitive decreasing FRH usually slow onset from middle to late start of contraction with recovery after the contraction. Where there is reduced variability the depth of deceleration may be <15bpm
What abnormal CTG features when seen in isolation are unlikely to be associated with fetal compromise (5)
-Baseline of 100-109
-Reduced variability 3-5bpm
-Absence of accelerations
-Early decelerations
-Variable decelerations without complicating features
What abnormal CTG features may be associated with significant fetal compromise and require further action (5)
- BL tachycardia
- Rising BL even if within normal range
- Complicated variable decelerations
- Late decelerations
- Prolonged decelerations
What abnormal CTG features are associated with significant fetal compromise and require immediate action (5)
- Bradycardia
- Absent BL variability
- Sinusoidal pattern
- Complicated variable decelerations with reduced or absent variability
- Late decelerations with absent variability
What are the differential Dx for the following CTG patterns
-BL Bradycardia (2)
-Prolonged deceleration (2)
-Tachycardia (5)
-Reduced variability (4)
-Sinusoidal pattern (2)
- BL bradycardia
-Post dates
-Fetal Heart block / cardiac malformation - Prolonged deceleration
-Head compression
-Maternal hypotension - Tachycardia
-Increased fetal activity
-Fetal anaemia
-Fetal cardiac disease or Heart block
-Maternal tachycardia (Fever, dehydration)
-Hyperthermia - Reduced variability
-Fetal sleep
-Prematurity <32/40
-Drugs (Opiates, beta blockers, MgSO4) - Sinusoidal pattern
-Fetal anaemia
-Pseudosinusoidal from rhythmic fetal movement
What are the recommendations regarding home fetal monitoring (3 points)
- Strongly recommended against women using hand held dopplers to monitor their baby.
- May lead to false reassurance
- Women with concern for their babies should seek medical evaluation