Fetal development Flashcards
When are the pre-embryonic, embryonic and fetal periods
pre-embryonic: 1-2 weeks
embryonic: 3-8/9 weeks
fetal-9 to 38 weeks ish
How are pregnancy weeks calculated
clinical period is dated from the first day of last the menustrual period
normal is 36 weeks term
40 weeks from point of conception
How does the respiritory system develop
-lungs develop late
-in embryonic period only the bronchopulmonary tree is created (so you have trachea and main bronchi)
-in the fetal period we start to make air sacs, and smaller airways, we do functional specialsation
because of late developmental stage of lungs is late,
How do lungd develop in embroynic and fetal period
-lungs occur as divericulumn of gut tube (endoderm)
-seperate gut from respirtory system
-so we form a tracheo-oesophageal septum
-they then seperate
past embryonic period
-16th week: we have bronchioles
-around 26 weeks we have respiyory bronchioles
around 30 ish -start to make alveoli, get type 1 cells (squamous epitheilium for gas exchnage)
type 2 cells make surfctant -> reduces surface tension in lungs
tracheo-oesophageal septum -> defects can have fistula between two
What happens to the lungs during the second and third trimester
-fetus is practising breathing
-start to condition respitory muscles
-this allows lungs to inhale amniotic fluid, which help development of type 1 and 2 cells etc
What is respiitory distress syndrome
what can you do to help
-occurs with premature babies
-have insuffcient surfcanat production
if you have to deliver baby, is inevitbale
-can treat mother with glucocorticoids, -> cortisol needed to make surfactant which quickens the surfactant making process
What is a birth defect
definition: present at birth, due to problems with development of sturtcure or systems
-it can be a structual problem
-can be functional and metabolic
-there are a wide range causes (single gene defects, chromosomal, polygenic, teratogenic, or unknown)
35-40% is an unknown cause
What are teratogens
give examples
an agent that can intefer with normal development agent
-Congenital infection (TORCH, rubella, Zika virus, CMV)
▪ Drugs and Environmental pollutants / insecticides (Vit A, pesticides, medications, alcohol)
▪ Maternal metabolic disease (undermanaged DM)
▪ Radiation exposure (ionising radiation is a mutagen)
it depends on where you live in the world
How would we classify the timing
Pre-embryonic (pre wk 2)
if there is a teratogen there is a all or nothing effect is either
Lethal or no has effect
▪ Early effects (2-4 wks) Scattered pattern
▪ Later effects (4-8 wks) Localised defect
▪ Fetal period (>9 wks)
Organ growth and functional maturation affected
Cns can be affected trhoighout whole pregnancy
ate changes in previously normal structures (mechanical effect)
secondary disturbance due to early influence of external factors
amniotic bands
primary defect leads to a cascade of further anomalies
Potter sequence
primary disturbance of embryogenesis
how do we screen
blood tests, ultrasound scanning
they are non invasive -> not defintive its a chance
Diagnositic test
what is it examples
they are invasive
tests :Amniocentesis / chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
risk: loss of pregenacy benefit: definitve result