Fertility Flashcards
When investigate infertility
been trying to conceive without success for 12 months. This can be reduced to 6 months if the woman is older than 35
Causes of infertility
Sperm problems (30%)
Ovulation problems (25%)
Tubal problems (15%)
Uterine problems (10%)
Unexplained (20%)
General lifestyle advice for couples trying for a baby
The woman should be taking 400mcg folic acid daily
Aim for a healthy BMI
Avoid smoking and drinking excessive alcohol
Reduce stress as this may negatively affect libido and the relationship
Aim for intercourse every 2 – 3 days
Avoid timing intercourse
Ix for infertility
Body mass index (BMI) (low could indicate anovulation, high could indicate PCOS)
Chlamydia screening
Semen analysis
Female hormonal testing (see below)
Rubella immunity in the mother
Female hormone testing
What does female hormone testing involve?
Serum LH and FSH on day 2 to 5 of the cycle
Serum progesterone on day 21 of the cycle (or 7 days before the end of the cycle if not a 28-day cycle).
Anti-Mullerian hormone
Thyroid function tests when symptoms are suggestive
Prolactin (hyperprolactinaemia is a cause of anovulation) when symptoms of galactorrhea or amenorrhoea
High FSH
Positive that ovulation has occurred
Rise in progesterone on day 21 -corpus luteum secreting
High anti-mullerian hormone
Food ovarian reserve
Beyond hormonal testing, further Ix for infertility
Ultrasound pelvis to look for polycystic ovaries or any structural abnormalities in the uterus
Hysterosalpingogram to look at the patency of the fallopian tubes
Laparoscopy and dye test to look at the patency of the fallopian tubes, adhesions and endometriosis
Hysterosalpingogram what involved and uses
Assess shape of uterus and latency of fallopian tubes
Therapeutic benefit
Can also perform tubal cannulation during procedure (must have Sri screening first)
Mx of anovulation
Weight loss for overweight patients with PCOS can restore ovulation
Clomifene may be used to stimulate ovulation
Letrozole may be used instead of clomifene to stimulate ovulation (aromatase inhibitor with anti-oestrogen effects)
Gonadotropins may be used to stimulate ovulation in women resistant to clomifene
Ovarian drilling may be used in polycystic ovarian syndrome
Metformin may be used when there is insulin insensitivity and obesity (usually associated with PCOS)
Mx of tubal issues
Tubal cannulation during a hysterosalpingogram
Laparoscopy to remove adhesions or endometriosis
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Mx of uterine issues
Surgery may be used to correct polyps, adhesions or structural abnormalities
Mx of sperm production
Surgical sperm retrieval - when block along vas deference preventing sperm to reach ejaculated semen. Collected from epididymis
Surgical correction of obstruction- in vas deferent
Intra uterine insemination - involves collecting and separating out high-quality sperm, then injecting them directly into the uterus
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection -involves injecting sperm directly into the cytoplasm of an egg. These fertilised eggs become embryos, and are injected into the uterus of the woman
Donor insemination
How provide a semen sample
Abstain from ejaculation for at least 3 days and at most 7 days
Avoid hot baths, sauna and tight underwear during the lead up to providing a sample
Attempt to catch the full sample
Deliver the sample to the lab within 1 hour of ejaculation
Keep the sample warm (e.g. in underwear) before delivery
Fx affected semen analysis and sperm quality/quantitiy
Hot baths
Tight underwear
Raised BMI
When repeat samples of semen
repeat sample is indicated after 3 months in borderline results or earlier (2 – 4 weeks) with very abnormal results.
Normal semen results
Semen volume (more than 1.5ml)
Semen pH (greater than 7.2)
Concentration of sperm (more than 15 million per ml)
Total number of sperm (more than 39 million per sample)
Motility of sperm (more than 40% of sperm are mobile)
Vitality of sperm (more than 58% of sperm are active)
Percentage of normal sperm (more than 4%)
Define polyspermia
high number of sperm in the semen sample (more than 250 million per ml)
Define normospermia
normal characteristics of the sperm in the semen sample
Define oligospermia
reduced number of sperm in the semen sample. It is classified as:
Mild oligospermia (10 to 15 million / ml)
Moderate oligospermia (5 to 10 million / ml)
Severe oligospermia (less than 5 million / ml)
Define cryptozoospermia
to very few sperm in the semen sample (less than 1 million / ml).
Azoospermia define
absence of sperm in the semen.